Installing a Universal Agent User Mode Install via the Command Line Interface

Installing a Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install via the Command Line Interface

This page describes how to install Universal Agent using the user mode install command line interface.

A command line installation is useful in situations where:

  • Automation is used to deploy Universal Agent installations across many different systems.
  • It is not practical or convenient to perform the graphical interface installation

Installing the Agent

To install Universal Agent for Windows using the user mode command line interface, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Download the Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install product distribution file, sb-7.2.0.<level>-windows-x64-um.exe, to your work station, where  <level> is the numeric package level.

Step 2

Execute the distribution file from the command line, and include all appropriate command line parameters.

Command Line Syntax

The following illustrates the command line syntax used to install the Agent:

sb-7.2.0.<level>-windows-x64-um.exe command line parameters

In this syntax:

  • <level> is the numeric package level.

The command line parameters control the behavior of the install process.  Where noted, some command line parameters have environment variable and configuration file equivalents that are available as alternate sources of user mode install input. The user mode install evaluates each source and combines the values to form a single set of input data. Environment variables override configuration file values, and command line parameter values override environment variables.

Command Line Parameters

The following table describes the parameters that are available for a command line installation.

The parameters can be specified in any order.  The order of precedence for the different sources are:

  1. Command line parameters (overrides all)
  2. Command file parameters
  3. Environment variables
  4. Configuration file values






Configuration File


Sets the AGENT_CLUSTERS UAG configuration option to specify the Universal Controller-defined agent clusters to which this agent will belong.

-ac_agent_clusters valUMIAGENTCLUSTERS=valac_agent_clusters val

Opswise - Default Linux/Unix Cluster, Opswise - Default Windows Cluster

AC_AGENT_IP=IP address

Sets the AGENT_IP UAG configuration option to have UAG Server register with Universal Controller using a specific IP address.

-ac_agent_ip ipaddrUMIAGENTIP=ipaddrac_agent_ip ipaddr(none)


This option is deprecated starting with Universal Agent UAG Server will always attempt to use SSL/TLS for OMS connections.n/an/an/a


AC_EXTENSION_ACCEPT_LISTSets the EXTENSION_ACCEPT_LIST UAG configuration option, which is a comma-separated list of Universal Extensions the Agent will accept. The default value for this option is "*", which will cause the Agent to accept all extensions. Specify a value of "none" to cause the Agent to disallow execution of all Extensions.-ac_extension_accept_list listUMIEXTACCEPTLIST=listac_extension_accept_list *

Sets the EXTENSION_CANCEL_TIMEOUT UAG configuration option, which specifies the length of time that a Universal Extension task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request.

If the task fails to finish its own termination processing within the specified timeout period, UAG Server will forcefully terminate the task.

The specified timeout must be numeric, but a one-letter suffix is accepted to specify (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays. If no time unit is specified, the default is seconds.

The following maximums are enforced:

  • 2147483647 or 2147483647s

  • 35791394m

  • 596523h

  • 24855d

Minute, hour, and day maximums are set to ensure that their value represented as a number of seconds does not exceed 2147483647.

-ac_extension_cancel_timeout val[s|m|h|d]UMIEXTCANCELTIMEOUT=val[s|m|h|d]ac_extension_cancel_timeout val[s|m|h|d]10
AC_EXTENSION_DEPLOY_ON_REGISTRATIONSets the EXTENSION_DEPLOY_ON_REGISTRATION UAG configuration option that controls whether UAG Server will automatically receive Universal Extensions from Universal Controller at Agent startup.-ac_extension_deploy_on_registration optUMIEXTDEPLOYONREG=optac_extension_deploy_on_registration optNO
AC_EXTENSION_PYTHON_LISTSets the EXTENSION_PYTHON_LIST UAG configuration option, which is a comma-separated list of all Python interpreters that should be considered for Universal Extension execution. There are some default locations the Agent will check even if this option is not specified. See the EXTENSION_PYTHON_LIST option's description for more information.-ac_exension_python_list listUMIEXTPYTHONLIST=listac_extension_python_list list(none)


Specifies a value for a network ID that uniquely identifies the Agent on this system to the Universal Controller. The install uses this value to set the UAG NETNAME configuration option.

-ac_netname nameUMIUAGSRVNETNAME nameac_netname name


AC_MESSAGE_LEVEL=valueSpecifies a message level for UAG. The install uses this value to set the MESSAGE_LEVEL UAG configuration option.-ac_message_level levelAC_MESSAGE_LEVEL=levelac_message_level levelINFO
AC_LOGLVL=valueSpecifies a log level for UAG. The install uses this value to set the LOGLVL UAG configuration option.-ac_loglvl levelAC_LOGLVL=levelac_loglvl levelI

Specifies the name with which the Universal Broker for this user mode install is shown in the Windows Services Manager. 

This value is also used to register the message source for messages the Universal Broker sends to the Windows Application event log.

Note that this is only the "friendly" name of the service, intended to uniquely identify the Broker service.  The value specified for the BROKERSERVICENAME is the internal name the Windows Service Control Manager uses to control the service. 

-broker_dispname nameUMIBROKERDISPNAME=namebroker_dispname nameUniversal Broker
(User Mode)

Specifies the port number or service name upon which the Universal Broker accepts connections from Universal Agent components.

The value specified for this parameter must be unique for all services on the system, including other Universal Brokers.

-broker_port portUMIBROKERPORT=portbroker_port port7887


Used by the install when RUNBROKERASUSER is yes to specify the password for the account used to execute the Universal Broker service.
Valid values are any 256 characters or less.

-w password

-broker_pwd password

UMIBROKERPWD=passwordbroker_password password



Specifies the name with which the Universal Broker is assigned and recognized by the Windows Services Control Manager.  This is the "true" name of the service and is the value used for service control via the command line or Windows APIs.

The value specified for this parameter must be unique among all the services – including other Universal Brokers – installed on the system.

-broker_svcname nameUMIBROKERSVCNAME=namebroker_svcname nameUBrokerUMService


Used by the install when RUNBROKERASUSER is yes to set the user account used to execute the Universal Broker service. 
Valid values are any 20 characters or less. For domain accounts, a domain name of up to 256 characters is accepted, but the user ID is still limited to 20 characters.


The user account specified by this parameter MUST exist before the Broker can execute.  The User Mode install will not create the account.  Refer to the /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/1312885 section for more information.

-u userid

-broker_userid userid

UMIBROKERUID=useridubroker_userid userid



Specifies a text file that contains command line parameters.  This file may be used to simplify automated deployments and/or to shorten the length of the command line used to do the user mode installation.

Note that this is not the same as a user mode installation CONFIGURATION_FILE.  The format of each option specified within this file must follow command line syntax, and each option must reside on a separate line within the file.  

The path specified for the file may be an absolute path or one relative to the current working directory. 

-f path

-file path




Specifies a file in standard Universal Agent configuration file format that contains keywords and values that may be used to set installation parameters.

Note that this file is not the same as a user mode installation COMMAND_FILE.  The format of each option specified within this file must follow configuration file syntax, which each option place on a separate line within the file.

The path specified for the file may be an absolute path or one relative to the current working directory. 

-conf_file pathUMICONFIGFILE=pathN/A



Displays command line help and exits without installing.

This parameter has no value associated with it.






Sets the root user mode installation directory to dir. Each component will be installed under this directory.
If the directory contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.

-installdir dirUMIINSTALLDIR=dirinstallation_directory dir



Specifies the behavior of the Universal Message Service (OMS) Server component at Universal Broker startup.

  • If yes is specified, the AUTOMATICALLY_START OMS component definition option is set to yes, which instructs Universal Broker to start the OMS Server automatically when it is started.
  • If no (the default) is specified, or if this option is not included on the command line, the AUTOMATICALLY_START and RESTART OMS component definition options are set to no, and Universal Broker will not start the OMS Server automatically when it is started.  However, the OMS Server may still be started manually any time after the Broker is started via the Universal Agent's Universal Control utility.
-oms_autostart optUMIOMSAUTOSTART=optoms_autostart opt



Specifies the port number or service name upon which the Universal Message Service (OMS) Server accepts connections from the Universal Automation Center (UAG) Server component and the optional Universal Automation Center command line interface (UAGCMD).

The value specified for this parameter must be unique for all services on the system, including other OMS Servers.

-oms_port portUMIOMSPORT=portoms_port port7878


A list of one or more locations where an OMS Server resides. 

When this value is specified, it sets the oms_servers value inside the Universal Automation Center (UAG) Server configuration file.  The UAG Server uses this value to determine which OMS Server it will connect to.

The format of this value is port@ipaddr[;port1@ipaddr1[;...;portn@ipaddrn]], where port is the OMS Server's configured oms_port value and ipaddr is the IP address or host name of the OMS Server system. 

UAG Server will stop processing the list after it successfully connects to one of the OMS Servers listed.

-oms_servers valueUMIOMSSERVERS=valueoms_servers value



Controls whether the Universal Broker service executes as an Administrative user account or as Local System.

  • If yes, the install will perform the following steps:
    1. The install will set the service's start-up account to UBrokerService (the default) or the user ID specified by the BROKERUID command line option.
    2. If the Universal Broker service is installed and already is configured to run as a user account, the Broker's start-up account will not be changed (allows customized user accounts to be preserved during upgrades).
  • If no, the install will perform the following steps:
    1. The install will set the service's start-up account to Local System.

    2. If the Universal Broker service is installed and is currently configured to run as Local System, the Universal Broker service's properties will not be changed.
-run_broker_as_user optUMIRUNBROKERASUSER=optrun_broker_as_user opt



When specified, no product installation dialogs are shown.  If no other install parameters are specified, default values for all options are used.

This option has no value.  Only the parameter itself is necessary.




Specifies the behavior of the Universal Automation Center (UAG) Server component at Universal Broker startup.

  • If yes is specified, the AUTOMATICALLY_START UAG component definition option is set to yes, which instructs Universal Broker to start the UAG Server automatically when it is started.
  • If no (the default) is specified, or if this option is not included on the command line, the AUTOMATICALLY_START and RESTART UAG component definition options are set to no, and Universal Broker will not start the UAG Server automatically when it is started.  However, the UAG Server may still be started manually any time after the Broker is started via the Universal Agent's Universal Control utility.
-uag_autostart optUMIUAGSRVAUTOSTART=yesuag_autostart opt



Sets the Universal Agent working folder for this user mode installation. 

For user mode installs, this folder is shared by the following agent components:

  • Universal Command Server
  • Universal Control Server
  • Universal Data Mover Server
  • Universal Event Monitor Server

If the folder contains spaces, you must use double ( " ) quotation marks around the path name.

-working_folder dirUMIWORKINGFOLDER=dirworking_folder dir


USE_TLS1_3={yes|no}If specified (using yes), all components will be set up to use TLS 1.3 by setting the max_ssl_protocol option to tls1_3 (and encrypt to yes for UCMD and UDM).-use_tls1_3 optUMIUSETLS13=optuse_tls1_3 optno

Command Line Installation Examples

The following examples illustrate different ways that Universal Agent for Windows can be installed from the command line.

Graphical User Interface Install

To launch the graphical user interface for a Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install via the command line, execute the following command:


Silent Install

To suppress the GUI and execute a silent Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install, execute the following command:

sb- -silent

This will execute the install using default values for all options.

Silent Install with Universal Broker Service Options

The configure the Universal Broker and override the default installation directory from a silent Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install, execute the following command:

sb- -silent -broker_dispname "Universal Broker (6800)" -broker_svcname UBroker6800 -broker_port 6800 -installdir "c:\ua\6800" 

Actual values used for each of the options shown above will depend on your specific requirements, but this command will:

  • Install the Universal Agent to c:\ua\6800
  • Configure the Universal Broker service with a display name of Universal Broker (6800)
  • Configure the Universal Broker service to register messages sent to the Windows Application event log with a message source of Universal Broker (6800)
  • Configure the Universal Broker service with an internal name of UBroker6800
  • Configure the Universal Broker service to accept connections from Universal Agent components on port 6800

This information will also be used to populate the c:\ua\6800\ubrsvc.bat script, which may be used to start, stop, restart, or remove the Universal Broker service.

Silent Install, with Universal Automation Center (UAG) Server Options

To configure the UAG Server and override the default installation directory from a silent Universal Agent for Windows User Mode Install, execute the following command:

sb- -silent -uag_autostart yes -ac_netname UAGENT-6800 -oms_servers -installdir "c:\ua\6800"

Actual values used for the some of the options above will depend on your specific requirements, but this command will:

  • Install the Universal Agent to c:\ua\6800
  • Configure the UAG Server component to start automatically at Universal Broker startup
  • Connect to an OMS Server that resides on, which is accepting connections over port 7878
  • Cause the UAG Server to register with a Universal Controller using the name UAGENT-6800