Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1. These pages provide information for that version. |
This page provides information on the Universal Data Mover (UDM) Manager, specific to the IBM i operating system. It describes the commands, modes of operation, configuration and configuration options, and command line syntax of UDM Manager for IBM i.
UDM Manager transfers files between any computers running UDM Server. Using a UDM command script, you indicate to the UDM Manager the actions to take. The UDM Manager connects to the UDM Server (or Servers) and processes your request.
UDM Manager is executed from the command line (interactive mode), a script file, or in batch mode. In interactive mode, commands come from standard input; in batch mode, they come from a script file.
The names of the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i commands that are installed in the IBM i QSYS library are tagged with the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i version / release / modification number, 511.
The names of the commands installed in the Workload Automation 5 for IBM i product library, UNVPRD511, are untagged.
To maintain consistency across releases, you may prefer to use the untagged names in your production environment. The Change Release Tag program, UCHGRLS, lets you change the tagged command names in QSYS to the untagged command names in UNVPRD511.
These pages reference the IBM i commands by their untagged names. If you are using commands with tagged names to run UDM, substitute the tagged names for the untagged names in these references.
Under IBM i, UDM can be run either:
Additionally under IBM i, UDM can use either the LIB or HFS file system.
To run UDM in interactive mode, enter the following at the command prompt:
This starts the UDM Manager. You will be greeted with a start-up message and the UDM prompt:
UDM now is ready to process commands. At the udm> prompt, you can enter any UDM command.
To exit UDM, enter the following command at the udm> prompt:
To invoke a UDM script, enter the following on the command line:
This starts the UDM Manager using the script located by library, file, and member.
When the script file has finished executing, UDM exits automatically.
UDM requires the member name (there is no default). This makes script specification under IBM i behave as it does on other platforms. On other systems, there is no default search order as exists under IBM i. However, you can explicitly provide *FILE as a member name to use the IBM i default file search order.
(When running in batch mode, use a script as shown in #Running UDM from a Script.)
To execute a batch file such as the one below, use SBMDBJOB FILE(LIBNAME/FILENAME) MBR(MBRNAME)
Output is sent to the output queue associated with the batch job. Two spooled files will be sent to the output queue; one file associated with standard out and one file associated with standard error.
Configuration consists of:
Configuration options are read from the following sources:
The order of precedence is the same as the list above; command line options being the highest and configuration file being the lowest. That is, options specified via the command line override options specified via a command file, and so on.
Detailed information on these methods of configuration can be found in Configuration Management.
The configuration file provides the simplest method of specifying configuration options whose values will not change with each command invocation. These default values are used if the options are not read from one or more other sources.
The installation default for the UDM configuration file is Workload Automation 5 installation library UNVPRD511, file UNVCONF, and member UDM. The configuration file name can be any valid file name. It can be edited manually using an IBM i editor such as SEU, EDTF, or any other installed source file editor, or via the IFS using a text editor. If a text editor is used to edit the file via the IFS, the padded spaced must be removed for lines that exceed the file maximum record length.
Some options only can be specified in the configuration file; they have no corresponding command line equivalent. Other options cannot be specified in the configuration file; they must be specified via one or more other sources for a single execution of UDM Manager.
The following table describes the configuration options used to execute UDM Manager for IBM i. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that configuration option.
Option Name | Description | |
Specification for whether or not product activity monitoring events are generated. | ||
File name / ddname of the PEM-formatted trusted CA X.509 certificates. | ||
File name / ddname of UDM Manager's PEM-formatted X.509 certificate. | ||
File name / ddname of the PEM-formatted CRL. | ||
Character code page used to translate text data received and transmitted over the network. | ||
Specification to use either the internal or external table for code page to CCSID mapping. | ||
User-defined string. | ||
Acceptable and preferred SSL/TLS cipher suites to use for the control session between UDM components. | ||
Specification for whether or not data is compressed on all standard I/O files. | ||
Acceptable and preferred SSL/TLS cipher suites to use for the data session on which file data is transferred between UDM primary and secondary servers. | ||
Encryption method to be used in a UDM transfer session if one is not specified by an encrypt parameter in the UDM open command. | ||
Events to be generated as persistent events. | ||
Number of UDM transfer blocks transferred before a frame-sync message is sent when UDM is operating with network fault tolerance turned on. | ||
Number of seconds of inactivity in an interactive UDM session after which the manager will close the session. | ||
Default interval at which a keep alive message is sent from the manager to the transfer server(s). | ||
Specification for whether or not to merge standard out and standard error output streams from a remote command to the UDM transaction log. | ||
Universal Message Catalog (UMC) file used to write messages. | ||
Level of messages to write. | ||
Minimum SSL/TLS protocol level that will be negotiated and used for communications channels.
| ||
Default transfer mode type for UDM sessions. | ||
Expected network latency. | ||
Specification for whether or not UDM transfer sessions are network fault tolerant by default. | ||
Level of fault tolerance for the open command. | ||
Maximum number of attempts that will be made to establish a session by the open command. | ||
Number of seconds that UDM will wait between each open retry attempt. | ||
Host or IP address that UDM binds to when initiating outgoing connections to another UDM server. | ||
Program Lock File directory that specifies the location of the UDM Manager program lock file. | ||
ddname of Manager's PEM formatted RSA private key. | ||
Password for the Manager's PRIVATE_KEY. | ||
Specification for whether or not UDM will use proxy certificates in three-party transfer sessions if a certificate is supplied to the UDM Manager. | ||
Number of attempts the manager will make to re-establish a transfer session when a network fault occurs. | ||
Number of seconds that UDM will wait between each successive attempt to re-establish a transfer session when a network fault occurs. | ||
Size (in bytes) of the application's incoming buffer for UDM. | ||
TCP port number on the remote computer used for invoking UDM Server instances. | ||
Script file containing UDM commands to execute. | ||
Options to pass to the script command file. | ||
Size (in bytes) of the application's outgoing buffer for UDM. | ||
Default file creation size for physical files of both data and source file types. | ||
Specification for whether or not to use TCP packet coalescing. | ||
TCP/IP buffer size of a UDM Server on the receiving end of a two-party transfer. | ||
Maximum number of lines to write to the trace file. | ||
Size of a wrap-around trace table maintained in memory. | ||
File mode creation mask. | ||
Writes the program version information and copyright. |
The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of UDM Manager for IBM i.
STRUDM [SCRFILE([library/]filename) [SCRMBR(member) ] [PLFDIR (directory)] [OPTIONS(options)] [CODEPAGE(codepage)] [CTLCPHRLST(cipherlist)] [DTACPHRLST(cipherlist)] [ENCRYPT {*yes|*no|cipher} ] [COMPRESS(*{yes|no})] [CMPRSMTH(*{zlib|hasp})] [DELAY(seconds)] [IDLTIMOUT(seconds)] [KEEPALIVE(seconds)] [MODETYPE (*{bin|binary|text}] [MSGLANG(language)] [[MSGLEVEL(*{trace|audit|info|warn|error}) [,*{yes|no}] ] [MINSSLPROTOCOL(option)] |