
These instructions assume the user has a working knowledge of SAP.

The SAP task allows you to send commands to an SAP system and gather status information and output back from SAP. The SAP task uses Stonebranch's proprietary Universal Connector for SAP (USAP) to communicate with SAP. Universal Connector for SAP allows Universal Controller to connect to an SAP system and manage SAP background processing tasks.

Before You Begin

To run an SAP task, you must first complete the following:

Built-In Variables

The following built-in variables can be used in an SAP task to pass data where appropriate:

Creating an SAP Task

Step 1

From the Automation Center navigation pane, select Tasks > SAP Tasks. The SAP Tasks list displays a list of all currently defined SAP tasks.
To the right of the list, SAP Task Details for a new SAP task displays.


Step 2

Enter/select Details for a new SAP task, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

  • Required fields display an asterisk ( * ) after the field name.
  • Default values for fields, if available, display automatically.

To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can either:

  • Use the scroll bar.
  • Temporarily hide the list above the Details.
  • Click the  button above the list to display a pop-up version of the Details.

Step 3

Click the  button. The task is added to the database, and all buttons and tabs in the Task Details are enabled.

To open an existing record on the list, either:

  • Click a record in the list to display its record Details below the list. (To clear record Details below the list, click the New button that displays above and below the Details.)
  • Clicking the Details icon next to a record name in the list, or right-click a record in the list and then click Open in the Action menu that displays, to display a pop-up version of the record Details.
  • Right-click a record in the a list, or open a record and right-click in the record Details, and then click Open In Tab in the Action menu that displays, to display the record Details under a new tab on the record list page (see Record Details as Tabs).

SAP Task Details

The following SAP Task Details is for an existing SAP task.

Depending on the values that you enter / select for these fields, whether or not the SAP task has ever been launched, and whether you have Enhanced View or Legacy View selected, more (or less) fields may display. See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that may display in the SAP Task Details.

SAP Task Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the SAP Task Details.

Field Name



This section contains general information about the task.




Member of Business Services

Resolve Name Immediately

Time Zone Preference

Hold on Start

Hold Reason

Virtual Resource Priority

Hold Resources on Failure

Mutually Exclusive With Self


Agent Details

This section contains assorted detailed information about the Agent / Agent Cluster selected for this task.


Utility Agent

Utility Agent Variable

Utility Agent Cluster

Utility Agent Cluster Variable

Utility Credentials

Utility Credentials Variable

SAP Details (Enhanced View)

This section contains assorted detailed information about an SAP Task in Enhanced View.

  • Legacy View
  • Enhanced View

Specifies whether to display the SAP task in Legacy View or Enhanced View.

Enhanced View runs as Command Group Submit with both Start and Wait options enabled automatically.

The Enhanced SAP Task support both XBP 2.0 and XBP 3.0 options. Depending on the interface activated within the SAP system, certain options might not take effect.
See Standard Universal Connector for SAP Job Definition File Syntax to understand whether a field is a XBP 2.0 or XBP 3.0 exclusive option.

SAP Job NameUser defined name of the SAP Job.
SAP Job Class

Job class for the SAP Job. Options are:

  • High Priority
  • Middle Priority
  • Low Priority
SAP Target Server

SAP server on which the job should run. 

Populate the drop-down list with options retrieved from the SAP system by clicking the refresh picker icon next to its drop-down list to display a Refresh SAP Target Server Options... dialog. 

The fields on the Refresh SAP Target Server Options... dialog are fields from the SAP Task Details, and the values for those fields in the dialog are, by default, the same as the values for the fields in the Details. You can keep the current values or change them from their drop-down lists.

Email Notification...

The Email Notification... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up email notifications.

Send Email

Specifies the circumstances in which to send the email notification. Options are:

  • Status Cancelled
  • Status Completed and Cancelled 
  • Never
Email Language

Specifies the language of the email.

Populate the drop-down list with options retrieved from the SAP system by clicking the refresh picker icon next to its drop-down list to display a Refresh Email Language Options... dialog. 

The fields on the Refresh Email Language Options... dialog are fields from the SAP Task Details, and the values for those fields in the dialog are, by default, the same as the values for the fields in the Details. You can keep the current values or change them from their drop-down lists.

Email Recipient

Specifies one or more email addresses.

The addresses must be separated by a semicolon.

Spool List Recipient...

The Spool List Recipient... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up a spool list recipient.


Recipient type. Options are:

  • -- None --
  • SAP Username
  • External Addresses 
  • Shared Distribution List
  • Private Distribution List
  • Fax Number
  • Internet Address
  • X.400 Address
  • Remote Mail Address

Recipient address.

Report Status by Email

For Type = External Addresses only, options are:

  • --System Default--
  • Always
  • Error
  • Never

Report Send Status

For Type = External Addresses only, options are:

  • --System Default--
  • Always
  • Error
  • Never
CopyIf selected, recipient will receive the document as a copy.
Blind CopyIf selected, recipient will receive the document as a blind copy.
ExpressIf selected, document will be sent to the recipient as an express message.
No ForwardingIf selected, recipient cannot forward the document to other users.
SAP Connection

SAP Connection Variable

SAP Credentials
SAP Credentials Variable
Start ImmediatelySpecification for whether or not to start the job immediately. 
Use Application RCSpecification for whether or not to use application RC.
Delete SAP Job on CompletionSpecification for whether or not to delete the SAP Job on completion.

SAP Command Options

Runtime Directory

Environment Variables

SAP Print ParametersThis section contains assorted information about print parameters of an SAP Task in Enhanced View.
Print Job LogSpecification for whether or not to print the job log.
Print Spooled OutputSpecification for whether or not to print the spooled output.
Print Application LogSpecification for whether or not to print the application log.
Print Application RCSpecification for whether or not to print the application RC.
SAP Wait Child ParametersThis section contains assorted information about wait child parameters of an SAP Task in Enhanced View.
Wait ChildSpecification for whether or not to monitor child jobs. 
Max Child DepthSpecifies the maximum depth of child processes that Universal Connector will monitor. 
Job Log Child

Specifies whether or not to return job logs for child jobs. Options are:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Error
Spool List ChildSpecification for whether or not to print the spool list for child jobs.
Purge ChildSpecification for whether or not to purge all child jobs from the SAP system.

SAP Details (Legacy View)

This section contains assorted detailed information about an SAP Task in legacy view.

  • Legacy View
  • Enhanced View

Specifies whether to display the SAP task in Legacy View or Enhanced View.

Enhanced View runs as Command Group Submit with both Start and Wait options enabled automatically.

The Enhanced SAP Task support both XBP 2.0 and XBP 3.0 options. Depending on the interface activated within the SAP system, certain options might not take effect.
See Standard Universal Connector for SAP Job Definition File Syntax to understand whether a field is a XBP 2.0 or XBP 3.0 exclusive option.

SAP Connection

SAP Connection Variable

SAP Language

SAP Credentials

SAP Credentials Variable

SAP Job Name


SAP Process Chain Log ID

SAP InfoPackage Request ID

Command Group

See Universal Connector Commands, below, for a description of all supported commands and their contingent fields (options).

SAP Command Options

Runtime Directory

Environment Variables

Result Processing DetailsThis section contains assorted detailed information about result processing for this task.

Exit Code Processing

Output Type

Scan Output For

Output File (for Exit Code Processing)

Exit Codes

Automatic Output Retrieval

Wait For Output

Failure Only

Start Line

Number of Lines

Scan Text

Output File (for Automatic Output Retrieval)

Retry Options

This section contains specifications for retrying the task.

Maximum Retries

Retry Indefinitely

Retry Interval (Seconds)

Suppress Intermediate Failures

Wait / Delay Options

This section contains specifications for waiting to start and/or delaying on start the task.

Wait To Start

Wait Time

Wait Day Constraint

Wait Duration

Wait Duration In Seconds

Delay On Start

Delay Duration

Delay Duration In Seconds

Workflow Only

Time Options

This section contains time-related specifications for the task.

Late Start

Late Start Type

Late Start Time

Late Start Day Constraint

Late Start Nth Amount

Late Start Duration

Late Finish

Late Finish Type

Late Finish Offset Type

Late Finish Percentage Offset ( + )

Late Finish Duration Offset ( + )

Late Finish Duration Offset Unit

Late Finish Time

Late Finish Day Constraint

Late Finish Nth Amount

Late Finish Duration

Early Finish

Early Finish Type

Early Finish Offset Type

Early Finish Percentage Offset ( - )

Early Finish Duration Offset ( - )

Early Finish Duration Offset Unit

Early Finish Time

Early Finish Day Constraint

Early Finish Nth Amount

Early Finish Duration

User Estimated Duration

Critical Path Options

This section contains Critical Path-related specifications for the task.

CP Duration

CP Duration (Resolved)

CP Duration Unit

Workflow Execution Options

This section contains Execution Restriction specifications for the task if it is within a Workflow.

Execution Restriction

Restriction Period

Before Date

Before Time

After Date

After Time

Date List

Self-Service OptionsThis section contains Self-Service specifications for the task.
Enforce Variables 
Lock Variables 


This section contains time-related statistics for task instances of the task.

First Execution

Last Execution

Last Instance Duration

Lowest Instance Time

Average Instance Time

Highest Instance Time

Number of Instances


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Task Details that let you perform various actions.


Saves a new task record in the Controller database.

Save & New

Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record.

Save & View

Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record.


Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new task.



View Parents


Creates a copy of this task, which you are prompted to rename.


You cannot delete a task if it is either:

  • Specified in an enabled Trigger.
  • The only task specified in a disabled Trigger.


Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this task.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Task Details that provide access to additional information about the task instance.

Job StepsFor Enhanced View only; Lists all Job Steps defined for this task.



Virtual Resources

Mutually Exclusive


Lists all instances of the task.




Viewing an SAP Task Instance

When an SAP task is launched, the Controller creates a task instance record of that task.

A task instance contains detailed information about a single execution of that task.

You can access a task instance from:

SAP Task Instance Details

The following SAP Task Instance Details contains information on the execution of the task shown in the SAP Task Details.

SAP Task Instance Details Field Descriptions

The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in SAP Task Instance Details.

Field Name



This section contains general information about the task instance.

Instance Name

Name of this task instance.

Instance Number


Member of Business Services


Source Version

Launch Source

Source Instance

Invoked by

Execution User


Time Zone Preference

Virtual Resource Priority

Hold Resources on Failure

Mutually Exclusive With Self



This section contains information about the current status of the task instance.


Exit Code

Status Description

Operational Memo

Evaluation Time


Critical Endpoint 

Wait Until Time

Queued Time

Trigger Time

Launch Time

Start Time

End Time


Process ID

Agent Details

This section contains assorted detailed information about the Agent / Agent Cluster selected for this task.


Utility Agent

Utility Agent Variable

Utility Agent Cluster

Utility Agent Cluster Variable

Utility Credentials

Utility Credentials Variable

SAP Details (Enhanced View)

This section contains assorted detailed information about an SAP Task in Enhanced View.

  • Legacy View
  • Enhanced View

Specifies whether to display the SAP task in Legacy View or Enhanced View.

Enhanced View runs as Command Group Submit with both Start and Wait options enabled automatically. 

The Enhanced SAP Task support both XBP 2.0 and XBP 3.0 options. Depending on the interface activated within the SAP system, certain options might not take effect.
See Standard Universal Connector for SAP Job Definition File Syntax to understand whether a field is a XBP 2.0 or XBP 3.0 exclusive option.

SAP Job NameUser defined name of the SAP Job.
SAP Job Class

Job class for the SAP Job. Options are:

  • High Priority
  • Middle Priority
  • Low Priority
SAP Target Server

SAP server on which the job should run.

Populate the drop-down list with options retrieved from the SAP system by clicking the refresh picker icon next to its drop-down list to display a Refresh SAP Target Server Options... dialog. 

The fields on the Refresh SAP Target Server Options... dialog are fields from the SAP Task Details, and the values for those fields in the dialog are, by default, the same as the values for the fields in the Details. You can keep the current values or change them from their drop-down lists.

Email Notification...

The Email Notification... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up email notifications.

Send Email

Specifies the circumstances in which to send the email notification. Options are:

  • Status Cancelled
  • Status Completed and Cancelled 
  • Never
Email Language

Specifies the language of the email.

Populate the drop-down list with options retrieved from the SAP system by clicking the refresh picker icon next to its drop-down list to display a Refresh Email Language Options... dialog. 

The fields on the Refresh Email Language Options... dialog are fields from the SAP Task Details, and the values for those fields in the dialog are, by default, the same as the values for the fields in the Details. You can keep the current values or change them from their drop-down lists.

Email Recipient

Specifies one or more email addresses.

The addresses must be separated by a semicolon.

Spool List Recipient...

The Spool List Recipient... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up a spool list recipient.


Recipient type. Options are:

  • -- None --
  • SAP Username
  • External Addresses 
  • Shared Distribution List
  • Private Distribution List
  • Fax Number
  • Internet Address
  • X.400 Address
  • Remote Mail Address

Recipient address.

Report Status by Email

For Type = External Addresses only, options are:

  • --System Default--
  • Always
  • Error
  • Never

Report Send Status

For Type = External Addresses only, options are:

  • --System Default--
  • Always
  • Error
  • Never
CopyIf selected, recipient will receive the document as a copy.
Blind CopyIf selected, recipient will receive the document as a blind copy.
ExpressIf selected, document will be sent to the recipient as an express message.
No ForwardingIf selected, recipient cannot forward the document to other users.
SAP Connection

SAP Connection Variable

SAP Credentials
SAP Credentials Variable
Start ImmediatelySpecification for whether or not to start the job immediately. 
Use Application RCSpecification for whether or not to use application RC.
Delete SAP Job on CompletionSpecification for whether or not to delete the SAP Job on completion.

SAP Command Options

Runtime Directory

Environment Variables

SAP Print ParametersThis section contains assorted information about print parameters of an SAP Task in Enhanced View.
Print Job LogSpecification for whether or not to print the job log.
Print Spooled OutputSpecification for whether or not to print the spooled output.
Print Application LogSpecification for whether or not to print the application log.
Print Application RCSpecification for whether or not to print the application RC.
SAP Wait Child ParametersThis section contains assorted information about wait child parameters of an SAP Task in Enhanced View.
Wait ChildSpecification for whether or not to monitor child jobs. 
Max Child DepthSpecifies the maximum depth of child processes that Universal Connector will monitor. 
Job Log Child

Specifies whether or not to return job logs for child jobs. Options are:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Error
Spool List ChildSpecification for whether or not to print the spool list for child jobs.
Purge ChildSpecification for whether or not to purge all child jobs from the SAP system.

SAP Details (Legacy View)

This section contains assorted detailed information about the task instance in legacy view.

  • Legacy View
  • Enhanced View

Specifies whether to display the SAP task in Legacy View or Enhanced View.

Enhanced View runs as Command Group Submit with both Start and Wait options enabled automatically. 

The Enhanced SAP Task support both XBP 2.0 and XBP 3.0 options. Depending on the interface activated within the SAP system, certain options might not take effect.
See Standard Universal Connector for SAP Job Definition File Syntax to understand whether a field is a XBP 2.0 or XBP 3.0 exclusive option.

SAP Connection

SAP Connection Variable

SAP Language

SAP Credentials

SAP Credentials Variable

SAP Job Name


SAP Process Chain Log ID

SAP InfoPackage Request ID

Command Group

See Universal Connector Commands, below, for a description of all supported commands and their contingent fields (options).

SAP Command Options

Runtime Directory

Environment Variables

Result Processing DetailsThis section contains assorted detailed information about result processing for this task.

Exit Code Processing

Output Type

Scan Output For

Output File (for Exit Code Processing)

Exit Codes

Automatic Output Retrieval

Wait For Output

Failure Only

Start Line

Number of Lines

Scan Text

Output File (for Automatic Output Retrieval)

Retry Options

This section contains specifications for retrying the task.

Maximum Retries

Retry Indefinitely

Retry Interval (Seconds)

Current Retry Count

Suppress Intermediate Failures

Next Retry Time

Wait / Delay Options

This section contains specifications for waiting to start and/or delaying on start the task.

Wait To Start

Wait Time

Wait Day Constraint

Wait Duration

Wait Duration In Seconds

Delay On Start

Delay Duration

Delay Duration In Seconds

Time Options

This section contains time-related specifications for the task instance.

Late Start

Started Late

Late Start Type

Late Start Time

Late Start Day Constraint

Late Start Nth Amount

Late Start Duration

Computed Late Start Time

Late Finish

Finished Late

Late Finish Type

Late Finish Offset Type

Late Finish Percentage Offset ( + )

Late Finish Duration Offset ( + )

Late Finish Duration Offset Unit

Late Finish Time

Late Finish Day Constraint

Late Finish Nth Amount

Late Finish Duration

Computed Late Finish Time

Early Finish

Finished Early

Early Finish Type

Early Finish Offset Type

Early Finish Percentage Offset ( - )

Early Finish Duration Offset ( - )

Early Finish Duration Offset Unit

Early Finish Time

Early Finish Day Constraint

Early Finish Nth Amount

Early Finish Duration

Projected Late

Critical Path Options

This section contains Critical Path-related specifications for the task.

CP Duration

CP Duration (Resolved)

CP Duration Unit

Workflow Execution Options

This section contains Execution Restriction specifications for the task if it is within a Workflow.

Execution Restriction

Restriction Period

Before Date

Before Time

After Date

After Time

Date List


This section contains time-related statistics for the task instance.

User Estimated End Time

Lowest Estimated End Time

Average Estimated End Time

Highest Estimated End Time

Projected Start Time

Projected End Time

System-supplied; projected end time of the task instance, calculated by the Controller based on the projected end time of its predecessor (or the maximum projected end time of all its predecessors, if more than one path exists to that task instance) plus its estimated critical path duration.


This section contains Metadata information about this record.


Universally Unique Identifier of this record.

Updated By

Name of the user that last updated this record.


Date and time that this record was last updated.

Created By

Name of the user that created this record.


Date and time that this record was created.

Status History

History of all statuses that the task instance has gone through.

Operational Memo History

History of all Operational Memos for the task.


This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Task Instance Details that let you perform various actions.


Force Finish




View Parent

Retrieve Output


Displays an Action menu of SAP commands.



Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details.


For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this task instance.


This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Task Instance Details that provide access to additional information about the task instance.

Virtual Resources

Exclusive Requests



Output Redirection

An Agent processes SAP, Universal Command, and File Transfer/UDM task types differently than Windows and Linux/Unix task types. SAP, Universal Command, and File Transfer/UDM command lines are sent to the user process via standard input, so any redirection operators entered as task command input are not processed as expected.

If you want to direct output from an SAP task to your file system, the -uagstdio command option lets you specify the same output redirection commands that are available for Windows and Linux/Unix task types. UAG will apply the user-specified value for -uagstdio directly to the command image.

The I/O redirection commands that you can use with -uagstdio are dependent on the OS/command shell. You should be able to set up any redirection that the OS/command shell supports (just as with Windows and Unix/Linux task types).

The syntax of -uagstdio is similar to Universal Data Mover, Universal Command, and Universal Connector command line options; option followed by value.

For the SAP task type, you can specify uagstdio in the following field:

-uagstdio Examples

-uagstdio >C:\SAPOUT\sap.out

If the -uagstdio value contains spaces, it must be enclose in double quotation marks ( " ):

-uagstdio ">C:\SAPOUT\sap.out 2>C:\SAPOUT\sap.err"

If the quoted value itself requires double quotation marks, they must be doubled ( "" ):

-uagstdio ">C:\tmp\""sap output""\sap.out 2>C:\tmp\""sap output""\sap.err"

Universal Connector Commands

The following table identifies supported Universal Connector commands, describes the actions that each command performs, and lists each command's related options, which display in the SAP Task Details when that command is selected.

Command Name



Performs the following actions:

  1. Defines a new SAP, job based on either a USAP Definition file or an SAP Model Job.
  2. Starts the defined job.
  3. Waits for the job to complete.
  4. Prints the job's joblog to standard error and the spoollists to standard output.
  5. Purges the job from the SAP system.
  • Definition or Model
  • Script or File System
  • Script
  • Definition File
  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID
  • Target Job Name
  • Start Immediately
  • SAP Target Server
  • Print Application Log
  • Print Application RC
  • Use Application RC

Performs the following actions:

  1. Starts a process chain.
  2. Waits for the process chain to complete.
  3. Returns the process chain log.
  4. Returns process logs.
  5. Returns process spool lists.
  • Chain ID
    ID of the process chain to run.

Performs the following actions:

  1. Starts an InfoPackage.
  2. Wait for the InfoPackage request to complete.
  3. Returns status messages for the completed Infopackage request.
  • InfoPackage
    Name of the InfoPackage to run.
  • InfoPackage Job Name

Defines a new SAP job.

  • Definition or Model
  • Script or File System
  • Script
  • Definition File
  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID
  • Target Job Name
  • Start
  • Start Immediately
  • SAP Target Server
  • Wait
  • Print Job Log
  • Print Spooled Output
  • Print Application Log
  • Print Application RC
  • Use Application RC
  • SAP ABAP Program Name
  • SAP Variant Name
  • Target Variant Name

Modifies an SAP job that already exists in an SAP system. A USAP job definition file is used to specify the modifications.

  • Script Library or File System
  • Script
  • Definition File
  • SAP Job ID

Starts a currently defined SAP job.

  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID
  • Start Immediately
  • SAP Target Server
  • Wait
  • Print Job Log
  • Print Spooled Output
  • Print Application Log
  • Print Application RC
  • Use Application RC

Starts the specified process chain on the SAP system.

  • Chain ID
    ID of process chain to start.
  • Restart
  • Log ID
  • Wait
  • Print Job Log
  • Print Spooled Output
  • Print Application Log
  • Print Application RC
  • Use Application RC

Starts the specified InfoPackage on the SAP system.

  • InfoPackage
    Name of the InfoPackage to start.
  • InfoPackage Job Name
  • Wait
    Specifies whether the Controller should wait for the SAP InfoPackage to complete processing.

Reconnects to a started job and monitors it through completion.

  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID
  • Print Job Log
  • Print Spooled Output
  • Print Application Log
  • Print Application RC
  • Use Application RC

Waits for a Process Chain to complete.

  • Chain ID
    ID of process chain to be monitored to completion.
  • Log ID

Waits for an InfoPackage to complete.

  • Request ID

Cancels a running SAP job.

  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID

Removes the specified process chain from the schedule.

  • Chain ID
    ID of process chain that is to be interrupted.

Deletes a defined SAP job, its joblog, and all of its spoollists. This command is not available on SAP 3.1 and SAP 4.0.

  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID

Deletes a variant from an SAP system.

  • SAP ABAP Program Name
    Name of the ABAP program for which the variant will be deleted.
  • SAP Variant Name
    Name of the variant to be deleted.

Raises the specified SAP background processing event.

  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter


Displays the data specified in the Display Command field. The data is written to standard output.

  • Display Command

Generates a USAP variant definition file based on a model SAP variant. The generated definition file is written to standard output. Requires XBP interface 2.0 or greater.

  • SAP ABAP Program Name
  • SAP Variant Name

Generates a USAP job definition file based on a model SAP job. The generated definition file is written to standard output.

  • SAP Job Name
  • SAP Job ID

Creates a new Criteria Manager profile.

  • Script or File System
  • Script
  • SAP Criteria Manager XML File
  • Event Select State
  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter
  • Confirm Returned Events

Sets the criteria for a profile.

  • Script or File System
  • Script
  • SAP Criteria Manager XML File
  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile ID
  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile Type
  • Event Select State
  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter
  • Confirm Returned Events

Activates a criteria profile of the specified type.

  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile ID
  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile Type
  • Event Select State
  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter
  • Confirm Returned Events

Deactivates a criteria profile of the specified type.

  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile Type
  • Event Select State
  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter
  • Confirm Returned Events

Deletes a criteria profile from an SAP system.

  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile ID
  • SAP Criteria Manager Profile Type
  • Event Select State
  • SAP Event
  • SAP Event Parameter
  • Confirm Returned Events

Adding Job Steps

For an SAP Task in Enhanced View, you can add one or more Job Steps for each task, and define the values for those job steps, as described below.

Adding a Step

The Controller searches Job Step definitions based on their order in the Job Steps list; the definition at the top of the list is searched first. To change the order of the definitions in the list, drag and drop them to any location.

Step 1

Open the SAP task to which you want to add the parameter.

Step 2

Click the Job Steps tab. The Job Steps list displays a list of all Job Steps for which values have been defined for this task.

Step 3

Click the  button to display Job Step Details.


Step 4

Enter/select Details for a new Job Step, using the field descriptions below as a guide.

Fields with the button are Options Fields that allow you to populate their drop-down lists with options retrieved from the SAP system.

Step 6

Click the  button.

Job Step Details Field Descriptions

Field NameDescription

Job step type. Options are

  • ABAP Program
  • External Command
  • External Program
NameName of the Job Step.
SAP User NameUser name in the SAP system.
Job Step Type = ABAP ProgramThis section contains assorted detailed information about an ABAP Program Job Step.
Variant NameVariant to use to process the report.
Execution LanguageSpecifies the language in which the system executes and prints the output.
Use Temporary VariantSpecification for whether or not to use Temporary Variant.
Temporary Variant

If Use Temporary Variant is enabled, 

Allows you to enter temporary variants needed by the program to run.

To add a temporary variant, click the + icon and enter a Technical Name, Type, Lower Limit/Single Value, Upper Limit, Option and Sign. To delete a variant, select in the list of variables and click the - icon.

Print Parameters...

The Print Parameters... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up print parameters.

Output Device

Specifies the printer or fax machine.

Number of CopiesNumber of printouts.
Page Area

Specifies if everything should be printed or select pages. Options are:

  • Everything
  • Page
Page FromIf Page Area = Page, first page in the range of pages to be printed.
Page ToIf Page Area = Page, last page in the range of pages to be printed.
Print Time

Specifies when the spool request will be sent to the output device. Options are:

  • SAP Spool Only
  • Immediately
FormatPage format, depending on the output device, different formats with different maximum page lengths and widths can be specified.
Output Contents...

The Output Contents... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up the output contents.

Spool Request Maximum 255 Character WidthSpecification for a line break in spool after 255 characters.
Text OnlySpecification to print text output only.
Suppress Colors/Shading In PrintoutSpecifies if colors/shading are included in spool list.
Spool List With Structure InformationSpecifies if structure information is inserted into the print request.
No Frame CharactersSpecifies if no frame characters are printed.
Spool Request...

The Spool Request... button opens a dialog that allows you to set up the spool request.

Spool Request NameThe name of the spool request if not printed immediately.
TitleDescription text for the spool request, appears on the default cover page and is displayed in the output controller instead of the value of the Spool Request Name.
AuthorizationAuthorization for the spool request. This can be used to check whether or not a user is allowed to carry out certain actions on the spool request.
Cover Sheets...

SAP Cover SheetSpecifies whether a cover page containing details about the print request - such as recipient, department, and format - is to be sent with the with the spool request.
OS Cover SheetSpecifies whether the standard cover page of the operating system spooler is to be sent with the spool request.
Selection Cover Sheet

Specifies whether a cover page with the input values of the selection layout is printed.

ReceiversRecipient name for the SAP cover page.
DepartmentDepartment name for the SAP cover page.
Output Options...

Delete After PrintingIf yes, spool request is deleted immediately after printing, otherwise after the value of Spool Retention.
Spool Retention

This field specifies how many days a spool request stays in the spool system before it is deleted.

New Spool Request

Specifies whether the system creates a new spool request.

Print Priority

Specifies the priority to be passed on to the spool system of the operating system. A spool request with a higher priority is inserted into the spooler queue in front of a spool request with a lower priority.

Storage ModeSpecifies the archiving mode.
Object Type

If Storage Mode = Archive Only or Print And Archive,

Object type of the SAP object.

Document Type

If Storage Mode = Archive Only or Print And Archive,

Document type of the archiving object.


If Storage Mode = Archive Only or Print And Archive,

Information abbreviation for the archiving request which can contain more information beside the name.


If Storage Mode = Archive Only or Print And Archive,

Description text of the archiving request.

Job Step Type = External Command/ External ProgramThis section contains assorted detailed information about an External Command/ External Program Job Step.
ParametersParameter string to be passed to the external program or command when the step starts.
Target ServerName of the host system on which you want to process a background job.
OSJob Step Type = External Command, Operating system of the application server.
Job Waiting For External TerminationInforms SAP to wait for termination before returning.
Log Output Specifies how to write the standard job output.
Log ErrorsSpecifies how to write the standard error job output.
Activate Trace With Trace LevelSpecifies the trace level.

Options Fields

Some Job Step Details fields allow you to populate their drop-down lists with options retrieved from the SAP system:

To select the options for a field, click the refresh picker icon next to its drop-down list to display a Refresh Options... dialog. There is a different Refresh Options... dialog for each options field.

Most of the fields on a Refresh Options... dialog are fields from the SAP Task Details, and the values for those fields in the dialog are, by default, the same as the values for the fields in the Details. You can keep the current values or change them from their drop-down lists.

When you click the Submit button on the Refresh Options... dialog for an options field, the drop-down list for that field is populated with values that are determined by the values that you submitted on the Refresh Options... dialog.

Name - ABAP Program

Name - External Command

Variant Name

Execution Language

Output Device



Deleting a Job Step

To delete a single Job Step for a task, either:

Running an SAP Task

You can run an SAP task:

Monitoring Task Execution

You can monitor all system activity from the Activity Monitor and can view activity history from the History list.