Email connections provide all of the email server information necessary for Universal Controller to send emails.
Email connections are used these ways within the Controller:
Email Connections can receive Email Notifications when:
Email Notifications on Cluster Nodes cannot be exported; therefore, they cannot be imported. You must set up new Email Notifications for Cluster Nodes whenever an export / import has been run. |
Step 1 | From the Agents & Connections navigation pane, select Connections > Email Connections. The Email Connections list displays. |
Step 2 | Enter / select Details for a new Email Connection, using the field descriptions below as a guide.
To display more of the Details fields on the screen, you can either:
Step 3 | Click a |
To open an existing record on the list, either:
The following Email Connection Details is for an existing Email Connection. See the field descriptions, below, for a description of all fields that display in the Email Connection Details.
For information on how to access additional details - such as Metadata and complete database Details - for Email Connections (or any type of record), see Records.
The following table describes the fields, buttons, and tabs that display in the Email Connection Details.
Field Name | Description | |
Details | This section contains detailed information about the Email Connection. | |
Name | ||
Version | System-supplied; version number of the current record, which is incremented by the Controller very time a user updates a record. Click the Versions tab to view previous versions. For details, see Record Versioning. | |
Description | ||
Member of Business Services | ||
| ||
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) | ||
SMTP Port | ||
Incoming Mail Server (IMAP) | ||
IMAP Port | ||
Enable SSL | Enables SSL/TLS connectivity for your server. | |
Enable STARTTLS | Enables the use of the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. (An appropriate trust store must be configured so that the client will trust the server's certificate. ) | |
Email Address |
| |
| Specifies method of authentication.
| |
| If Type is Outgoing and Authentication is Password or OAuth 2.0 or Type is Incoming and Authentication is OAuth 2.0.; user name that the Controller will use to connect to the server. | |
| If Type is Outgoing and Authentication is Password; password that the Controller will use to connect to the server. | |
OAuth Client | If Authentication is OAuth 2.0, the OAuth Client used to authorize the email connection.
| |
| If Type is Outgoing; Indicates whether or not this Email Connection is to be used for system notifications.
| |
| If Type is Incoming; Folder to use for deleted emails. | |
Metadata | This section contains Metadata information about this record. | |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier of this record. | |
Updated By | Name of the user that last updated this record. | |
Updated | Date and time that this record was last updated. | |
Created By | Name of the user that created this record. | |
Created | Date and time that this record was created. | |
Buttons | This section identifies the buttons displayed above and below the Email Connection Details that let you perform various actions. | |
Save | Saves a new Email Connection record in the Controller database. | |
Save & New | Saves a new record in the Controller database and redisplays empty Details so that you can create another new record. | |
Save & View | Saves a new record in the Controller database and continues to display that record. | |
New | Displays empty (except for default values) Details for creating a new record. | |
Update | ||
| |
Authorize | After saving the record to the database, click Authorize to authorize the connection. The Authorize button will change to Reauthorize once the Email Connection has been authorized. Reauthorize allows you to renew your consent if the access token is invalid or it has expired and cannot be refreshed.
| |
Copy | Creates a copy of this Email Connection, which you are prompted to rename. | |
Delete | ||
Refresh | Refreshes any dynamic data displayed in the Details. | |
Close | For pop-up view only; closes the pop-up view of this Email Connection. | |
Tabs | This section identifies the tabs across the top of the Email Connection Details that provide access to additional information about the Email Connection.
| |
Email Templates | ||
Tasks | ||