Virtual Resource Types

Virtual Resource Types

There are three types of virtual resources:

  • Renewable: Resources that renew; that is, when a task has finished using them, they can be returned and made available to other tasks sharing the same resources.
  • Boundary: Resources that are like "windows." Only those tasks defined to fit through that window (or Resource Limit) will run.
    For example, if you define a Boundary Resource with Resource Limit of 5, and Task A requires a window (amount) of 5, Task B requires a window (amount) of 5, and Task C requires a window (amount) of 10, both A and B will run. However, C will go into a Resource Wait state. If the Boundary Resource is updated to a Resource Limit of 10, C will run.
  • Depletable: Resources that do not renew. Once consumed by a task, they are gone.

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