Universal Agent Release Notes

Universal Agent Release Notes

Release Notes

Universal Agent release contains the following high-level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes please refer to the Universal Agent 7.2.x Maintenance list.

Data Pipeline





UFTP : Establish Connection before processing other options

Establish a connection to the (S)FTP Server before attempting the requested transfer operation. This will allow connection-specific failures to be isolated and reported.

To support this change, the following message:

UNV3707E cURL reports could not connect.

was replaced with:

UNV6955E Unable to establish an FTP server connection (curl_rc): curl_msg

where curl_rc and curl_msg are the return code and error message, respectively, that identify the problem.

In addition, UFTP now displays the entire connection conversation between it and the Server without requiring the -verbose option.


Add support for new FTPES fields available from UC task form

Universal Agent added FTPES support for UFTP; this adds Universal Agent support for the new Universal Controller FTPES file Transfer Task.

Sysplex Failover





Allow a Primary to be re-started and become a Secondary

Extends the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the primary_secondary value, which will instruct a Universal Agent configured with a SYSPLEX_ROLE of primary to start as a secondary Agent if another primary Agent is already running.


Allow a Primary to be restarted and become a Primary

Extends the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the secondary_primary[n] value, where n is an optional numeric value that sets a priority to determine which secondary Agent (among several active secondary Agents) will take over as primary.


A new Primary should remain a Primary

Extends the AUTOMATIC_FAILOVER option to support the always_primary value, which will force an Agent whose SYSPLEX_ROLE is primary to always start as a Primary Agent. Any other Agent running as a Primary Agent will become a Secondary Agent when this Agent starts.






Wait for process tree to complete after cancel before reporting to Universal Controller

Add the KILL_PROCESS_TREE option to control how UAG Server responds to a Cancel task command from Universal Controller. When yes, the entire process tree is terminated via SIGTERM. Any process within the tree that is still running after 10 seconds is terminated with a SIGKILL. UAG Server will confirm that all processes in the process tree are terminated before it notifies the Controller of the termination.

To preserve compatibility with existing behavior, the default value for this option is no, which can prevent the termination of a process in the tree that ignores the SIGTERM signal. This may cause the task's status in the Universal Controller to show Cancelled although the (now orphaned) process continues to run.


This new option has no effect on tasks running with sudo authority. Such tasks will not receive a SIGTERM signal and are always terminated immediately with a SIGKILL. 

Universal Integration Platform





Add additional logging level to separate debug and trace level statements

Remove internal DEBUG-level messages that are generated by the Universal Extension base class when the extension task's log level is DEBUG.

Only DEBUG messages issued by the extension developer should be shown.


Add ability to launch extension tasks from UIP-CLI

Adds the following commands/options to the UIP-CLI utility:

task launch - launch a Universal Extension task

task status - obtain the status of a Universal Extension task

task output - obtain the output generated by a Universal Extension task


Add ability to launch extension tasks from UIP-CLI

Visual Code support for new UIP-CLI commands implemented by B-14271.


Accept task instance variables for direct access within an extension

Make all all Task Instance variables set by the Controller for a Universal Extension task available to the Extension.

An extension can access these variables via the self.uip.task_variables dictionary property (for example, self.uip_task_variables['ops_task_id']).


Accept new parameters in extension launch message to signal when extension is launched as trigger

To support integration with Universal Monitor tasks, receive information from the Controller that can by used to identify an Extension task launched via a Universal Monitor Trigger.

Values received from the Controller are saved in the following properties:

  • self.uip.trigger_id
    Trigger UUID value set by the Controller that uniquely identifies the trigger instance. This will be undefined if the extension task was not launched by a Universal Monitor Trigger.
  • self.uip.instance_id
    EXECID set by the Controller than uniquely identifies the Extension task instance.
  • self.uip.monitor_id
    Universal Monitor UUID that uniquely identifies the Universal Monitor instance. This will be undefined if the extension task was not launched by a Universal Monitor.

The Universal Extension base class sets the following property when a Trigger ID is received:

  • self.uip.is_triggered
    If the Extension task was executed via a Universal Monitor Trigger, this property will be True. Otherwise, it is False.


Add ability for agent to reconnect to extension task upon agent restart

Adds support for Universal Monitor tasks, including the ability to reconnect to Universal Extension tasks (executed on behalf of the Monitor task) that continue to run when an Agent is restarted.

z/OS Enhancements





Configure which systems are eligible to execute a job

Added the (mutually-exclusive) ZOS_JOB_SYSAFF and ZOS_JOB_SYSTEM configuration options that can manage a z/OS task's execution via a SYSAFF or SYSTEM JOB card parameter, respectively.

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