Universal Controller Release Notes

Universal Controller Release Notes

Release Notes

Universal Controller release contains the following high-level features; for a complete list of all the included features and fixes, please refer to the Universal Controller 6.8.x Maintenance list.

Trigger Now System Operation and Web Service API Enhancements





System Operation Action: Trigger Now "Override Trigger Date/Time" option

The Task Action System Operation Trigger Now function has been enhanced to allow overriding the Trigger Date / Time.

A new Override Trigger Date/Time check box option had been added which when checked allows the Trigger Date and Time to be overridden.

The Override Date Offset (Days) option allows you to offset the trigger date plus or minus a specific number of days from the current date. A value of 0 will use the current date, -1 would use yesterdays date, +1 would use tomorrows date, etc.

The Override Time (HH:MM) option allows you to specify the trigger time.

The trigger variable ${ops_trigger_time} returns the calculated trigger date/time in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM timezone (i.e. 2020-08-10 01:15 -0400).

The trigger variable ${ops_trigger_time_tz} returns the calculated trigger date/time in the timezone of the trigger.

You can use the _formatDate function to access the calculated trigger date/time in different formats (i.e. ${_formatDate("${ops_trigger_time}","EEEE dd MMMM YYYY")} will return Monday 10 August 2020).

B-08455Web Service API: Support Override Trigger Date / Time (Trigger Now)

The Trigger Task(s) (Trigger Now) Web Service API has been enhanced to allow overriding the Trigger Date / Time.

Refer to B-12327 for usage notes.