Universal Controller Release Notes

Release Notes

Universal Controller release contains the following high level features. For a complete list of all the included features and fixes please refer to the Universal Controller 7.0.x Maintenance list.






View Blocking Ancestors (i.e Blocking Jobs)

To assist in analysis of why a task is waiting the Activity, Task Instances, and Workflow Monitor displays provide a new right click option to View Blocking Ancestors for task instances that are in a workflow and have not started (i.e. Defined, Waiting or Held status). Previously, when viewing dependencies for a task instance using View Predecessors/Successors, only direct predecessors within the same workflow are listed. View Blocking Ancestors traverses the workflow hierarchy to list all the blocking ancestors of the task instance.

Once selected the following dialog will be displayed:

Users can select to display the blocking ancestors in the following formats:

  • List

  • Tree

  • Graph


Provide explicit Date/Time indicators for Late Finish and Late Start

For Task Instances that have a Late Start or Late Finish defined a calculated value as a Date/Time for when the Task Instance will be Late Started/Finished has been added.


Add "Process ID" field to SAP task instances

The Process ID is displayed for SAP Task instances.


New built-in variable for the Projected End time based on critical path

A new built in variable is available for task instances showing the Projected End Time based on the Critical Path calculation.







Upgrade SmartGWT to current release

The SmartGWT framework has been upgraded to the latest release.


Provide Audit record for Report "Run" command

Audit records are now available for the report “run” command.


Relational Storage of Business Service Membership

Business Service Membership is used by many (it not most) users to control assignment of security permissions.

Business Service Membership for a record in the Universal Controller is persisted in the opswise_groups column, as a comma-delimited list of Business Service UUIDs.

In UC, Universal Controller introduces a mechanism whereby Business Service Membership for records in our largest tables, Activity and History, can be normalized into ops_exec_bsrvc and ops_history_bsrvc, respectively, allowing for optimized query performance for users restricted by Business Service Membership.

Administrators can use Server Operations Enable Task Instance Business Service Normalization and Disable Task Instance Business Service Normalization, to toggle this behavior in UC

When deciding on enabling Business Service normalization, it should be noted that there is trade-off between the query performance on Task Instance/History Lists and the added insertion of normalization data at Task Instance/History record creation time.


Increase Member of Business Service Limit

The limit for Business Service membership has been doubled.


Use MySQL multi-table delete for data/backup purge of action tables

MySQL supports multi-table deletion and these has been implemented to improve performance of the Data Backup/Purge function.


Azure SQL DB Support / Validation

Microsoft’s Azure SQL DB is now a supported Universal Controller back-end database option. Azure SQL DB uses the SQL Server JDBC driver.


Toggle to suspend Agent notifications

New System Property to specify (true or false) for whether or not Agent notifications will not be processed (true) when a suspended Agent goes active/offline.


Prevent reverse tabnabbing controller ui properties pages

Reverse tabnabbing is an attack where a page linked from the target page is able to rewrite that page, for example to replace it with a phishing site.


Add query parameters to the Web Service Login Audit

For Web Service Task Audit records the Additional Information field now shows any URL query parameters specified in the Web Service Task.


Resolvable Credential Support for Web Service Task

Customers can now enable the use of Resolvable Credentials in Web Service Tasks. A new system Property (Web Service Task Resolvable Credentials Functions Permitted) has been added to enable this feature. Once enabled Resolvable Credentials can be specified in the following Web Service task fields using the resolvable credential functions:

  • URL Query Parameter Values

  • Form Data Values

  • Form Payload

  • Payload Script


Allow Controller OMS Server to be suspended & resumed from the UI

Users can now suspend and resume OMS Servers with a right click option on the OMS Servers listed in the Agents and Connections / System / OMS Servers list.


Break history purge operation into multiple, smaller, transactions

The History purge operation is now performed using multiple, smaller transactions.






Allow default Definition for Automatic output retrieval option in task definition

New System Property to set a system wide default for Automatic Output Retrieval in new task definitions:


Recurring Task : Purge by Retention Duration

Purge By Retention Duration feature is used for selectively purging instances earlier than the System Level (Days Older Than) purge defined in the Data Backup / Purge

Bundle and Promote





Keep configuration of checkbox "Calculate Critical Path" during a Promotion

When promoting Workflows the “Calculate Critical Path” option will now be preserved on the target system.

Data Supply Chain





Enhanced File Transfer Task for UDM Protocol

The File Transfer Task for UDM has been visually redesigned and the following additional functionality is available via the UDM Form option:

  • UDM is now the default protocol when creating new File Transfer Tasks

  • UDM terminology has been changed from Source and Destination to Primary and Secondary in line with UDM’s terminology.

  • The UDM Primary Agent now supports and defaults to selecting the Utility Agent to avoid duplication in having to select the same agent for both the Utility Agent and the Primary UDM Agent in cases where these need to be the same. This option performs a 2 party UDM transfer.

  • The UDM File Transfer Task form has been restructured to enhance the user’s experience including a checkbox to display Advanced UDM Options, this is unchecked by default and when checked add the following options to the UDM file Transfer Form:

    • Trim Trailing Spaces

    • Network Fault Tolerant

    • Show Progress

    • Primary File System

    • Secondary File System

    • Append Primary Open Options

    • Append Secondary Open Options

    • Append UDM options

  • The following functions have been added to the UDM File Transfer task’s “Form” implementation:

    • Delete

    • Rename

    • List

    • Copy Directory

    • Create Directory

    • Delete Directory

  • File Transfer Direction. For the Copy, Move and Copy Directory functions these now support PUT (Primary to Secondary) and GET (Secondary to Primary) functions. Previously all UDM transfers using the Form were PUT functions. This allows easier control over network port traffic direction.

  • Show File Transfer Progress. For the Copy, Move and Copy Directory functions the Advanced UDM Options provides a Show Progress option when checked this adds the UDM report progress=yes command to the generated UDM Script.

  • Both Primary and Secondary Agents now allow the Agent selection to be based on a UC Cluster definition.

  • Simplified Cluster Broadcast Support for UDM Primary Agent. If the Primary Agent is set to Utility Agent, the Primary Agent inherits the Utility Agents Cluster Broadcast selected Agent.

The following enhancements are available for the UDM Script option:

  • The Primary UDM Agent and Secondary UDM Agent fields now remain visible when the Script option is selected and their contents made available to the UDM Script via the following variables:

    • Primary UDM Agent can be accessed through ${ops_primary_agent_hostname}.

    • Secondary UDM Agent can be accessed through ${ops_secondary_agent_hostname}.

  • The Primary File(s) and Secondary File(s) fields now remain visible when the Script option is selected and their contents made available to the UDM Script via the following variables:

    • Primary File(s) can be accessed either through ${ops_primary_filename} or ${ops_local_filename}.

    • Secondary File(s) can be accessed either through ${ops_secondary_filename} or ${ops_remote_filename}.

  • The existing UDM script variables $(ops_src_cred_user) $(ops_src_cred_pwd) $(ops_dst_cred_user) $(ops_dst_cred_pwd), can now also be specified as $(ops_primary_cred_user) $(ops_primary_cred_pwd) $(ops_secondary_cred_user) $(ops_secondary_cred_pwd), existing scripts using the older variables will not be affected.

Backwards Compatibility Information

Upgrades or Promotion to Version 7.x or higher from older releases:

  • During an upgrade or promotion to UC 7.x or higher from an older release the following UDM File Transfer Task schema changes will be performed during the upgrade. Only Task definitions and Active Task instances will be updated.

    • If Source / Destination UDM Agent option = Agent Variable, set Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Option to Agent and set Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Variable checkbox to true.

    • If Form or Script = Script, set Primary and Secondary UDM Agent option to None.

Promotion from Version 7.x and higher to older releases:

  • During a promotion from UC 7.x or higher to an older release the following behavior should be considered:

    • If Primary / Secondary UDM Agent option = Agent and Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Variable checkbox = true, reset Source / Destination UDM Agent Option to Agent Variable.

    • If Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Option = None, reset Source / Destination UDM Agent Option to Agent.

    • UDM File Transfer Task "Transfer Direction" option "GET" requires a minimum promotion target release level of

    • UDM File Transfer Task "Primary UDM Agent Option" option "Utility Agent" requires a minimum promotion target release level of

    • UDM File Transfer Task "Primary UDM Agent Option" or "Secondary UDM Agent Option" option "Agent Cluster" requires a minimum promotion target release level of

    • UDM File Transfer Task "Form or Script" option "Script" requires a minimum promotion target release level of when Primary UDM Agent or Primary UDM Agent Cluster is not blank.

    • UDM File Transfer Task "Form or Script" option "Script" requires a minimum promotion target release level of when Secondary UDM Agent or Secondary UDM Agent Cluster is not blank.

Web Service API

  • When using the UC 6.9 and older Web Service payload format to create or update a UDM File Transfer Task in UC 7.x or higher:

    • If Source / Destination UDM Agent Option = Agent Variable, set Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Option = Agent and Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Variable checkbox = true.

    • If Form or Script option = Script, the Primary / Secondary UDM Agent Option will be set to a value of None.






Ability to set skip count on trigger without otherwise having permission to update the trigger

New Command Permission for Set Skip Count for Triggers


Increase limit of Group Filter in LDAP Settings to 1 MB

The Group Filter for LDAP Settings has been increased to 1MB.

Universal Extensions





Universal Integration Platform Universal Extension

The Universal Extension is a new component that extends the Universal Integration Platform Universal Templates feature. Universal Extensions allow advanced functionality to be integrated into Universal Templates (and therefore Universal Tasks) via a scriptable API to to provide 2 way interaction between Universal Agents and the Universal Controller.

UAC delivers the first iteration of the Universal Extension and provides the capability for the following functionality to be implemented with Universal Templates:

  • Dynamic Choice Fields - Information from the target application is retrieved to populate Universal Task choice fields.

  • Dynamic Commands - In addition to the standard instance commands (i.e. Cancel, Re-run, Retrieve Ouptut, etc.), custom commands can be defined to extend the command capabilities of a Universal Task instance.

  • Output Only Fields - Fields can be defined with an Output Only restriction, appear on the task instance as read-only, and can be populated with data from the target application.

  • Job Completion Output – Output from target application is separated from STDOUT / STDERR with more advanced Success/Failure Output Contains conditions on EXTENSION output.

  • Embeds 3rd Party Dependencies (No longer needed in base UA package)

  • Passing of credentials in memory

Universal Templates





Universal Template: Template-level option to enforce Cancel when the Universal Task is Force Finished

A new checkbox has been added to the Universal Template definition form that allows users to enforce a Cancel when the Universal Task(s) is Force Finished.


Universal Template: Field-level option to Preserve When Hidden

If value has been entered in a Universal Task field that is subsequently hidden customers now have the option in the Universal Template Field Definition to preserve this value which was previously cleared.


Universal Template: Additional Array fields (2 More)

Two additional Array fields have been made available for Universal Templates.


Universal Template: Add 2 credential fields

Two additional Credential fields have been made available for Universal Templates.


Universal Template: Additional Choice fields (5 More)

File additional Credential fields have been made available for Universal Templates.


Universal Template: Floating point field type

A new floating point type field has been made available.

User Experience





Workflow monitor - Add 'Task Description' in the Task hint

The Task Description has been added to the “hint” for tasks in the Workflow Monitor:


New Theme Implementations

Users can now select their preferred User Interface theme and Font density from the User Preferences menu.

The default Theme has been changed and can be set via the “User Interface Theme” System property. There is also a “User Interface Density” system property to set the default Font density.

Web Service API





Web Service API : Server Operation Roll Log

The Server Operation “Roll Log” is now supported via a Web Service API


Web Service API : Server Operation Temporary Property Change

The Server Operation “Temporary Property Change” is now supported via a Web Service API


Web Service API : Trigger Read - Add All Read Only fields

All read only fields have been added to the READ Trigger API response.


Web Service API : CRUD for Promotion Targets

Bundle and Promote “Promotion Target” definitions are not supported by Web Service API functions for Create, Read, Update, and Delete.