Universal Controller Release Notes

Universal Controller Release Notes

JRE Support

Product changes require that an Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) level 8 is required; customers planning to upgrade from an older Universal Controller version should review their environment accordingly.

New Variable Monitor Task and Variable Monitor Trigger

This new capability monitors the value of a global variable. The current value, a change in value, or both can be monitored for the following conditions:
– None --, =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, regex, undefined. One of many use cases for this new capability could be: At some point in a workflow a task needs to be paused until an external task / command / api sets a variable to a specific value.

Ability to promote between Universal Controller product versions

This new capability allows Universal Controller customers who run multiple instances and leverage the Bundles and Promotion feature to roll out new upgrades to their environments in a staged manner.

Workflow Reporting Enhancements

Four new features have been added to assist customers working with larger Workflows.

  • Number of Tasks column has been added to the Workflow Tasks list
  • View Children option for active Workflow Task instances to display an expandable list of the Tasks within a Workflow showing the Task's predecessors and successors. This list is printable.
  • View Children option for Workflow Task definitions to display an expandable list of the Tasks within a Workflow showing the Task's run criteria, predecessors, and successors. This list is printable and can be downloaded as a text report.
  • Improved 'Find In Graph' now called 'Find in Workflow' with better handling of multiple matches and adding support for match operators "Start With" and "Contains".

API Enhancements

The RESTful Web Services API of the Universal Controller was extended with additional functionality.

  • Task Instance Retrieve / Display Output
  • Create / Modify / Delete / List - Business Service
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Universal Command Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - SAP Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - SQL Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Stored Procedure Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Email Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Composite Trigger
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Virtual Resource
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Global Variables
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Application Control Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Calendar to Custom Day References
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Variable Monitor Task
  • Create / Delete / Modify / List - Workflow Task

Over the next few releases, we plan to further expand the RESTful Web Services API capabilities.

Copy Tasks Enhancement

When copying a task customers now have the ability to change the Member of Business Services, before the copy. This allows customers to implement read only "templates" for any Task type that can be copied for use for specific applications.

Dashboard refresh when dashboard is being re-focused

A new user preference enables an automatic dashboard refresh when a dashboard comes into focus and has not been refreshed based on a user specified threshold (i.e. in the last 20 seconds). The refresh threshold also stops unnecessary refreshes if you are tabbing back and forth between dashboards. Additional enhancements were also made to address situations where manual refreshes (and now the forced refreshes) might build up if the server is taking excessively long to service a refresh requests. If the client is still waiting for a response from a previous refresh request, any manual refresh (or forced refresh) for that widget will be ignored and the following message will be displayed in the UAC Console: Dashboard widget refresh was not performed for widget 'widget-name' because the widget is still waiting for a previous refresh attempt to complete.

New System Property, "System Default Confirm Task Instance Commands"

If set to yes (default is the current behavior of no) the user will be asked to confirm any task instance commands before they are performed. This will help to reduce occurrences of accidentally clicking the wrong command for a task instance from the drop down of available commands for the task instance.

Suppress Intermediate Failures for Automatic Task Retries

This new Task Retry Option prevents actions (such as alerting) or failure paths being taken until all automatic retries are exhausted. Additionally a new display field for "Next Retry Time“ has been added for Activity List displays and reporting. The Next Retry Time is also displayed in the Workflow Monitor mouse over.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Make Cluster Node variables available to Task Instances
  • Add ability to multi-update global variables.
  • Add mass update functionality for additional credential definition fields.
  • Use "x-ua-compatible" <meta> tag to force standards mode in Internet Explorer.

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