Universal Controller Release Notes

Universal Controller Release Notes

PeopleSoft Task

A new task type for Oracle's PeopleSoft allows customers to seamlessly integrate their PeopleSoft Process Scheduler processes into their Universal Controller workloads.

The PeopleSoft Tasks allows customers to define tasks to run and Manage PeopleSoft Processes, PeopleSoft Jobs, and PeopleSoft Jobsets. Using this task requires the purchase of UPPS (the Universal Connector for the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler); full documentation for UPPS is available here.

Universal Connector for PeopleSoft supports PeopleSoft 8.4.2 and later.

SAML Support for SSO Authentication

Universal Controller provides support for third-party SSO (Singe Sign-On) applications using the SAML format for exchanging authentication data.

Universal Controller supports both SP (Service Provider) and/or IdP (Identity Provider) initiated authentication requests for the purposes of supporting user authentication to the UAC application via a web browser. Universal Controller users still need to be defined and granted permissions within the Universal Controller or via LDAP synchronization.