Simple File Copy to the Manager - Windows and UNIX

Simple File Copy to the Manager

This example copies, in text mode, one file to another. This is the simplest form of data transfer.

set _echo=yes
set _halton=warn
open unix=sol9 user=top098 pwd=p100m
cd unix=/opt/app/data
mode type=text
copy unix=data10.txt

For this UNIX and Windows example, the following is a line-by-line explanation:

  1. Line 1 turns on command echo, which results in each command being written prior to processing.
  2. Line 2 sets error condition value on which script process halts. Any error equal to or greater than 4 halts script processing. A value of 4 effectively means halt on any error or warning.
  3. Line 3 opens a session between the local UDM Manager and a remote UDM Server running on host sol9. The host sol9 is given the a logical name of unix. The open command also provides user credentials for the UDM Server to verify and, if success verified, specifies the user ID with which the UDM Server executes.
  4. Line 4 changes the current directory of the UDM server unix running on host sol9.
  5. Line 5 changes the transfer mode type from binary (the default) to text. Text mode transfers will translate between code pages and process the end-of-line characters.
  6. Line 6 is the copy command that actually moves the data between systems. It copies file data10.txt on server unix to the local UDM Manager as data10.txt.
  7. Line 7 executes the quit command, which closes all sessions and exits UDM with the highest exit code set.


Universal Data Mover Manager for Windows

Universal Data Mover Manager for UNIX