Universal Spool Remove for zOS

Universal Spool Remove for zOS


Universal Spool databases are implemented as HFS or zFS data sets.

HFS Data Sets

Universal Spool Remove (USLRM) and Universal Spool List (USLIST) obtain the HFS data set names from UNVDB and UNVSPOOL ddnames.

The following table identifies the database files and the HFS data sets in which they reside.

Database Name

Data Set

File Name

Universal Broker Component Database



Universal Server Component Database



Universal Server Spool Databases *



* The COMPID in the Universal Server Spool Databases file names is the component ID assigned to the Server instance.

zFS Data Sets

zFS data sets cannot be provided via ddnames. To obtain the zFS data set names, USLRM and USLIST allocate and parse the Universal Broker's configuration member, UBRCFG00, for the UNIX_DB_DATA_SET and UNIX_SPOOL_DATA_SET options. If these options are not found, USLRM and USLIST assume that HFS data sets are being used and refer to the UNVDB and UNVSPOOL ddnames for the HFS data set names.


You can use these configuration options to specify HFS data sets as well if this method is preferred over specifying them as a ddname allocation.


USLRM and USLIST mount the HFS and zFS data sets if they are not already mounted.

The Universal Agent configuration PDSE is allocated to UNVCONF in the USLLSPRC and USLRMPRC JCL procedures in the SUNVSAMP library. The only other changes to USLLSPRC and USLRMPRC is the addition of a comment that the UNVDB and UNVSPOOL ddnames must be commented out to use zFS data sets.

USLRM and USLIST write messages UNV2264I and UNV2265I, which provide information on the Broker's database and spool, respectively. The messages also provide the file system type, data set name, and mount point.

JCL Procedure

The following figure illustrates the Universal Spool Remove for z/OS JCL procedure (USLRMPRC, located in the SUNVSAMP library) that is provided to simplify the execution JCL and future maintenance.


If zFS data sets are being used instead of HFS data sets, the UNVDB and UNVSPOOL ddnames cannot be used to allocate those zFS data sets. They must be removed, along with the DBPRE procedure parameter.

DD Statements used in JCL Procedure

The following table describes the DD statements used in the Universal Spool Remove for z/OS JCL procedure, above.




Load library in which program USLRM program is located.


Universal National Language Support library.


Universal Agent configuration library.


Universal Broker Database HFS data set.


Universal Spool Database HFS data set.


Application trace ddname.


USLRM standard error ddname.


USLRM standard output ddname.


The following figure illustrates the Universal Spool Remove for z/OS JCL using the USLRMPRC JCL procedure, above.

If zFS data sets are being used instead of the default HFS data sets, the UNVDB and UNVSPOOL ddnames cannot be used to allocate the zFS data sets. The ddnames must be removed along with the DBPRE procedure parameter.

Configuration Options

The following table identifies the Universal Spool Remove for z/OS configuration options. Each Option Name is a link to detailed information about that option.

Option Name



Component identifier for which records will be removed.


Writes a description of the command options and their format.


Level of messages that will be written.


HFS directory in which the HFS databases allocated to ddnames UNVDB and UNVSPOOL are mounted.


Writes the program version and copyright information.

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the command syntax — using the command line, long form of the configuration options — of Universal Spool Remove for z/OS.

-component cid 
[-mount_point dir]
[-level {audit|info|warn|error}]

{ -help | -version }

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