IBM i Installation - Installation Procedures

IBM i Installation - Installation Procedures

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1.   These pages provide information for that version.

Installation Processes

There are six different processes for installing Workload Automation on an IBM i system:

  1. New Installation (Default)
  2. New Installation (Custom)
  3. Re-Installation of Same Release
  4. Upgrade Installation to New Release
  5. Propagating New Release to Additional Systems
  6. Upgrade Installation for Maintenance Release

Your installation environment, currently installed Workload Automation 5 for IBM i release (if any), and Workload Automation 5 for IBM i release to be installed determine the process to use.

There are two additional procedures related to installation:


If the QCCSID system value of IBM i is configured to a non-default CCSID, you may need to perform a customization step following the product install.  For information on how to perform this step, including additional information to help you determine if and why you may need to perform the step, see National Language Customization.

Installs requiring the customization may see errors referring to UNVTMPL and/or UNVCONF files in the UBROKER job log. 

For example:

*NONE      Diagnostic                   06/10/21  11:44:09.256725  UBROKER      UNVPRD511   *STMT    *EXT                    *N  

                                     From module . . . . . . . . :   XPSMESG                                                      

                                     From procedure  . . . . . . :   WriteLogfile                                                

                                     Statement . . . . . . . . . :   19                                                          

                                     Message . . . . :   UNV3327E (1000000001) Error reading template definitions                

                                       in 'UNVTMPL(UACL)': XCBufferConfigFileContents, 5, bad or invalid value                    

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