IBM i Installation - New Installation (Custom)

IBM i Installation - New Installation (Custom)

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1.   These pages provide information for that version.

New Installation (Custom)

The custom method for a new installation of Workload Automation for IBM i allows installation to libraries other than UNVPRD511, UNVTMP511, and UNVSPL511, as required by your environment.

V5R4 systems

Before installing Workload Automation for IBM i, either download and apply PTF SI27629 or verify that it is applied to the system.

Step 1

Execute the following command to install Workload Automation to user-specified libraries:


Replace prodLib with the desired product library name, tmpLib with the desired temporary library name, and spoolLib with the desired spool library name.

Forced object conversion

When installing on an IBMi version that is greater than the version identified in the distribution file name, add the FRCOBJCVN parameter to the RSTLICPGM command for force object conversion to the newer OS version. 

For example, this would be needed when using the 5.4-targeted distribution file to install on IBMi versions greater than 5.4 or when using the 7.2-targeted distribution file to install on IBMi 7.3 or higher.

Step 2

Verify that the installation was correct by executing the following command:

The following message should display: No errors detected by CHKPRDOPT.

Step 3

Optionally, rename the UNVUBR511 subsystem to UBROKER for consistent operation across future installations.

Step 4

Optionally, use the UCHGRLS (Change Release Tag) Program to change the names of the Workload Automation for IBM i commands in the IBM i QSYS library.