IBM i Installation - New Installation (Default)

IBM i Installation - New Installation (Default)

Currently, IBM i runs Workload Automation 5.1.1. Ā  These pages provide information for that version.

New Installation (Default)

The default process for a new installation of Workload Automation for IBM i installs to the following libraries:

  • Product library (UNVPRD511)
  • Temporary library (UNVTMP511)
  • Spool file library (UNVSPL511)
  • Command reference library (UNVCMDREF)

V5R4 systems

Before installing Workload Automation for IBM i, either download and apply PTF SI27629 or verify that it is applied to the system.

StepĀ 1

Execute the following command to install Workload Automation to the default libraries:

When installing Workload Automation on a version of IBMi that is newer than the version identified in the distribution fileĀ name (for example, installing the 5.4-targeted file on an IBMi version greater than 5.4 or the 7.2-targeted file on an IBMi 7.3 or higher system), add the FRCOBJCVN parameterĀ to force object conversion to the newer platform.

StepĀ 2

Verify that the installation was correct by executing the following command:

The following message should display: No errors detected by CHKPRDOPT.

StepĀ 3

Optionally, rename the UNVUBR511 subsystem to UBROKER for consistent operation across future installations.

StepĀ 4

Optionally, use the UCHGRLS (Change Release Tag) Program to change the names of the Workload Automation for IBM i commands in the IBM i QSYS library.