UEMLoad for Windows

UEMLoad for Windows


These pages provide information on Universal Event Monitor (UEM) Load utility, specific to the Windows operating system.


Because the UEM Server component is the only UEM component that uses the databases managed by UEMLoad, and because the UEM Server is available only on UNIX and Windows, UEMLoad also is available only on those operating systems. The command syntax and general usage of UEMLoad is the same on both operating systems, except where noted.

UEMLoad manages records in the event definition and event handler databases. The records in these databases then are used as input to a local UEM Server.

UEMLoad is capable of processing multiple event definition and/or event handler records when the parameters for those records are supplied using a text load file. If no load file is specified, the parameters for a single event definition and/or event handler record may be specified from the command line.

A Stonebranch Tip

Although UEMLoad can access only local event definition and event handler databases, it is possible to store definition load files in a single location (for example, a PDS on z/OS) and distribute them to remote systems via Universal Command.

Simply redirect the definition load file from stdin and have Universal Command execute UEMLoad on the remote system. UEMLoad will read the redirected input and process it just as it would a local definition load file. This simplifies central administration of remote databases, because definition load files do not have to be stored (and managed) across several systems.


The UEMLoad utility, executes as a command line application.

The syntax for invoking UEMLoad from the command line requires the name of the program, uemload, followed by a list of configuration options.

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for UEMLoad for Windows:

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