Starting, Ending, Working with Universal Broker - IBM i
Starting, Ending, and Working With Universal Broker for IBM i
Universal Broker executes within its own IBM i subsystem, named UNVUBR520. The UNVUBR520 subsystem provides a self-contained environment in which Universal Broker can be managed. The UNVUBR520 subsystem description (object type *SBSD) is named UNVUBR520.
The UNVUBR520 subsystem contains several entries that define the subsystem environment. The two most visible are:
- Autostart entry
- Pre-start job entries
The subsystem autostart entry defines what jobs are started automatically when the subsystem is started. The UNVUBR520 subsystem defines one autostart entry, UNVUBR520. The UBROKER job executes with the job description UBROKER (object type *JOBD) and user profile UNVUBR520 (object type *USRPRF). Only one instance of the UBROKER job, which runs continuously, can be active at any one time within the context of any one Stonebranch-defined subsystem.
The subsystem pre-start job entries define jobs that are in an initialized state. They are not executing but are ready to accept a request and execute at any time. Pre-starting jobs before they are required improves the overall throughput of the subsystem jobs.
Universal Broker jobs running under UNVUBR520 use the UBROKER job queue and class located in the product installation library. See IBM i Installation - Customization for additional information.
The Universal Command (UCMD) Server jobs log all significant events to the UBROKER job log. However, by default, IBM i does not keep job logs unless the job terminates due to an error. As a result, important information relevant to server errors may be discarded when the UBROKER job is shut down normally.
To preserve the server-related information, the UBROKER job description specifies Message Logging as 4 0 *MSG. The UBROKER job's job log will be sent automatically to the output queue and printer device designated in the UBROKER job description, which is located in the Universal Agent installation library, UNVPRD520 (by default).
In some very large organizations with heavy UBROKER usage, the job log may fill. By default, IBM i jobs are stopped when the job log fills. To ensure continuous UBROKER operation, Universal Agent sets the job log to wrap. (See IBM i Installation for additional information.)
The following O/S commands help manage the UNVUBR520 subsystem.
Start Subsystem Command (STRSBS)
Starts the Universal Broker subsystem, UNVUBR520.
End Subsystem Command (ENDSBS)
Ends the Universal Broker subsystem, UNVUBR520.
Work With Subsystem Command (WRKSBS)
Allows users to work with all active subsystems. Choose the UNVUBR520 subsystem from the list of subsystems displayed.