Universal Control

Universal Control

Universal Control Components

Universal Control (UCTL) consists of two components:

  • UCTL Manager
  • UCTL Server

Universal Control Requests

The UCTL Manager executes one of three different control requests, which is specified via a corresponding configuration option:

  1. Start (START_CMD option)
    Starts a component on the specified system.
  2. Stop (STOP_CMD option)
    Stops a component on the specified system.
  3. Refresh (REFRESH_CMD option)
    Directs Universal Broker on the remote system to refresh the configuration data of all components, including itself, or a single component.  Currently, only Universal Event Monitor Server (uems) and Universal Automation Center Agent (uag) are the only individual components that can be refreshed via the REFRESH_CMD option.

One of these control requests must be specified for each execution of Universal Control Manager. Additional input (required and optional) to each execution of the UCTL Manager is made via additional configuration options, which control product behavior and resource allocation for that execution.

Upon execution, UCTL Manager connects to the UCTL Server and processes the request. UCTL Manager registers with a locally running Universal Broker. Consequentially, a Universal Broker must be running in order for a UCTL Manager to execute.

Detailed Information

The following pages provide detailed information for Universal Control.

Universal Control Examples

See Refreshing via Universal Control Examples for examples of how to use Universal Control to refresh component configuration data.

See Starting and Stopping Agent Components - Examples for examples of how to use Universal Control to start and stop Agent components.

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