


UNV3300E Cannot start. Another Universal Broker is running.


A Universal Broker is already running. Two Universal Brokers cannot

execute and share common resources at the same time.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Stop the currently running Broker and restart this one.


Universal Broker


UNV3301E Error retrieving job information for compid in func(errno): reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request for job information. compid is the ID of the component for which the request was made. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3302E Error closing the cmpname database: func, errno, reason


An attempt to close the database for component cmpname failed. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. Any open references to the database should be closed by the operating system when the process terminates.

User Action

None required, unless this message precedes other, more serious errors. Appropriate action will then depend on the errors reported.


Universal Broker


UNV3303W An error occurred closing the Universal Broker database environment (errno): reason


An attempt to close the environment used to manage the Universal Broker component database has failed. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. Any open references to the database environment should be closed by the operating system when the process terminates.

User Action

None required, unless this message precedes other, more serious errors. Appropriate action will then depend on the errors reported.


Universal Broker


UNV3304E Error retrieving job information for compid in func(errno): reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request for job information. compid is the ID of the component for which the request was made. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3305E Error updating comp database record for compId in func(errno): reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to update a record in one of the component databases. comp is the name of the component whose database the Broker was trying to update. compId is the ID of the component for which the update attempt was made. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

If the failure was during the actual update of the database record, the component state will remain unchanged. However, if the failure occurred at some other point, the database record may have actually gotten updated. How this failure is handled is determined by the component that requested the state change, therefore the results of the failure are unpredictable.

User Action

Check the Broker log files for any other reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3306E System failure: function, errno, reason


An error occurred in the operating system function function. The error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3307E Component DB audit failed: func, errno, reason


As part of its initialization phase, the Universal Broker initializes its database and audits their contents for data integrity. An error was detected in this phase. The function that encountered the error is func. The error code is errno. The error message is reason.



System Action

The program continues processing.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support if unable to identify and resolve the problem.


Universal Broker


UNV3308E Configuration file 'mbr' in component definition 'comp' is not a PDS or PDS/E member name.


Component definition configuration files are specified as PDS or PDS/E member names of the PDS or PDS/E allocated to the UNVCONF ddname in the broker address space. The configuration file mbr in component definition comp is not a member name.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the component's configuration file name and restart.


Universal Broker


UNV3309E Error reading ddname 'ddn': errno, reason


An error occurred reading the JFCB of ddname ddn. The error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the error and restart. Contact Stonebranch customer support if unable to resolve the error.


Universal Broker


UNV3310E Configuration ddname 'ddn' is not a PDS or PDS/E.


The broker configuration ddname ddn must be a PDS or PDS/E.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the error and restart. Contact Stonebranch customer support if unable to resolve the error.


Universal Broker


UNV3311E Trace data set model allocated to ddn cannot be a PDS or PDS/E.


Universal servers started by the broker will model their trace data sets based on the data set allocated to ddname ddn. The data set organization cannot be a partitioned data set. It must be sequential.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Correct the error and restart. Contact Stonebranch customer support if unable to resolve the error.


Universal Broker


UNV3312I Trace being written to 'dsn, volser'.


Universal Broker was started with a message level of TRACE, which results in an application trace being written. The trace data set is dsn on volume volser.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV3313W Error creating trace file: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred creating the trace file. The function that encountered the error was func. The error is identified by the error number, errno, and error reason, reason.



System Action

Processing continues with tracing disabled.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error and rerun the broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3314E ERROR IN MODULE UBRRM001 - RC='rtnc' RC2='rsnc'


Error in UBRRM001 while establishing the address space resource manager. The return code, rtnc, and reason code, rsnc, provide information for Stonebranch Customer Support to diagnose the problem.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3315E Component type for component 'compname' could not be set.


Not enough memory was available to set a default component type in the component definition for the compname component.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If one does not already exist, add a component_type entry to the component definition file. Some components require this to be a specific value, while others may simply use the component name. Contact Stonebranch customer support before changing the component definition, to make sure the correct value is used.


Universal Broker


UNV3316E Error mounting USS file system: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred mounting a USS file system. Function func returned an error code errno which is described by reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Determine what action to take based on the information provided by the error reason. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support if assistance is required.


Universal Broker


UNV3317E Error retrieving event definition information for id: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request from a Universal Event Monitor Server for an event definition record. id may be one of the following:

- the ID of the requested event definition record, or

- the name of a component to which event definitions are assigned.

func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3318E Error retrieving event handler information for handlerid: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request from a Universal Event Monitor Server for an event handler record. handlerid is the ID of the event handler for which the request was made. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3319E Error retrieving event spool information for recid in func(errno): reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request from a Universal Event Monitor Server for an event spool record. recid is the ID of the event spool record for which the request was made. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3320E Error initializing broker address space resources: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred initializing address space resources used for inter-address space communication between the broker and server components.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3321E The dynamic SMF exit routine UNVACTRT for exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT has been inactivated.


The Universal Broker is unable to start. The SMF exit routine UNVACTRT used by the Broker for exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT has been inactivated for some reason. The exit must be reactivated before the Broker will start.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

The exit routine was inactivated by an operator command or due to an ABEND in the exit. If the exit abnormally ended, an SVC dump is produced. Provide the SVC dump to Stonebranch Customer Support. If the exit was inactivated by an operator command, determine the reason for the inactivation. Reactivate the exit when the condition for inactivation is resolved. The exit is activated with the console SETPROG EXIT command, for example SETPROG EXIT,MODIFY,EN=SYSSTC.IEFACTRT,MOD=UNVACTRT,STATE=ACTIVE.


Universal Broker


UNV3322E The SMF exit routine UNVACTRT was not found in library dsn.


The Universal Broker encountered an error while attempting to dynamically add exit routine UNVACTRT to exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT. The Broker is configured to load UNVACTRT from load library dsn, but module is not in the load library.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Change the Broker configuration to specify the correct library in which exit routine UNVACTRT is found.


Universal Broker


UNV3323E The SMF exit load library dsn is invalid.


The Universal Broker encountered an error while attempting to dynamically add exit routine UNVACTRT to exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT. The Broker is configured to load UNVACTRT from load library dsn, but load library is invalid. The library is either not found or not a PDS.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Change the Broker configuration to specify the correct library in which exit routine UNVACTRT is found.


Universal Broker


UNV3324E Failed to load module modname: diagcode.


The Universal Broker failed to load module modname. The module most likely was not found in any location in which MVS searches for load modules. A diagnostic code is provided for Stonebranch Customer Support to diagnose the problem should it be necessary.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Add the appropriate load library to the STEPLIB ddname and restart.


Universal Broker


UNV3325E Cannot access tmp directory 'dir': reason


The tmp directory, used to store various temporary files could not be accessed. dir is the complete path name of the tmp directory. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the directory exists and the user account running the ubroker program has access to this directory.


Universal Broker


UNV3327E Error reading template definitions in 'loc': func, errno, reason


An attempt by the ubroker program to access the template definition files failed. loc is the name of the location from which the program tried to read the files. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Make sure the user account running the ubroker program has read access to the template location. Template definitions are required. Contact Stonebranch customer support if assistance is required.


Universal Broker


UNV3328W ACL cert access rule rulenum denied access to cert id 'certid'.


Indicates that the certificate ID certid has been denied access to the Universal Broker services according to the Universal Access Control List (UACL) certificate access rule number rulenum. UACL rules are numbered in the order listed starting at 1.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3329W Certificate maps are defined without a certificate authority (CA).


Certificate verification is enabled a certificate authority (CA) is configured. Without certificate verification enabled, client certificates are not available to map to a certificate identifier.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

If certificate maps are to be used, configure list of CA's for the Broker to use for certificate verification. If certificate maps are not to be used, the certificate map definitions can be removed or this message can be ignored.


Universal Broker


UNV3330E Error mapping X.509 certificate: rule, func, errno, reason.


An error occurred in matching a client certificate to certificate mapping rule rule. The error occurred in function func. The error number returned is errno with a reason of reason.



System Action

The current client session being processed is ended and processing continues with the next client.

User Action

Check that the client certificate is correctly formatted. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support of assistance if needed.


Universal Broker


UNV3331E Requested template file 'template' is not found.


Universal Broker received a request for template file template, and it was not found within the Universal Broker template library or directory.



System Action

The not found condition is reported to the requestor. Universal Broker continues processing.

User Action

Possible cause is a Universal Broker configuration error. Check if the template directory or library contains the requested template file. If the template file is not present, the installation may be compromised. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support for assistance.


Universal Broker


UNV3332E The SMF exit routine UNVACTRT is not installed.


The Universal Broker is unable to start. The SMF exit routine UNVACTRT must be installed.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the Universal Products Installation Guide for SMF exit installation methods. One possible installation method is for the Broker to install the exit dynamically by setting the Broker configuration option SMF_EXIT_LOAD_LIBRARY to the data set name in which UNVACTRT is located.


Universal Broker


UNV3333E USS data set dsn already in use.


A Universal Broker is already running and using the USS data set identified by dsn. The USS data sets cannot be shared.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If the intention is to run another Broker, USS data sets must be allocated for each Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3334E Error building event definition parameter block: func, errno, reason


The Broker was unable to prepare the record obtained from the Universal Event Monitor's event definition database for transmission to the client application that requested the data. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. An attempt will be made to return an empty parm block back to the application that requested the data.

User Action

Examine the Broker log for other messages that might indicate the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3335E Error building event handler parameter block: func, errno, reason


The Broker was unable to prepare the record obtained from the Universal Event Monitor's event handler database for transmission to the client application that requested the data. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. An attempt will be made to return an empty parm block back to the application that requested the data.

User Action

Examine the Broker log for other messages that might indicate the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3336E The SMF exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT is implicitly defined.


The Universal Broker was attempting to dynamically add exit routine UNVACTRT to exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT, but found the exit point implicitly defined. An exit point is implicitly defined when an exit routine is added before the exit point has been defined. MVS does not call implicitly defined exit routines until the exit point has been defined.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the Universal Products Installation Guide for SMF exit installation methods. Refer to the "DISPLAY PROG,EXIT" console command to display implicitly defined exits and the "SETPROG EXIT" console command to delete implicitly defined exits.


Universal Broker


UNV3337E The SMF exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT is not defined.


The Universal Broker was attempting to dynamically add exit routine UNVACTRT to exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT, but the SMF exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT is not defined in SMFPRMxx. The exit point must be defined in order to support dynamic SMF exit routines.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Refer to the Universal Products Installation Guide for SMF exit installation methods.


Universal Broker


UNV3338E Possible Universal Broker certificate verification failure.


Indicates that the failure condition encountered by the Universal Broker could be a result of the connecting Universal Command Manager not being able to successfully validate the received Universal Broker certificate.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

Verify that the correct Universal Broker certificate is being utilized when a connecting Universal Command Manager request verification of the Universal Broker's certificate.


Universal Broker


UNV3339E Error acknowledging the cmd command: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker encountered an error sending an acknowledgement message to the client requesting a broker service. The command or service being acknowledged is cmd. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. rc is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. The client is most likely waiting for an acknowledgement message which it will never receive. The client will time out after it reaches its time out interval.

User Action

Check the reason for the error to determine possible solutions. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3340I UCMD STC support environment successfully established.


Universal Broker successfully setup the resources to support UCMD STC requests.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV3341I UCMD STC support environment not established per configuration.


Universal Broker did not setup the necessary environment to support UCMD STC requests. The Broker configuration option UCMD_STC_SUPPORT controls whether the STC environment is established or not.



System Action

Processing continues.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV3342E Error processing Remote Configuration Update request: func, errno, reason.


Universal Broker was unable to process a remote configuration update request. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3343E Error reading file 'fname': func, errno, reason


Universal Broker encountered an error processing file name fname. The function that encountered the error was func. The function returned an error number of errno. The explanation of the error number is provided by reason.



System Action

The system action depends on the context in which the error occurred. Refer to other error messages issued following this one.

User Action

Refer to other error messages issued following this one.


Universal Broker


UNV3344E Fatal error restoring configuration file 'orgfile' from 'bkpfile'.


Universal Broker was processing a Remote Configuration Update request. An error occurred activating the new configuration file that resulted in an attempt to restore the original configuration file. An error occurred restoring the original configuration file orgfile from its backup file bkpfile.



System Action

The Broker dumps the error stack in as messages UNV0152D and attempts to continue processing. The client is notified of the failure. If the Broker attempts to access the original file name at some point in the future, it will result in an error.

User Action

Review the UNV0152D messages to determine the cause for the failure. The Broker should be stopped as soon as possible to avoid additional errors resulting from attempts to access the original file. Restore the original file manually from either the backup configuration file bkpfile or from a system backup of the configuration data.


Universal Broker


UNV3345E Unrecoverable error occurred restarting TCP/IP interfaces: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was attempting to restart its TCP/IP based interfaces. The restart was originally started because the Broker detected that TCP/IP was down. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Restart the Broker when TCP/IP is available.


Universal Broker


UNV3346E Unrecoverable error occurred preparing for TCP/IP interface restart: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was preparing to restart its TCP/IP based interfaces. The restart was originally started because the Broker detected that TCP/IP was down. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Restart the Broker when TCP/IP is available.


Universal Broker


UNV3347E Error establishing client session client: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker accepted a TCP/IP connection on its Service Interface from a client identified by the IP address and port number in field client. An error occurred preventing the network session from being successfully established with the client. The error occurred in function func. The error is described by the error number errno and the error text reason.



System Action

The network session is closed and processing continues.

User Action

The error is most often caused by the client abruptly stopping its processing. For example, the client was canceled before it completed processing.


Universal Broker


UNV3348E Error establishing component session: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker accepted an IPC connection on its Component Interface from a local component. An error occurred preventing the session from being successfully established with the component. The error occurred in function func. The error is described by the error number errno and the error text reason.



System Action

The IPC session is closed and processing continues.

User Action

The error is most often caused by the component abruptly stopping its processing. For example, the component encountered an error before it completed processing. Review the local Broker error logs for local component errors.


Universal Broker


UNV3349E Error terminating the ifname interface: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred terminating the Broker interface ifname.

The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error and restart the Broker if necessary.


Universal Broker


UNV3350E Error processing service request for client client: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred when the Broker started processing a client request from the service interface. The client's IP address is client. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker terminates this request and closes the network connection.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3351E Error processing reqname request from client client: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred processing request reqname from the client identified by client. The value of client is either the IP address and port number from which the client connected to the broker or a value of "ipc" if the client is a local process. The function that failed is func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker terminates the request and closes the client connection.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3352E Network error on client session client: oper, func, errno, reason


An error occurred during network communication with the client identified by client. The error occurred in function func while performing an operation identified by oper. The error is described by the error number errno and the error text reason.



System Action

The network session with the client is closed and processing continues.

User Action

Attempt to determine the cause of the network error. Check that the status of the client process to determine what error occurred on its side of the network connection. Review additional error messages issued after this one.


Universal Broker


UNV3353E Error initializing Request Manager: func, errno, reason.


The Request Manager subsystem initialization failed. The failure occurred in function func. The error number is errno and an explanation of the error is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3354E Error starting component comp for client client: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker failed to start the component identified by comp for the client session client. This message is issued for auto-start components and those started by a client request. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. rc is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues, ready to receive the next request.

User Action

Check the component definition file to make sure the information there is correct. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3355E Error processing reqname request for component ID cid from client client: func, errno, reason


An error occurred processing request reqname for component ID cid. The request was received from client address client. The value of client is either the IP address and port number from which the client connected to the broker or a value of "ipc" if the client is a local process. The function that failed is func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The message is a general error message for all component request processing errors. The system action depends on the request and execution context. Refer to other error messages for more specific actions taken.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3356I Sent cmd command to component ID cid.


Indicates that Universal Broker successfully sent the cmd command to the component identified by component ID cid.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3357E Error initializing the ifname interface: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred initializing the Broker interface ifname.

The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error and restart the Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3358E Error adding ifname interface event handlers: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred adding the Broker's interface event handlers for the interface ifname. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3359E Error processing component request: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred when the Broker started processing a component request from the component interface. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker terminates this request and closes the connection with the component.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3360E Error registering component ID compId: func, errno, reason


An error was encountered registering a component. The component ID compid identifies the component instance being registered. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The broker continues processing. The component is sent a negative acknowledgement informing it of the error.

User Action

Review other error messages that may have been issued. If the cause of the problem cannot be determined, contact Stonebranch Customer Support for assistance.


Universal Broker


UNV3361E Error receiving a service request from client client: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred receiving a service request from the client identified by the IP address client. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker terminates this request and closes the network connection.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3362I Universal Broker shutdown phase started.


The Broker has received a shutdown request and has started the shutdown phase.



System Action

The Broker shutdown phase is started.

User Action

No action required.


Universal Broker


UNV3363E Error in Broker shutdown phase: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred in the Broker shutdown phase. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker performs a forced shutdown.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3364W Broker shutdown phase has exceeded the time limit of secs seconds.


The Broker shutdown phase must complete within a time limit of secs seconds. If the time limit is exceeded, the Broker will perform a forced shutdown.



System Action

The Broker performs a forced shutdown.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3365W Component shutdown has not completed: cid, cname


The Broker is shutting down due to an unrecoverable condition or the shutdown phase has exceeded allowed time limit. The identified component is still executing and will be left running after the Broker stops. The value cid is the component identifier and cname is the component name.



System Action

The Broker's forced shutdown continues.

User Action

The identified component may be blocked from execution or may be in an error state. Once the Broker is shutdown, the component will not be able to communicate with the Broker, which may result in a component processing error. The component should be manually stopped and the work that the component was performing should be restarted.


Universal Broker


UNV3366E Error initializing the Database Manager: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred initializing the Broker Database Manager.

The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker shuts down.

User Action

Correct the condition that caused the error and restart the Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3367W Component record audit failure: compid, compname, func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while auditing the component record for component ID compid. The component name is compname. The function that failed was func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The Broker continues processing.

User Action

The record that failed audit will not be used. The reason for the failure should be investigated. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support of assistance.


Universal Broker


UNV3368E Missing SAF key ring name, which is required for system SSL.


When the system implementation of SSL is specified, a SAF key ring name is required.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Specify a SAF key ring name to be used for the SSL digital certificate requirements.


Universal Broker


UNV3369E Error retrieving host group information for id: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred while the Broker was trying to respond to a request from a Universal Event Monitor Server for a host group record. id is the ID of the requested host group record. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The process continues, but no response to the query is sent. A timeout will occur in the process that requested the information. Handling the timeout is the responsibility of the application, and may or may not result in its termination.

User Action

The message is usually the result of a system error. Check for Broker log files for any reported errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3370E Error building host group parameter block: func, errno, reason


The Broker was unable to prepare the record obtained from the Universal Event Monitor's host group database for transmission to the client application that requested the data. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues. An attempt will be made to return an empty parm block back to the application that requested the data.

User Action

Examine the Broker log for other messages that might indicate the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3371W Access denied by entry UACL entry entrynum to user rmtuser at IP address rmtaddr.


The Universal Access Control List (UACL) entry entry denied access to the remote user rmtuser at IP address rmtaddr. The UACL entry number that denied the access was entry entrynum.



System Action

The client request that was denied access to the resource is terminated.

User Action

Report the access denial to the party responsible for security setup of the Universal Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3372W Access denied by entry UACL entry entrynum to certificate map ID certid.


The Universal Access Control List (UACL) entry entry denied access based on the UACL certificate map identifier certid. The UACL entry number that denied the access was entry entrynum.



System Action

The client request that was denied access to the resource is terminated.

User Action

Report the access denial to the party responsible for security setup of the Universal Broker.


Universal Broker


UNV3373W Error generating event message type type: func, errno), reason


The Broker unable to successfully generate an event message of type type. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker continues processing. The event message is lost and will not be recovered.

User Action

Review additional error messages. One potential cause is a database I/O errors. If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3374E Error processing component command cmdname on component ID cid: func, errno, reason


An error occurred processing component command cmdname on component ID cid. The function that failed is func. The function's error number is errno, and the error reason is reason.



System Action

The message is a general error message for all component command processing errors. The system action depends on the command and execution context. Refer to other error messages for more specific actions taken.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3375E Event database I/O error: cntl, func, errno, reason


An I/O error occurred in the Universal Event Subsystem database. The error occurred while function name cntl was in control. The value func identifies the function that encountered the error. The value errno is the error code returned by the function. The value reason is the reason for the error.



System Action

Any event message being recorded is lost. The Universal Event Subsystem attempts to continue event processing.

User Action

To avoid potential loss of event messages, the broker should be stopped and the condition that caused the I/O error corrected. Once the condition is corrected, the broker should be restarted.


Universal Broker


UNV3376E The Universal Event Subsystem has stopped event recording due to database I/O errors.


The Universal Event Subsystem encountered consecutive database I/O errors. Consequentially, it has halted event recording. Event messages created from this point forward are lost until the condition is corrected.



System Action

The Universal Event Subsystem stops recording event messages.

User Action

To avoid further loss of event messages, the broker should be stopped and the condition that caused the I/O error corrected. Once the condition is corrected, the broker should be restarted.


Universal Broker


UNV3377E Error initializing for event generation: func, errno, reason.


An error occurred initializing for event generation. The function that encountered the error is func. The error number returned is errno. An explanation of the error is reason.



System Action

The Universal Broker terminates.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3378W Error processing component state event message: func, errno, reason.


The component state event message is used to update the working state of a component. An error occurred processing the event message. The function that encountered the error is func. The error number returned is errno. An explanation of the error is reason.



System Action

The Universal Broker continues processing.

User Action

Report the problem to Stonebranch Customer Support.


Universal Broker


UNV3379W Template tmplFile will not be available for remote configuration.


An error occurred processing tmplFile. The Universal Management Console will not be allowed to use this template to remotely configure the product described within the template file tmplFile.



System Action

The Universal Broker continues processing.

User Action

Make sure the specified configuration file exists, with appropriate access permissions, and that it contains valid configuration keywords and values.


Universal Broker


UNV3380E Error retrieving configuration for 'cfgid': func, errno, reason


An error occurred retrieving a configuration based on configuration identifier cfgid. The value cfgid is either a product identifier or a file identifier. The function that encountered the error is func. The error number returned is errno. An explanation of the error is reason.



System Action

The Universal Broker continues processing.

User Action

Make sure the specified configuration file exists. Review previously issued messages to determine if there were any errors processing the configuration data.


Universal Broker


UNV3381I Manager component compname compid started.


Universal Broker reports the starting of a manager component named compname as component ID compid.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3382I Manager Component comp started as job jobnum/user/jobname.


Indicates that the component identified by comp was successfully started. jobnum the job number. user is name of the account that started the process. jobname is the name of the job.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3383I Manager component comp compid ended with exit code exitcode.


Indicates that the manager component named comp with component ID compid ended normally. exitcode is the exit code of the process.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3384W Manager component comp compid ended abnormally with exit code exitcode (hex).


The manager component named comp with component ID compid ended abnormally. exitcode is the exit code of the process. hex is the hexadecimal representation of the exit code.



System Action

The program continues.

User Action

Refer to the documentation for the process to identify and resolve the error.


Universal Broker


UNV3385W Manager component comp compid ended with non-zero exit code exitcode (hexexitcode).


Indicates that the manager component named comp with component ID compid ended with a non-zero exit code. exitcode is the exit code of that process. hexexitcode is the hexadecimal format of exitcode.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3386I Universal Broker is currently in mode mode.


Indicates the mode the Universal Broker is being started in. mode specifies whether the program is currently managed or unmanaged.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3387I Universal Broker has been changed to mode mode.


Indicates that the Universal Broker is being changed to mode mode. mode specifies the mode the Universal Broker is being changed to.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3388E Error processing monitor interface request: func, errno, reason


Universal Broker received a message from the manager component monitor and encountered an error processing the message. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues processing.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3389E Error processing manager component termination: compid, func, errno, reason


An error occurred while processing the termination of a manager component. The component ID of the manager is compid. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues processing.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3390E Error in component monitor thread: func, errno, reason


An error occurred in the component monitor thread. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker will initiate a shutdown.

User Action

Contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3391E Monitor interface open error: func, errno, reason


The local interface used to monitor manager component execution could not be opened. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If the problem persists, contact Stonebranch customer support.


Universal Broker


UNV3392E Local Universal Broker with system ID 'sid' already running.


A Universal Broker is already running with the same system identifier. Each Universal Broker running on the same system must have a unique system identifier.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

If the intention is to run another Broker, configure each one with a unique system identifier.


Universal Broker


UNV3393I Universal Broker is using system ID 'sid'.


The Universal Broker is running with a system identifier of sid. Locally running Universal Product managers use the system identifier to identify to which local Universal Broker they should register.



System Action


User Action

None required.


Universal Broker


UNV3394E Error creating the Broker Interface File: func, errno, reason


An error occurred creating the Broker Interface File. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker terminates.

User Action

Determine the cause of the error from this message and potentially other messages issued prior to this one. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support for assistance if necessary.


Universal Broker


UNV3395E Error removing the Broker Interface File: func, errno, reason


An error occurred removing the Broker Interface File. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The Broker terminates.

User Action

Determine the cause of the error from this message and potentially other messages issued prior to this one. Contact Stonebranch Customer Support for assistance if necessary.


Universal Broker


UNV3396W Decreased maximum number of components from cfgmax to newmax to meet O/S file descriptor resource limits.


The maximum number of running components that Broker will manage was changed from cfgmax to newmax. The change was made so that the Broker would not reach file and socket descriptor limits imposed by the operating system on the Broker process.



System Action

The Broker continues processing with the new limit in effect.

User Action

If the Broker needs to manage the maximum number of components specified in the configuration option running_max, increase the O/S resource limit for open file or socket descriptors for the Broker process. The resource limit must be greater than the running_max option value plus 10. The Broker process must be restarted after changing the O/S limits. If the Broker does not need to manage the maximum number of components, decrease the running_max configuration option to the new maximum or less.


Universal Broker


UNV3397E Error updating database close indicator: func, errno, reason


An error occurred when updating the Broker's database close indicator. The close indicator is used by the Broker to detect when the databases were not closed properly. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program continues with the database close operation.

User Action

The next time the broker is started, the database close indicator value may not accurately represent the state of the databases. The Broker may force a database verification if it determines the databases were not properly closed.


Universal Broker


UNV3398E Error initializing Component Manager subsystem: func, errno, reason


An error occurred when initializing the Component Manager subsystem. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Take corrective action based on the error information provided in this and any previous messages potentially printed. Contact Stonebranch Customer support for assistance if needed.


Universal Broker


UNV3399E Error initializing Universal Event subsystem: func, errno, reason


An error occurred when initializing the Universal Event subsystem. func is the name of the function in which the error occurred. errno is the error number. reason is an explanation of the error.



System Action

The program terminates.

User Action

Take corrective action based on the error information provided in this and any previous messages potentially printed. Contact Stonebranch Customer support for assistance if needed.


Universal Broker

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