Running Job on SAP Using Job Definition File - zOS

Running a Job on an SAP System Using a Universal Connector Job Definition File - z/OS

This example illustrates running a job on an SAP system using a Universal Connector job definition file.

//* Description
//* -----------
//* This sample will:
//* 1. Submit a new job to an SAP system. 
//* 2. Start the job.
//* 3. Wait for the job to complete.
//* 4. Return the job log.
//* 5. Return the spool list.
//         JCLLIB ORDER=#SHLQ.UNV.SUNVSAMP                           
//STEP1    EXEC USPPRC                                               
//JOBDEF   DD  *                                                     
 /* Job Header statement. */

 /* ABAP Step statement. */
 ABAP_STEP            = "STEP 1"
//SYSIN    DD  *                                                     
   -dest         CF5 
   -client       800 
   -userid       sapuid 
   -pwd          sappwd      
   -sub          JOBDEF
   -joblog       yes
   -spoollist    yes

SYSIN Options

SYSIN options used in this example are:

Command Options



Named set of connection parameters (destination) 'CF5'. These connection parameters are used for communications with the SAP system. The default file for destination parameters is #HLQ.UNV.USPRFC00.


SAP client number that Universal Connector will communicate with.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Specification that Universal Connector will issue the SUBMIT command.


Specification that Universal Connector will instruct the SAP system to start the submitted job.


Specification that Universal Connector will monitor the started job until it completes.


Specification that Universal Connector will return the SAP log for the started job.


Specification that Universal Connector will return any spool lists created by the started job.


Universal Connector for z/OS