Copy from Remote UNIX to Local zOS Using cat Command

Copy from Remote UNIX to Local zOS Using cat Command

Copy from Remote UNIX to Local z/OS Using UNIX cat Command via Universal Command Manager for z/OS

The following figure illustrates the copying of a file from a remote UNIX system to a local z/OS system using the UNIX cat command.

//         JCLLIB ORDER=username.UNV.SUNVSAMP     
//STEP1    EXEC UCMDPRC,           
//               STDOUT='DISP=SHR,DSN=username.UNIX.FILE1'         
//SYSIN    DD  *         
-cmd 'cat /export/home/username/file1'          
-host Unix_1 -userid username -pwd password -level audit  

SYSIN Options

The SYSIN options used in this example are:




Remote command cat /export/home/username/file1 to execute. The cat program copies the files specified on the command line to its stdout.n.


Directs the command to a computer with host address Unix_1.


Remote user ID with which to execute the command.


Password for the user ID.


Message level output for this command execution.


Universal Command Manager for z/OS