JES_SYSOUT_DISP - UAG configuration option

JES_SYSOUT_DISP - UAG configuration option


The JES_SYSOUT_DISP option specifies the disposition of a job's SYSOUT data sets once Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) has completed processing them.

The JES_SYSOUT_DISP, JES_SYSOUT_CLASS, and JES_SYSOUT_RETENTION options together are used to configure UAG's SYSOUT processing.

See JES SYSOUT Processing for a description of UAG SYSOUT Processing configuration.





HP NonStop




Configuration File Keyword

jes_sysout_disp disp [ , { * [,defaultClass ] | class } ]



disp is the SYSOUT data sets disposition.

Valid values for disp are:

    SYSOUT data sets are deleted from the JES spool.
  • KEEP
    SYSOUT data sets are kept as they are.
  • HOLD
    SYSOUT data sets are held.
    SYSOUT data sets are released.

For disposition values other than DELETE, the SYSOUT data sets can be requeued to another JES class, class.

The requeue class value is optional. If it is not specified, the SYSOUT data sets remain in their current class.

Valid values for class are:

  • An asterisk (*) specifies the SYSOUT data sets are requeued back to the original MSGCLASS value. This option works in conjunction with the JES_SYSOUT_CLASS option. The defaultClass value is the default class if the job's JCL JOB statement did not include a MSGCLASS parameter. The defaultClass default is class A.
  • A JES class to which the SYSOUT data sets are requeued.

If the JES_SYSOUT_DISP value is anything other than KEEP, the JES_SYSOUT_CLASS option is required.


jes_sysout_disp    keep,*,H

This example sets the final disposition of SYSOUT data sets to KEEP, which will leave the SYSOUT data sets disposition unchanged.

The requeue class is *, which works in conjunction with the JES_SYSOUT_CLASS option. The SYSOUT data sets are requeued to the orignal MSGLCLASS value of the job. If the job's JCL JOB statement originally included MSGCLASS=X, the SYSOUT data sets will be requeued to class X. If the JOB statement did not include a MSGCLASS parameter, the SYSOUT data sets are requeued to the default class of H.

jes_sysout_disp    release,*

This example sets the final disposition of SYSOUT data sets to RELEASE, which will release the SYSOUT data sets to the JES output queue.

The requeue class is *, which works in conjunction with the JES_SYSOUT_CLASS option. The SYSOUT data sets are requeued to the orignal MSGLCLASS value of the job. If the job's JCL JOB statement originally included MSGCLASS=H, the SYSOUT data sets will be requeued to class H. If the JOB statement did not include a MSGCLASS parameter, the SYSOUT data sets are requeued to the default, default class of A.

jes_sysout_disp    hold,H

This example sets the final disposition of SYSOUT data sets to HOLD, which sets the SYSOUT data sets disposition to hold.

The SYSOUT data sets are requeued to class H.

jes_sysout_disp    delete

This example sets the final disposition of SYSOUT data sets to DELETE, which removes the SYSOUT data sets from the JES spool.

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