UACL Generics
Generics -------- Generics allow you to specify a string pattern to match a value. The string pattern is a convenient way of specifying one or more values. The following pattern control characters may be used: * Match 0 or more characters. ? Match one character. / Escape character to escape matching control characters so they are used as literal characters. In addition to the pattern control characters, pattern control codes may be specified to control how the pattern matching is performed. The following pattern control characters may be used: c Perform a case insentitive compare. C Perform a case sensitive compare (the default). s Normalize spaces by reducing multiple spaces to one. S Don't normalize spaces (the default). Examples: *le matches "apple", "le", and "red apple". /*le matches "*le" only. ap?le matches "apple", "ap le", but not "aple". /c*le matches "apple", "APPLE", and "appLe". a/c*le matches "apple", "aPpLe", but not "APPLE". /s*le matches "apple", "red apple", and "red apple".