Monitoring Multiple Events

Monitoring Multiple Events


Multiple events can be monitored at the same time using an event-driven Universal Event Monitor Server.

Event-Driven UEM Server

An event-driven UEM Server uses the records stored in the event definition database file to identify the events it is responsible for monitoring.

An event-driven UEM Server can be executed automatically during start-up of a Universal Broker. While it requires no interaction from a UEM client application, however, an event-driven UEM Server can be started at any time using Universal Control.

Unless it is stopped manually (using Universal Control), the event-driven UEM Server will continue to run as long as the Broker remains active. When the Broker stops, it will send a stop request to the UEM Server, instructing it to shut itself down.

When an event-driven UEM Server starts, it sends a request to the Broker asking for all of the event definitions residing in the event definition database that are assigned to that event-driven UEM Server. (This assignment was made when the event definition record was added to the database with UEMLoad.) The Server checks the active and inactive dates and times of the event definitions that it receives. It then begins monitoring the active events.

Each event definition provides for the assignment of an event handler to execute when an event occurrence is triggered or rejected. The assignment of an event handler to execute when an event expires also is made within the event definition. The UEM Server is responsible for executing appropriate event handlers based upon the states it sets for detected event occurrences and/or the event themselves.

UEM Server Overview

The following figure illustrates the interaction of the Universal Broker and an event-driven UEM Server.

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