Committing Agent Configurations

Committing Agent Configurations

You must commit any modified option values of an Agent configuration in order for UEC to send those values to the Agent. When you commit a configuration, a validation automatically is performed on all of its modified option values.

Committed configurations are placed in a Commit queue. Whenever UEC polls an Agent, the Commit queue is scanned for any pending commits (committed configurations) to that agent. If a pending commit is found, it is sent to the Agent, where the Universal Broker automatically is refreshed.


When the Broker is refreshed, only some modified option values take effect; others require the Broker to be recycled before they take effect (see Universal Broker Configuration Options Refresh).

Only one pending commit is sent to an Agent per poll. For example, if a user commits five times to an agent, five Agent polls are required to process the pending commits.


The frequency with which UEC polls an Agent is defined in the UEC POLLING_INTERVAL configuration option. This polling interval also can be defined for individual agents through the I-Administrator client application (see I-Administrator).

To track the status of commits, access the Commit Queue application (see Commit Queue).

To commit a configuration, perform the following steps.

Step 1

In the Configuration tree, click the configuration to be committed.

Step 2

Commit the selected configuration either by:

  • Clicking Commit in the Actions menu on the I-Management Console menu bar.
  • Clicking the Commit Configuration icon on the I-Management Console tool bar.


    Only values for options with the Commit check box checked in the Configuration Options table can be committed. (If you modify an option value, but remove the check mark before submitting that value for validation, the modification is removed from the value field and will not be made.)

Step 3

If validation is successful - that is, all option values are successfully validated - the Commit dialog displays.

Enter a description for the commit.
(The following default description is provided: Commit to agent: <agent name>.)

Step 4

Click the Commit button to commit the changes to the agent.
The commit is placed on the I-Management Console Commit queue and the following dialog displays.

Step 5

Click OK.

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