Universal Event Monitor Manager

Universal Event Monitor Manager


The Universal Event Monitor Manager (uem) is provided for monitoring a single event. The parameters which define the system event and any actions that should be taken when the event satisfies certain conditions are specified via the UEM Manager's command options.

When a UEM Manager is started, it sends a request to the specified local or remote Universal Broker to start a Universal Event Monitor Server (uemsrv). The UEM Server that is started is a demand-driven Server, because it is executed on demand by a UEM Manager (see UEM Servers - Demand-Driven vs. Event-Driven).

The UEM Manager sends the monitoring request to the UEM Server, which validates the provided parameters and supplies default values for any required parameters not specified.

After the request is validated and its receipt acknowledged by the UEM Server, the UEM Manager will wait (by default) for the UEM Server process to finish. This will occur when the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Event becomes inactive, which occurs either when:
    1. Required number of expected event occurrences are detected.
    2. Inactive date and time specified for the event elapses.
  2. Any handler processes executed by the UEM Server have completed.

As noted in the conditions listed above, one or more handler processes can be executed by the UEM Server. The scenarios under which these processes are executed come from information provided by the UEM Manager when the actions to take for trigger or reject event occurrences are specified.

The actions to take when an event is set to an expired state also can be specified in the UEM Manager command statement.

Before it ends, the UEM Server may inform the UEM Manager of the result of the monitoring request. If it does, the UEM Manager will set its exit code based on this information. This is the default behavior. However, if an option was set in the UEM Manager instructing it to not wait on the UEM Server, the UEM Manager will end as soon as the UEM Server acknowledges its receipt of a valid monitoring request.

Detailed operating-specific usage information for UEM Manager, as well as detailed information on all UEM configuration options, is included in this document.



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