MESSAGE_DESTINATION - UBROKER configuration option

MESSAGE_DESTINATION - UBROKER configuration option


The MESSAGE_DESTINATION option specifies the location where messages are written.








Configuration File Keyword

message_dest destination






destination is the location where messages are written.

Valid values for destination are:


  • logfile
    Writes the messages to ddname UNVLOG.
  • system
    Writes the messages to the console as WTO messages.

Default for a console process is system.


  • logfile
    Writes the messages to a log file. The log file location is specified by the Log Directory option. The current log file name is unv.log. Past generation log files are named unvNNNN.log, where NNNN equals the generation number. By default, five generations are kept.
  • stderr
    Writes the messages to the console. stderr is a valid value only if Universal Broker is running as a console application.
  • system
    Writes the messages to the Windows Application Event Log.

Default depends on how Universal Broker is started:

  • Default for a Windows Service is system.
  • Default for a console application is stderr.


  • stderr
    Writes the messages to the console. stderr is a valid value only if Universal Broker is running as a console application.
  • logfile
    Writes the messages to a log file. The log file location is specified by the Log Directory option. The current log file name is unv.log. Past generation log files are named unvNNNN.log, where NNNN equals the generation number. By default, five generations are kept.
  • system
    Writes the messages to the syslog daemon.

Default depends on how Universal Broker is started:

  • Default for a console process is stderr.
  • Default for a daemon process is logfile.


  • stderr
    Writes the messages to the STDERR file. A batch job's STDERR file is allocated to the print file QPRINT.
  • logfile
    Writes the messages to the job's job log.
  • system
    Writes the messages to the system operator message queue QSYSOPR.

The product is delivered with a value of logfile.
If a value of system is preferred, you may want to reduce the number of messages written to the message queue by specifying a MESSAGE_LEVEL of warn.
Default is stderr.