LOGON_LANGUAGE - USAP configuration option
LOGON_LANGUAGE - USAP configuration option
The LOGON_LANGUAGE option specifies the SAP logon language used for the USAP session.
Method | Syntax | IBM i | HP NonStop | UNIX | Windows | z/OS |
Command Line, Short Form | n/a | |||||
Command Line, Long Form | -saplang language | |||||
Environment Variable | USAPLANG=language | |||||
Configuration File Keyword | sap_language language |
language is the SAP logon language used for the USAP session.
Valid values for language are:
- Any valid 1-character SAP language identifier
- Any valid 2-character ISO language identifier
- " " (no value)
This prevents Universal Connector from explicitly setting the SAP language for the RFC communication session with the SAP system. The result is that the SAP system uses the default language set up for the user ID.
Default is EN (English).
Command Usage
The LOGON_LANGUAGE option is a HOST option.
HOST options are associated with program execution, not commands. They are required to establish a connection with an SAP system.