z/OS Installation - New Install, New CSI
New Install, New CSI
The New Install, New CSI installation process describes how to install the Universal Agent package in a newly allocated SMP/E CSI.
Use this installation process for either of these environments:
- Installing a Universal Agent package for the first time.
- Installing a Universal Agent package in a different SMP/E CSI than other Universal Agent components.
The installation JCL referenced by the following installation steps is created by the #SETUP member in the Universal Agent INSTALL library.
Each step consists of running a batch job. The batch job must end with the appropriate return code before proceeding to the next step.
Step 1 | Edit and submit the JCL in member #SETUP. The #SETUP JCL creates customized installation JCL used by the following installation steps and for product maintenance and customization. All the JCL is created as members in the INSTALL library.
Step 2 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN01. The JCL allocates the SMP/E CSI data sets.
Step 3 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN02. The JCL initializes the SMP/E CSI.
Step 4 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN03. The JCL allocates Universal Agent target and distribution data sets and adds SMP/E DDDEF definitions to the Universal Agent CSI zones.
Step 5 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN04. The JCL performs an SMP/E RECEIVE of the product FMIDs and available PTFs from the distribution data sets.
Step 6 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN05. The JCL performs an SMP/E APPLY of the product FMIDs and any received PTFs.
Step 7 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN06. The JCL member performs an SMP/E ACCEPT of the product FMIDs and any applied PTFs.
Step 8 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN07. The JCL member allocates product non-SMP/E data sets and databases, and formats the zFS data sets.
Step 9 | The product databases are allocated as z/OS UNIX zFS file systems. Additional product configuration is required to utilize zFS data sets. See Universal Agent Database Configuration for details.
Step 10 | Submit the JCL in member UNVIN08. The JCL copies sample configuration members to the configuration libraries.
Step 11 | Edit and submit the JCL in member UNVIN09. The JCL requires modifications as listed in the MODIFICATIONS section of the comments at the top of the JCL. The JCL copies the Universal Enterprise Controller and Universal Broker started procedure JCL to a system procedure library.
Step 12 | Perform required z/OS configuration steps as described in z/OS Installation - Configuration. |