z/OS USS Installation - Data Set Inventory
SMP/E Data Sets
A number of SMP/E data sets are allocated and cataloged as part of the Universal Agent for z/OS USS installation.
The following table lists the data sets and their space requirements.
Depending on your installation choices, the data set high-level qualifiers may be different.
Data Set Name | Space (tracks) | Description |
UNV.AUNVHBIN | 3000 | SMP/E distribution library for z/OS UNIX executables. |
UNV.AUNVHNLS | 30 | SMP/E distribution library for z/OS UNIX product national language support files. |
z/OS UNIX Directories
A number of z/OS UNIX directories are created as part of the Universal Agent for z/OS USS installation.
The following table lists the directories and their space requirements.
Directory Name | Space (MB) | Description |
universal/bin/IBM | 80 | SMP/E target directory for the SUNVHBIN DDDEF. |
universal/bin | 0 | USS Universal Agent program files. |
universal/nls/IBM | 0.5 | SMP/E target directory for the SUNVHNLS DDDEF. |
universal/nls | 0 | USS Universal Agent national language support files. |
universal/ucmdmgr | 0 | Universal Command Manager installation directory. |
universal/uctlmgr | 0 | Universal Control Manager installation directory. |
universal/udmmgr | 0 | Universal Data Mover Manager installation directory. |
universal/uemmgr | 0 | Universal Event Monitor Manager installation directory. |
universal/uquery | 0 | Universal Query installation directory. |