Universal Command Manager for z/OS
This page provides information on Universal Command (UCMD) Manager specific to the z/OS operating system.
UCMD Manager executes commands on any computer running the UCMD Server component.
You indicate to the UCMD Manager what command(s) to execute and how the standard input and output and error data should be processed. The UCMD Manager connects to the UCMD Server and processes your request.
The z/OS Batch Manager provides a batch job interface to remote computers running the UCMD Server component. The UCMD Manager executes remote commands as they would be if you entered them directly on the remote command line. Standard input and output and error files are supplied using JCL DD statements.
UCMD Manager registers with a locally running Universal Broker. Consequentially, a Universal Broker must be running in order for a UCMD Manager to execute.
UCMD Manager for z/OS executes as a batch job. It consists of:
- Batch JCL
- Configuration options
This section describes the JCL, configuration and configuration options, and command line syntax of UCMD Manager for z/OS.
JCL Procedure
The following figure illustrates the UCMD Manager for z/OS JCL procedure (UCMDPRC, located in the SUNVSAMP library) that is provided with the Universal Agent for z/OS installation to simplify the execution JCL and future maintenance.
//UCMDPRC PROC UPARM=, -- UCMD options // STDOUT='SYSOUT=*', -- stdout of remote command // STDERR='SYSOUT=*', -- stderr of remote command // STDIN='DUMMY', -- stdin of remote command // UCMDPRE=#SHLQ.UNV //* //PS1 EXEC PGM=UCMD,PARM='ENVAR(TZ=EST5EDT)/&UPARM' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&UCMDPRE..SUNVLOAD //* //UNVNLS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&UCMDPRE..SUNVNLS //UNVTRACE DD SYSOUT=* //* //UNVOUT DD &STDOUT -- Remote stdout //UNVERR DD &STDERR -- Remote stderr //UNVIN DD &STDIN -- Remote stdin //\* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //CEEDUMP DD SYSOUT=*
The procedure provides the parameters STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR to specify the stdin, stdout, and stderr files, respectively, of the remote command.
The UPARM parameter is used to specify EXEC PARM keyword values for the UCMD program. The PARM values to the left of the slash ( / ) character are IBM Language Environment parameters.
For information regarding the Time Zone (TZ) environment variable, see z/OS Installation - Time Zone Environment Variable.
The UCMDPRE parameter specifies the data set name prefix of Universal Agent installation data sets.
DD Statements Used in JCL Procedure
The following table describes the DD statements used in the UCMD Manager for z/OS JCL procedure, above.
ddname |
DCB Attributes * |
Mode |
Description |
input |
Universal Agent load library containing the program being executed. |
input |
Universal Agent national language support library. Contains message catalogs and code page translation tables. |
output |
UCMD trace output. |
output |
Remote command's stdout file. When the remote command writes to its stdout file, this is the file to which it writes. |
output |
Remote command's stderr file. When the remote command writes to its stderr file, this is the file to which it writes. |
input |
Remote command's stdin file. When the remote command reads from its stdin file, this is the file from which it reads. |
output |
Standard output file for the UCMD program. UCMD does not write any messages to SYSPRINT. |
output |
Standard error file for the UCMD program. UCMD writes its messages to SYSOUT. |
* The C runtime library determines the default DCB attributes. See the IBM manual OS/390 C/C++ Programming Guide for details on default DCB attributes for stream I/O.
DD Statement Categories
UCMD Manager DD statements are organized into the following categories:
Category |
DD Statements |
Runtime specifications |
Remote command standard files (stdin, stdout, and stderr) |
UCMD message and command files (stdin, stdout, and stderr) |
Command files |
User-defined DD statements to which Universal Command commands refer. |
UNVIN Concatenation Requirements
Sequential data sets can be concatenated on the UNVIN ddname. When the UNVIN ddname is open, it is treated as a single data set with the following attributes:
- The RECFM of the first data set in the concatenation.
- The LRECL of the first data set in the concatenation.
- The BLKSIZE of the largest block size in the concatenation.
IBM does not support concatenating data sets with differing RECFM values or LRECL values larger then the first data set in the concatenation. Unpredictable results, including ABENDs, may occur when these rules are not followed.
IBM documents concatenation rules in the IBM C/C++ Programming Guide.
The following figure illustrates the UCMD Manager for z/OS JCL using the UCMDPRC JCL procedure, above.
//jobname JOB CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X //STEP1 EXEC UCMDPRC, // STDOUT='DISP=SHR,DSN=my.local.file' //SYSIN DD * -cmd 'ucopy file' -host dallas -userid joe -pwd akkSdiq \*
Job step STEP1 executes the procedure UCMDPRC with the STDOUT parameter set to a value that allocates a local file.
The command options are specified on the SYSIN DD.
Configuration consists of:
- Setting default options and preferences for all executions of UCMD Manager.
- Setting options and preferences for a single execution of UCMD Manager.
These configuration options are read from the following sources:
- PARM keyword (command line)
- SYSIN ddname (command line)
- Command file ddname
- Configuration file
The order of precedence is the same as the list above; PARM keyword options being the highest and configuration file being the lowest. That is, options specified via a PARM keyword override options specified via a SYSIN ddname, and so on.
For detailed information on these methods of configuration, see Configuration Management.
Configuration File
The configuration file provides the simplest method of specifying default configuration options whose values you do not want changed with each command invocation. These values are used if the options are not read from one or more other sources.
Some options only can be specified in the configuration file; they have no corresponding command line equivalent. Other options cannot be specified in the configuration file; they must be specified via one or more other sources for a single execution of UCMD Manager.
The configuration file is provided to the UCMD Manager by the local Universal Broker with which it registers. The UCMD Manager configuration file is located in the UCMCFG00 member of the PDSE allocated to the UNVCONF ddname in the Universal Broker started task.
For any changes to the UCMD Manager configuration file to become active, a Universal Broker refresh is required, or the Universal Broker started task must be restarted.
Configuration Options
This section describes the configuration options used to execute UCMD Manager for z/OS.
Configuration Options Categories
The following table categorizes the configuration options into logical areas of application. Each Category name is a link to a table of options in that category. Each Option Name in those tables is a link to detailed information about that option.
Category |
Description |
X.509 certificate-related options. |
Command or script to execute on the remote system. If a script is being executed, the script may reside on the local host on which the Manager is running or the remote host on which the Server is running. It also includes options to control the process environment in which the command executes. |
Options used to define event generation. |
Options required for local Broker registration. |
Universal Command message options. |
Options used to display command help and program versions. |
Processing options for all the data transferred between the remote and local systems. |
Alternative methods to specify configuration options. |
Network address of the remote system and connection options. |
Options that control whether or not the Manager spools its standard files and how they are processed. |
Processing options for the standard files transferred between the remote and local systems. The STDFILE options are specified differently then the other options. There are three types of standard files: stdin, stdout, and stderr. Each standard file can have a different set of options applied. In order to distinguish between the standard files, the options must start with a standard file specification option (STDERR_SPEC, STDIN_SPEC, or STDOUT_SPEC). The standard file options (names starting with SIO_) follow the standard file specification option. |
User account that the command executes with on the remote system. |
Certificate Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
ddname of the PEM-formatted trusted CA X.509 certificates. |
ddname of Manager's PEM-formatted X.509 certificate. |
Number of days prior to certificate expiration to begin issuing informational messages about the expiration. |
ddname of the PEM-formatted CRL. |
ddname of Manager's PEM formatted RSA private key. |
Password for the Manager's PRIVATE_KEY. |
SAF certificate key ring name. |
SAF key ring certificate label. |
SSL/TLS implementation. |
Specifies that the Broker's X.509 certificate host name field must be verified. |
Specifies that the Broker's X.509 certificate serial number field must be verified. |
Command Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
Remote command to execute. |
Unique command ID associated the unit of work. |
Type of command specified with option COMMAND. |
Allows exit codes from the user process executed by UCMD Server to be translated (mapped) to a corresponding exit code for UCMD Manager. |
Specifies whether or not the command runs in a login environment. |
Specification for whether or not the manager fault tolerant feature is used. |
Local script file to execute on the remote system. |
Regular expression that is matched against each line of the script being sent to the remote system. Any line that matches the mask will be ignored and not sent to the remote system as part of the script. |
Command line options passed to the script file. |
Type of script file specified by option SCRIPT_FILE. |
Events Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
Specification for whether or not product activity monitoring events are generated. |
Events to be generated as persistent events. |
Local Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
Local Universal Broker with which the UCMD Manager must register. |
Messages Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
Language of messages written. |
Level of messages written. |
List of message IDs representing Universal messages to be suppressed. |
Maximum number of lines written to a trace file before it wraps around. |
Memory trace table specification. |
Miscellaneous Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
User-defined string. |
Write command option help. |
Write program version. |
Network Category Options
Option Name |
Description |
Code page used for text translation. |
SSL/TLS cipher list for the control session. |