The MESSAGE_LEVEL option specifies the level of messages to write.
Method | Syntax | IBM i | UNIX | Windows | z/OS |
Configuration File Keyword | message_level level | | | | |
Manager Override | n/a |
level indicates either of the following level of messages:
Default is info.
Trace Files
IBM i | The trace file name is CURLIB/UNVTRCUCMS(Sxxxyyyyyy), where: - xxx is the three least-significant hexadecimal digits of the UCMD Server process identifier.
- yyyyyy is the six least-significant hexadecimal digits of the component identifier.
The fault tolerant modes of Universal Command require this combination to produce unique, meaningful member identifiers. The default *CURLIB is UNVTMP520.
UNIX | The trace file name is ucmsrv-N-S.trc, where: - N is the component ID assigned to this instance of the UCMD Server by the Broker.
- S is a sequence number.
The trace file is created in the trace directory, as specified by the TRACE_DIRECTORY option, which defaults to /var/opt/universal/trace.
Windows | The trace file name is ucmsrv-N.trc, where: - N is the process ID of UCMD Server.
It is created in the working directory of UCMD Server.
z/OS | There are two possible destinations of the trace data: - If ddname UNVTRMDL is defined in the UBROKER started task procedure, a sequential data set is created using the data set allocated to UNVTRMDL as a model.
The dynamically allocated trace data set name is #HLQ.UCM.Dyymmdd.Thhmmss.Cnnnnnns, where:- #HLQ is the data set name allocated on the UNVTRMDL ddname.
- yymmdd is the year, month, and day.
- hhmmss is the hour, minute, second the data set was allocated.
- nnnnnn is the last six digits of the Server's component ID in hexadecimal format.
- s is the component ID's sequence number from 0 - F.
Each time that a server is restarted, its sequence number is incremented. If a server is restarted more than 15 times, tracing is disabled.
- If ddname UNVTRMDL is not defined in the UBROKER started task procedure, member name Cnnnnnns is created in the PDS or PDS/E allocated to the UNVTRACE ddname, where:
- nnnnnn is the last six digits of the Server's component ID in hexadecimal format.
- s is the component ID's sequence number from 0 - F.
Each time that a server is restarted, its sequence number is incremented. If a server is restarted more than 15 times, tracing is disabled. Depending on the error condition being diagnosed, it is possible that the member name of the UNVTRACE PDS or PDS/E is not created. If this occurs, the UNVTRMDL ddname must be used to create a sequential data set name. The records written to PDS and PDS/E members cannot be wrapped, so the TRACE_FILE_LINES configuration option limit has no effect on the maximum number of trace records written to the member.