UDM - attrib (Attribute) Command - zOS

attrib (Attribute) Command - zOS

z/OS data sets can be allocated statically with JCL DD statements or dynamically with the z/OS Dynamic Allocation service (aka SVC 99).

Dynamic Allocation Attributes

The following table lists the dynamic allocation attributes that can be specified via the attrib (Attribute) command. For complete details on an allocation attribute, refer to the IBM JCL Reference.


When performing a z/OS-to-z/OS copy and the destination file system is DSN, UDM uses the following allocation attributes obtained from the source file (assuming the file system is DD or DSN): blksize, dirblocks, dsorg, lrecl, primspace, secspace, and spaceunit.

If you do not want to use the source files values for these allocation attributes, you can override them by issuing an attrib command with the attributes that you want to change before the copy operation.

Attribute Name



  • Disposition of a data set after the job ends abnormally.
  • Equivalent to the third position sub-parameter of the JCL DISP parameter: DISP=(status,normaldisp,abnormaldisp).
  • Default is DELETE: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_ABNORMAL_DISP.


  • Indication that the unit of allocation space specified with the spaceunit attribute is records and that the primary space and secondary space values are in units of 1's, K's, or M's.
  • Equivalent to the JCL AVGREC parameter: AVGREC=size.
    *No default or configuration option.


  • Block size with which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the JCL BLKSIZE parameter: BLKSIZE=size.
  • Default is 27998: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_BLKSIZE.


  • Block size limit when there is not block size specified from any source.
  • Equivalent to the JCL BLKSZLIM parameter: BLKSZLIM=size.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • SMS data class name.
  • Equivalent to the JCL DATACLAS parameter: DATACLAS=name.
  • No default: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_DATACLAS.


  • Data set sequence number that specifies the relative position of a tape data set on the volume.
  • Equivalent to the data set sequence sub-parameter of the JCL LABEL parameter: LABEL=(datasetseq,,,,).
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • DCB reference to a ddname.
  • Equivalent to the ddname sub-parameter of the JCL DCB parameter: DCB=ddname.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Tape density to use.
  • Equivalent to the DEN sub-parameter of the JCL DCB parameter: DCB=DEN=density.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Number of directory blocks to allocate for a partitioned data set.
  • Equivalent to the third positional parameter of the second positional parameter of the JCL SPACE parameter: SPACE=( , (,, dirblocks), . . . ).
  • Default is 20: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_DIR_BLOCKS.


  • DCB reference to a cataloged data set name.
  • Equivalent to the data set name sub-parameter of the JCL DCB parameter: DCB=dsn.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Type of SMS data set to allocate.
  • Equivalent to the JCL DSNTYPE parameter: DSNTYPE=type.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Data set organization with which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the JCL DSORG parameter: DSORG=org.
  • Default is PS: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_DSORG.


  • Expiration date of the data set.
  • Equivalent to the JCL EXPDT parameter: EXPDT=date 
    • Includes support for the following special values:
      • 00000 - allocate the dataset with no expiration date

      • 98000 - used by some tape management systems control when datasets are uncataloged and tape volumes become available for re-use

      • 99000 - used by some tape management systems control when datasets are uncataloged and tape volumes become available for re-use

      • 99365 - allocate the dataset so that it never expires

      • 99366 - allocate the dataset so that it never expires

      • Support for these values was added to the Universal Agent,, and releases
    • Any other value must be a date with a 4-digit year and a 3-digit Julian day. The following formats are supported:
      • yyyyddd (e.g., 2024229, for August 16, 2024)
        • Support for this format exists in all Universal Agent releases
      • yyyy/ddd (e.g., 2024031, for January 31, 2024)
        • Support for this format was added to the Universal Agent,, and releases
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Data set label type used for mostly tape data sets.
  • Equivalent to the label sub-parameter of the JCL LABEL parameter: LABEL=(,label,,,).
  • No default or configuration option.


  • SMS data set name from which to model data set attributes.
  • Equivalent to the JCL LIKE parameter: LIKE=dsname.
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Logical record length with which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the JCL LRECL parameter: LRECL=len.
  • Default is 1024: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_LRECL.


  • SMS management class name.
  • Equivalent to the JCL MGMTCLAS parameter: MGMTCLAS=name.
  • No default: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_MGMTCLAS.


  • Disposition of a data set after the job ends.
  • Equivalent to the JCL DISP parameter: DISP=(status,normaldisp,abnormaldisp).
  • Default is CATLG: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_NORMAL_DISP.


  • Password for password protected data sets.
  • No JCL equivalent.


  • Primary amount of space to allocate for the data set.
  • Equivalent to the first positional parameter of the second positional parameter of the JCL SPACE parameter: SPACE=( , (primspace, ), . . . ).
  • Default is 15: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_PRIM_SPACE.


  • Specification for whether or not the data set is password protected.
  • Equivalent to the PASSWORD or NOPWREAD sub-parameters of the JCL LABEL parameter: LABEL=(,,{PASSWORD|NOPWREAD},,).
  • Value must be either PASSWORD or NOPWREAD.


  • Record format with which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the JCL RECFM parameter: RECFM=fmt.
  • Default is VB: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_RECFM.


  • ddname from which to copy SMS data set attributes.
  • Equivalent to the JCL REFDD parameter: REFDD=ddname.
  • No default or configuration option.


  • Retention period of the data set.
  • Equivalent to the JCL RETPD parameter: RETPD=date.
  • No default or configuration option.


  • Specification for whether or not to release unused space when the data set is unallocated.
  • Equivalent to the sub-parameter RLSE of the JCL SPACE parameter: SPACE=(,(,,),RLSE).
  • Default is no. There is no UDM configuration option.
  • Setting the attribute value to yes turns on the attribute.


  • Secondary amount of space to allocate for the data set.
  • Equivalent to the second positional parameter of the second positional parameter of the JCL SPACE parameter: SPACE=( , (, secspace ), . . . ).
  • Default is 15: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_SEC_SPACE.


  • Allocation unit used to specify the space to allocate for the data set.
  • Equivalent to the first positional parameter of the JCL SPACE parameter: SPACE=(unit, . . .).
  • Default is TRK: it can be set with the UDM configuration option ALLOC_SPACE_UNIT.


  • Status of the data set to be allocated.
  • Equivalent to the first positional parameter of the JCL DISP parameter: DISP=(status,normaldisp,abnormaldisp).
  • Default is: OLD for input and output data sets that exist, NEW for output data sets that don't exist.
  • Default input status can be set with UDM configuration option ALLOC_INPUT_STATUS.
  • Default output status can be set with UDM configuration option ALLOC_OUTPUT_STATUS.


  • SMS storage class name.
  • Equivalent to the JCL STORCLAS parameter: STORCLAS=name.
  • No default: default value can be set with UDM configuration option ALLOC_STORCLAS.


  • Unit on which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the JCL UNIT parameter: UNIT=unit.
  • Default is SYSALLDA: it can be set with UDM configuration option ALLOC_UNIT.


  • Number of units to allocate for a multi-volume data set.
  • Equivalent to the unit count sub-parameter JCL UNIT parameter: UNIT=(,unitcnt,).
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Number of volumes to allocate for a multi-volume data set.
  • Equivalent to the volume count sub-parameter JCL VOL parameter: VOL=(,,,volcnt,).
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Volume sequence number on which a multi-volume data set starts.
  • Equivalent to the volume sequence number sub-parameter JCL VOL parameter: VOL=(,,volseq,,).
  • No default or UDM configuration option.


  • Volume serial number on which the data set is allocated.
  • Equivalent to the SER sub-parameter of the JCL VOL parameter: VOL=SER=volser.
  • No default: default value can be set with UDM configuration option ALLOC_VOLSER.