Universal Agent for Windows - User Mode Installation Requirements
Windows Versions
To install Universal Agent for Windows, you must have one of the following versions of Windows:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2022
The Universal Agent for Windows User Mode installation package will execute only on a 64-bit version of Windows.
Additional Requirements
- Administrative authority to execute the installation.
- Network connectivity via TCP/IP.
- About 120 MB available disk space.
- Interactive access to the Windows system (command line support will be provided in an upcoming release).
- Microsoft Visual C++ 14 Runtime
- Microsoft Universal C Runtime
Platform Requirements
Since platform requirements may change with new releases of Universal Agent, please consult the Platform Support for Universal Controller 7.7.x and Universal Agent 7.7.x page to make sure that your platform is supported before performing an installation.
Third-Party Requirements
Some Universal Agent components may rely on vendor-supplied resources whose runtime dependencies are not known to the Agent before execution. One such component is the Universal Connector for SAP (USAP), which relies on libraries provided by SAP. If the runtime dependencies for those libraries are not available on your Agent system, attempts to run USAP will fail. Where such dependencies exist, use information provided by the vendor to determine runtime requirements.
Installation Account
The account used to execute a Universal Agent for Windows user mode installation must have administrative privileges.
Universal Broker Service
The Universal Broker service runs either with an Administrative account or with the Local System account.
If you are using an Administrative account, the account must have the following privileges on the system upon which the Universal Agent resides (optional, but recommended privileges are noted):
- Act as part of the operating system
- Adjust memory quotas for a process
- Bypass traverse checking
- Debug programs
- Deny log on as batch job (optional, recommended)
- Deny log on locally (optional, recommended)
- Deny log on through Terminal Services (optional, recommended)
- Log on as a service
- Impersonate a client after authentication
- Increase scheduling priority
- Replace a process level token
- Take ownership of files and other objects
Selecting a Universal Broker Service Account
The Universal Agent for Windows user mode install will supply default credentials for an account named UBrokerService. This is the same default account that the Universal Agent for Windows system installation creates (if it does not already exist).
If the Universal Broker service will execute with a different account, you can provide that account's user ID and password during the install or specify them post-install in the Universal Broker service's configured settings within the Windows Services application.
If the Universal Broker service will execute with a domain account, that account must have the privileges listed above on the local Universal Agent system. The privileges can be granted locally or inherited via Active Directory policy, but they must be granted on the local system.
In all cases, the account chosen to run the Universal Broker service must be an existing Administrative account. The Universal Agent for Windows user mode install will not create it.
Spool Directory
The spool directory is used to store the following types of information:
- Execution information for Universal Agent components started by Universal Broker.
- Event definitions and event handlers managed by Universal Broker and used by Universal Event Monitor.
- Results of events tracked by Universal Event Monitor.
- Redirected standard I/O files (stdin, stdout, and stderr) captured by Universal Command when run with Manager Fault Tolerance enabled.
- Configuration information for Universal Agent components, when a local Universal Broker is operating in managed mode.
For user mode installations, the spool directory resides just under the main install directory.
- Most database files reside in
. - Spooled standard I/O files reside in
Universal Command Server
The spool directory must reside on a local device. It cannot reside on any network device, including network drives that may be mapped to a local drive. By default, the spool files are located in directory .\spool\ucmdsrv
(relative to the main installation directory).
You must have approximately 125 MB available disk space for each instance of a Universal Agent for Windows user mode installation.
The amount of disk space required for the spool directory depend on the following factors:
- Number of spooling user processes that will be executing simultaneously. A user process is created for each command requested by a Universal Command Manager. The default maximum number is 50.
- When a user process ends and a Manager has received all the spool files, the spool files themselves are deleted.
- Average size of the user processes standard input, output, and error files. Keep in mind that spooling is not a feature for file transfer purposes. File transfer-related processes should execute without spooling enabled.
When these numbers have been determined, the average amount of disk space is calculated with the following formula:
MAX-PROCESSES x AVERAGE-STDIO-SIZE x 2 = required disk space.
For example, if the maximum number of simultaneous user processes is estimated at 20 and the average size of processes standard I/O files is 100,000 bytes, the average amount of required disk space is 4MB (20 x 100000 x 2).
The Universal Command Server is configured with spooling disabled to prevent unintentional disk utilization. This feature can be enabled by updating the Universal Command Server configuration file, .\conf\ucmds.conf
For more information on the Manager Fault Tolerant feature and spooling of redirected standard I/O files, see the Universal Agent 7.7.x User Guide.
Universal Broker and Universal Command Server require read/write access to the spool directory. No other Universal Agent components access the spool directory directly.
UAG Cache
The Universal Automation Center Agent (UAGSRV) stores standard I/O redirected from processes it executes to files in the UAG cache locations below.
Cache files are located, by default, in directory .\UagSrv\cache
, relative to the main Universal Agent for Windows user mode installation directory.
Cache files are created for each job that is run by Universal Agent. They remain in the cache until they are purged by an automated purge process scheduled nightly by Universal Controller. You can configure the number of days that files remain in the cache using the Agent Cache Retention Period in Days Universal Controller system property.
For each instance of a Universal Agent user mode installation, the amount of disk space required for the cache directory depends on:
- Number of jobs you estimate will run during the cache retention period you specified.
- These files remain until they are purged by the automated cache purge process scheduled by the Controller daily at midnight.
- Average size of the user processes standard output and error files.
When these numbers have been determined, the average amount of disk space is calculated with the following formula:
For example:
If the files are purged every 7 days, and you run 1200 jobs daily on a particular user mode Universal Agent and the average size of the STDOUT + STDERR files is 3,000 bytes, the average amount of required disk space is 25MB (7 x 1,200 x 3000).
UAG automatically redirects the standard output and standard error files to the cache directory with no required user input.
Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) requires read/write access to the UAG cache directory. No other Universal Agent components access the cache directory. No general user access is required.