Universal Agent for HP-UX Installation

Installation Process

Installation of Universal Agent for HP-UX is a three-step process:

Step 1

Download product distribution file (see Universal Agent for UNIX - Distribution File).

Step 2

Extract the installation files from the distribution file.

Step 3

Install the extracted files.

Extracting Universal Agent for HP-UX Installation Files

Stonebranch, Inc. provides a product distribution file for the following HP-UX systems:

  • IA64 Systems

The Universal Agent for HP-UX product distribution file is in a compressed tar format.

To uncompress and extract the installation files from the distribution file, issue the following command:

zcat sb-7.7.x.x-hpux-11.23-ia64.tar.Z | tar xvf -

This command assumes the following:

  • Name of the distribution file is sb-7.7.x.x-hpux-11.23-ia64.tar.Z.
  • File is located in the current working directory.

Distribution File

The distribution file contains multiple files, including a package in the HP-UX file format (extension .depot). The actual base name of the .depot file depends on the HP-UX version for which the distribution file is intended. (See Distribution File Format for distribution file naming conventions.)

The following table identifies the files contained in the distribution file.




Summary of the installation procedure.


HP-UX .depot file-format package.


Universal Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) .depot file-format package.


Installation script.


Script that uses the Universal Installation Merge (UIM) module.


User-mode installer main script.


User-mode installer modules archive; a set of scripts loaded and executed by usrmode.inc.

If your Universal Agent for HP-UX distribution file does not contain these files, contact Stonebranch, Inc. Customer Support to obtain a correct distribution file.


A Python 3.11 for Universal Agent distribution is not yet available for HP-UX. It will be made available in a future release.

HP-UX Package

The Universal Agent for HP-UX is packaged as a depot file (extension .depot). The Universal Agent depot contains product UCM.

The following table identifies the sub-products contained in the HP-UX package.

Subproduct Name



Universal Agent common files, such as message catalogs and translation tables.


Universal Control Manager


Universal Control Server


Universal Query


Universal Spool


Universal Automation Center Agent


Universal Broker


Universal Command Manager


Universal Certificate


Universal Command Server


Universal Data Mover Manager


Universal Data Mover Server


Universal Event Monitor Manager


Universal Event Monitor Server


Universal Connector for SAP


Universal Utilities


Universal Message Service (OMS)


Universal Controller Command Line Interface (CLI)

Installing Universal Agent for HP-UX

Universal Agent for HP-UX is installed with the unvinst script, which executes the swinstall command. The command to start the script must be executed with the superuser ID.


Stonebranch, Inc. strongly recommends the use of the unvinst script for the HP-UX installation above any other method.

Component Selection

The Universal Agent package contains many components, which are grouped into four categories. Components in some categories are installed and activated optionally, as specified in the unvinst script by using unvinst command line parameters.

The following table describes each category, provides the default installation configuration for the components in that category, and identifies the command line parameters to use for components that are optionally installed and activated.


The default installation configuration refers to new installs only. For upgrades, installed component configurations are not changed by the upgrade process.


Default Configuration


Base components

Always installed.

Base components are always installed and activated. They include the Universal Broker, Universal Command (UCM), Universal Data Mover (UDM), and others. Base components provide the core agent infrastructure and workload services.

Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG)

Always installed, but inactive.

Universal Controller utilizes UAG agents to provided distributed, workload automation services.

UAG is activated using the --oms_servers parameter.

Universal Message Service (OMS)

Always installed, but inactive.

OMS is message-oriented middleware that should be deployed on a small set of centrally located servers. It should not be activated on every Agent install. OMS is the network provider for UAG and the Universal Controller.

OMS is activated using the --oms_autostart parameter.

Universal Controller command line programs

Not installed.

Universal Controller command line programs provide a command line interface to the Universal Controller. The installation of Universal Controller command line programs is optional. The command line programs are only required on Agents that need to interface with the Universal Controller via the command line.

Universal Controller command line programs are installed using the --opscli parameter.

Starting the Installation Script

To start the installation script, unvinst, and install all of the HP-UX packages, issue the following command:

sh ./unvinst [--user username [--userdir directory] [--create_user {yes|no}] ] [--group group name [--create_group {yes|no}] ] 
             [--keystore {yes|no}] [--convert_opsagent [--opsdir directory] ] [--oms_servers network address] [--oms_port port]
             [--ac_agent_clusters clusters] [--ac_agent_ip IP address] [--ac_netname ID] 
             [--ac_process_cancel_timeout value {s|m|h|d}] [--oms_autostart {yes|no}]  
             [--uag_autostart yes] [--opscli {yes|no}] [--usermode_install {yes|no} [--unvdir directory]
             [--unvcfgdir directory] [--unvdatadir directory] [--unvport port] ]

See HP-UX Installation Script Parameters and Installation Script Example, below, for a description of the optional parameters that you can issue with unvinst and an example of unvinst with these parameters.


If you want to install multiple Agents on the same machine, or add one or more additional Agents to a machine with a previously installed Agent, some of these installation parameters are required (see Installing Multiple Agents on a Single Machine).

This is a silent install. The output from unvinst is written to file install.log in the current directory.

System initialization files /sbin/init.d/ubrokerd and /sbin/rc3.d/S850ubrokerd are created to start the ubrokerd daemon when the system boots to runlevel 3.

The Universal Broker daemon will be installed and run as the username and groupname specified with the installation script parameters, below.


With the Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX installs, the previous installation directories are removed when the native installer has detected that additional directories or files have not been added to the original installation directories. If they have been modified, the directories will remain and can be reviewed and removed, as desired, by your Administrator.

HP-UX Installation Script Parameters

The following table describes the optional parameters that are available in the installation script, unvinst, when installing Universal Agent.

The parameters are grouped into the following categories:




Used for base install.


Used for an active OMS configuration.


Used for an active UAG configuration.


Used for Universal Controller CLI programs install.

User Mode

Used for user mode installation.




Base Parameters


Normal UNIX username that is used to execute the Universal Broker daemon. The install grants this user account ownership of all installed files, with the exception of the Universal Agent server components (for example: ucmsrv, udmsrv, and uemsrv) which, due to security requirements, are owned by root and will have their "set user ID on execution" bit set.

  • If the user account that you want to use already exists, specify that user account.
  • If the user account does not exist, the install creates it.
  • If you want to change the user account for an installed Universal Agent for HP-UX system, you must perform a re-installation and use this parameter to change the user account.
  • If --user is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.
  • If --usermode_install is yes, there is no default.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create the user name that will own the installed files as a local user.



Home directory for the created user account specified by --user.

  • If this directory does not exist, it is created when the specified user is created.
  • If the user specified by --user already exists, but the home directory of that user is not the default directory (/home/<username>), --userdir must specify the path to that home directory.
  • If --userdir is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.



Normal UNIX groupname; the Universal Broker daemon will run as this specified group. All installed files will be assigned to this group.

  • If the group that you want to use already exists, specify that group.
  • If this group does not exist, the install creates it.
  • If --group is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create the group that will own the installed files as a local group.



Specification (yes or no) for whether or not to create encryption keys during installation and set up the local Universal Broker as a keystore owner.


UAG Parameters


Causes unvinst to execute opsmerge.sh (residing in /opt/universal/uagsrv/bin), which performs the following tasks:

  1. Searches for an existing Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 install and converts properties stored in the agent.props file to corresponding configuration options in the Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) configuration file, uags.conf.
  2. Searches for an active Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 daemon process and attempts to stop it.
  3. Assigns the ID used by the Opswise Automation Center Agent 1.6 or 1.7 to UAG by moving the qname file from the Opswise Automaton Center install directory to the /var/opt/universal/uag/var directory.


If --convert_opsagent is specified: Identifies the primary install directory for Universal Agent.

  • If --opsdir is omitted from unvinst, the default is used.



Specifies a value, in the format port@host[,port2@host,...,portn@hostn], for the port and network address of the OMS server(s) to be used as network communications providers.


You should always include --oms_servers in unvinst; OMS is the network communications provider between Controller 7.7.x.x and Agent 7.7.x.x.

UAG configuration: The value specified for --oms_servers is set automatically for the UAG OMS_SERVERS configuration option.



Specifies the Universal Controller-defined clusters to which this agent will belong.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_agent_clusters is set automatically for the UAG AGENT_CLUSTERS configuration option.



Specifies the IP address or host name (which resolves to an IP address) that the Agent reports to the Controller.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_agent_ip is set automatically for the UAG AGENT_IP configuration option.



Specifies the network ID that Universal Agent will use.
UAG configuration: The value specified by --ac_netname is set automatically for the UAG NETNAME configuration option.



This option is deprecated starting with Universal Agent UAG Server will always attempt to use SSL/TLS for OMS connections.



Set the PROCESS_CANCEL_TIMEOUT UAG configuration option, which specifies the length of time an OS task is given to complete its response to a CANCEL request.

If the task fails to finish its own termination processing within the specified timeout period, UAG Server will forcefully terminate the task.

The specified timeout must be numeric, but a one-letter suffix is accepted to specify (s)econds, (m)inutes, (h)ours, or (d)ays. If no time unit is specified, the default is seconds.

The following maximums are enforced:

  • 2147483647 or 2147483647s

  • 35791394m

  • 596523h

  • 24855d

Minute, hour, and day maximums are set to ensure that their value represented as a number of seconds does not exceed 2147483647.



Specifies (yes or no) whether or not the Universal Automation Center Agent (UAG) Server starts automatically when the Universal Broker is started.
UAG component definition: The value specified by --uag_autostart is set automatically for the UAG AUTOMATICALLY_START component definition option.


OMS Parameters


Specifies the port to use to listen for OMS connection requests.
OMS configuration: The value specified by --oms_port is set automatically for the OMS SERVICE_PORT configuration option.



Specifies (yes or no) whether or not OMS is started automatically by Universal Broker when Universal Broker starts.
OMS component definition: The value specified by --oms_autostart is set automatically for the OMS AUTOMATICALLY_START and RESTART component definition options.


CLI Parameters


Specifies (yes or no) whether or not the Universal Controller Command Line Interface (CLI) tools will be installed.


User Mode Parameters


Specifies (yes or no) for a user mode installation, which defines both of the following:



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent binaries (installation) directory.



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent configuration files directory.



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Agent data files directory.



If --usermode_install is set to yes: Specifies the Universal Broker port.


Additional Parameter


Displays command line help.


Installation Script Example

The following example illustrates Universal Agent for HP_UX installed with the installation script, unvinst, and optional parameters.

sh ./unvinst --user user1 --userdir /homedir/user --group usergroup 
             --keystore no --convert_opsagent --opsdir /homedir/ops 
             --oms_servers 7878@oms2 --oms_port 7878 --oms_autostart yes 
             --ac_agent_clusters GA Cluster,CA Cluster --ac_agent_ip
             --ac_netname OPSAUTOCONF --opscli yes 
             --uag_autostart yes --usermode_install yes --unvdir /opt/universal 
             --unvcfgdir /etc/universal --unvdatadir /var/opt/universal --unvport 7887

User Mode Installation

A user mode installation, implemented through use of the usermode_install installation parameter, lets you install multiple Agents on a single machine and change the default installation directories for any Agent being installed.

You must perform a user mode installation for installing an Agent on a machine where one or more Agents already have been installed.

However, you also can perform a user mode installation for the initial installation of an Agent on a machine.


You can execute the install as a non-root user if you want to execute the Agent in an unprivileged user mode environment. See User Mode Installation for specific requirements and restrictions associated with an unprivileged user mode environment.

Installing Multiple Agents on a Single Machine

If you want to install multiple Agents on the same machine, you must set the following installation parameter values for each Agent being installed in addition to the initially installed Agent.


You also can set these parameters values for the initial installation of an Agent on a machine.

Installation Parameter





A username that is different than the username specified for any other Agent installation on this machine.


An Agent binaries (installation) directory that is different than the installation directory specified for any other Agent installation on this machine.


A Universal Broker port that is different than the port specified for any other Agent installation on this machine.

Changing the Default Installation Directories

By default, an Agent is installed and configured in default directories.

If you want to change these default directories, or if you want to install multiple Agents on the same machine, you must set the --usermode_install parameter to yes and specify new values in the following parameters. These directories must be different for each Agent on the same machine.


You also can change these directories for the initial installation of an Agent on a machine.

Installation Parameter

Default Directory

Files Installed



Agent binaries



Agent configuration files



Agent data files

HP-UX PAM Customization

If security is set to PAM, the pam.conf file under /etc does not require modification. The ucmd service will use the modules defined in the "other" section of pam.conf.

Listing Universal Agent for HP-UX Information

On HP-UX, information on an installed product and sub-products is listed with the swlist command. The command must be executed with the superuser ID.

To list information for Universal Agent for HP-UX, issue the following command:

swlist -l subproduct OPSCLI
swlist -l subproduct UNV

Removing Universal Agent for HP-UX

System Install Removal

Step 1

Stop the ubrokerd daemon.

Step 2

Make a backup copy of the /etc/universal and /var/opt/universal directories.

Step 3

Using the superuser ID, remove all Universal Agent for HP-UX sub-products by issuing the following commands:

swremove OPSCLI
swremove UNV

System initialization files /sbin/init.d/ubrokerd and /sbin/rc3.d/S850ubrokerd are removed.

rm -rf /etc/universal
rm -rf /var/opt/universal

Step 4

Delete the Agent user account (ubroker) and its home directory:

userdel -r ubroker

Step 5

Delete the Agent group (ubroker):

groupdel ubroker

User Mode Install Removal

Step 1

Stop the Usermode Broker.

Step 2

Make a backup copy of the <--unvcfgdir> and <--unvdatadir> directories.

Step 3

Using the superuser ID, remove all Universal Agent for Linux packages by issuing the following commands:

rm -rf <---unvdir>
rm -rf <--unvcfgdir>
rm -rf <--unvdatadir>

Step 4

Delete the Agent user account (ubroker) and its home directory:

userdel -r [Usermode Broker user]

Step 5

Delete the Agent group (ubroker):

groupdel [Usermode Broker group]


To remove an Agent executing in an unprivileged user mode environment (see User Mode Installation), simply stop the ubrokerd daemon and remove the ./universal installation directory. To make sure that you do not mistakenly remove a system install directory, attempt the removal with a non-privileged user account or the Broker account.