Universal Submit Job Command Line Syntax
Command Line Syntax
The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of Universal Submit Job.
The command line name of every USBMJOB-specific configuration option is a link to detailed information about that option.
USBMJOB [CMD(command)] [JOBLOGLIB(library)] [POLL(seconds)] [RMTRPY( {*yes|*no} )] [RMTREFRESH(seconds)] [RMTMSGPRX(prefix)] [RMTUSER(userid)] [RMTPWD(password)] [ECMFILE(cmd_file) [ECMMBR(member)] [KEY(key)] ] [RMTHOST(host)] [RMTPORT (port)] [MSGCMDPATH(path)] [JOB( { *jobd | job_name })] [JOBD( { *usrprf | [library/ ] job_description } )] [JOBMSGQFL( {*jobd|*sysval|*nowrap|*wrap|*prtwrap} )] [JOBQ( { *jobd | [ library/ ] job_queue } )] [JOBPTY(priority)] [OUTPTY(priority)] [PRTDEV( { *current | *usrprf | *sysval | *jobd | printer_device_name } )] [OUTQ( { *current | *usrprf | *dev | *jobd | [ library/ ] output_queue } )] [CPYSPLF( {*yes|*no} )] [SPLFCTLCHR ( {*none|*fcfc|*prtctl|*s36fmt} )] [TRACE( {*yes|*no} )] [USER( { *current | *jobd | user_name } )] [PRTTXT(text)] [SYSLIBL( {*current|*sysval} )] [CURLIB( { *current | *usrprf | *crtdft | current_library_name } )] [INLLIBL({ *current | *jobd | *sysval | *none |library_name...} )] [LOGCLPGM( {*jobd|*no|*yes} )] [INQMSGRPY( {*jobd|*rqd|*dft|*sysrpyl} )] [INLASPGRP({ *current | *jobd | *none} )] [HOLD( {*jobd|*no|*yes} )] [DATE( {*jobd|*sysval|job_date} )] [SWS( {*jobd|switch_settings} )] [DSPSBMJOB( {*yes|*no} )] [SRTSEQ( {*current*sysval*usrprf*hex*langidunq*langidshr | [*libl | *curlib | library/] table_name} )] [LANGID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|language_id} )] [CNTRYID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|country_id} )] [CCSID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|*hex|coded_character_set_identifier} )] [SBMFOR(job_number/user/job_name)] [JOBMSGQMX( {*jobd|*sysval|*maximum_size_of_job_message_queue} )] [CPYENVVAR( {*yes|*no} )]
Command Line Syntax Rules
Values for configuration options that contain special characters require:
- Double ( " ) quotation marks when executed from an MVS Universal Command Manager.
- Single ( ' ) quotation marks when executed from an IBM i Universal Command Manager.
For example, the following is correct when executed from a z/OS Universal Command Manager:
However, the following is incorrect when executed from a z/OS Universal Command Manager; it will create a syntax error: