Universal Submit Job Command Line Syntax

Universal Submit Job Command Line Syntax

Command Line Syntax

The following figure illustrates the command line syntax of Universal Submit Job.

The command line name of every USBMJOB-specific configuration option is a link to detailed information about that option.

[RMTRPY( {*yes|*no} )]
[ECMFILE(cmd_file) [ECMMBR(member)] [KEY(key)] ]
[RMTPORT (port)]
[JOB( { *jobd | job_name })]
[JOBD( { *usrprf | [library/ ] job_description } )]
[JOBMSGQFL( {*jobd|*sysval|*nowrap|*wrap|*prtwrap} )]
[JOBQ( { *jobd | [ library/ ] job_queue } )]
[PRTDEV( { *current | *usrprf | *sysval | *jobd | printer_device_name } )]
[OUTQ( { *current | *usrprf | *dev | *jobd | [ library/ ] output_queue } )]
[CPYSPLF( {*yes|*no} )]
[SPLFCTLCHR ( {*none|*fcfc|*prtctl|*s36fmt} )]
[TRACE( {*yes|*no} )]
[USER( { *current | *jobd | user_name } )]
[SYSLIBL( {*current|*sysval} )]
[CURLIB( { *current | *usrprf | *crtdft | current_library_name } )]
[INLLIBL({ *current | *jobd | *sysval | *none |library_name...} )]
[LOGCLPGM( {*jobd|*no|*yes} )]
[INQMSGRPY( {*jobd|*rqd|*dft|*sysrpyl} )]
[INLASPGRP({ *current | *jobd | *none} )]
[HOLD( {*jobd|*no|*yes} )]
[DATE( {*jobd|*sysval|job_date} )]
[SWS( {*jobd|switch_settings} )]
[DSPSBMJOB( {*yes|*no} )]
[SRTSEQ( {*current*sysval*usrprf*hex*langidunq*langidshr | [*libl | *curlib | library/] table_name} )]
[LANGID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|language_id} )]
[CNTRYID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|country_id} )]
[CCSID( {*current|*usrprf|*sysval|*hex|coded_character_set_identifier} )]
[JOBMSGQMX( {*jobd|*sysval|*maximum_size_of_job_message_queue} )]
[CPYENVVAR( {*yes|*no} )]

Command Line Syntax Rules

Values for configuration options that contain special characters require:

  • Double ( " ) quotation marks when executed from an MVS Universal Command Manager.
  • Single ( ' ) quotation marks when executed from an IBM i Universal Command Manager.

For example, the following is correct when executed from a z/OS Universal Command Manager:


However, the following is incorrect when executed from a z/OS Universal Command Manager; it will create a syntax error:


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