SMF_EXIT_LOAD_LIBRARY - UBROKER configuration option
The SMF_EXIT_LOAD_LIBRARY option specifies a cataloged data set from which the SMF exit routine UNVACTRT is loaded and dynamically installed at exit point SYSSTC.IEFACTRT
The UNVACTRT exit should reside in LPA, the LNKLST concatenation, or the nucleus. Do not use the DSNAME keyword when defining the exit in PROGxx; the system will not be able to load the exit when restarting SMF.
If SMF_EXIT_LOAD_LIBRARY is not specified, the exit routine is not dynamically installed. It then must be installed prior to the Universal Broker address space starting with an alternative method. (See the z/OS Configuration - SMF Exits for alternative methods.)
The exit routine is deleted when last the Universal Broker address space running is stopped. If multiple Universal Broker address spaces are running, the last Universal Broker to stop removes the exit routine.
SMF_EXIT_LOAD_LIBRARY is required if the UCMD_STC_SUPPORT option is set to yes.
Method | Syntax | IBM i | UNIX | Windows | z/OS |
Configuration File Keyword | smf_exit_load_library dsn |
dsn is the cataloged data set from which the SMF exit routine is loaded and installed.