Universal Enterprise Controller for z/OS
Universal Enterprise Controller (UEC) for z/OS executes as a started task.
JCL Procedure
The following figure illustrates the Universal Enterprise Controller for z/OS JCL procedure (UECTLR, located in the SUNVSAMP library).
DD Statements used in JCL Procedure
The following table describes the DD statements used in the Universal Enterprise Controller for z/OS JCL procedure, above.
ddname | DCB Attributes | Mode | Description |
STEPLIB | DSORG=PO, | input | Universal Agent load library containing the program being executed. |
UNVCONF | DSORG=PS, | input | UEC configuration member. |
UNVNLS | DSORG=PO, | input | Universal Agent national language support library. Contains message catalogs and code page translation tables. |
UNVDB | DSNTYPE=HFS | input, output | UEC database. Note This ddname is not used when zFS data sets are used instead of HFS data sets. |
UNVMSGS | DSORG=PS, | output | UEC message trace data. |
UNVPRSR | DSORG=PS, | output | UEC parser trace data. |
UNVTRACE | DSORG=PO, | output | UEC trace output. |
SYSPRINT | DSORG=PS, | output | Standard output file for the UEC program. |
SYSOUT | DSORG=PS, | output | Standard error file for the UEC program. |
SYSIN | DSORG=PS, | input | Standard input file for the UEC program. |
Configuration Options
The following table describes the configuration options used to execute Universal Enterprise Controller for z/OS.
Option Name | Description |
Maximum number of simultaneous Broker queries allowed for each thread. | |
Number of process threads started to initiate Broker queries during a polling cycle. | |
Period of time within which a Broker query must finish before timing out. | |
Specification for whether or not UNV1059T alert messages (Broker responding) will be issued for initial Broker polls when Universal Enterprise Controller starts up. | |
UEC started task procedure ddname from which a PEM-formatted list of certificates is read. | |
UEC started task procedure ddname from which a PEM-formatted certificate is read. | |
File name / ddname of the PEM-formatted CRL. | |
Code page for text translation of network data. | |
Maximum number of UEC client sessions that can occur on each of the communications threads. | |
Number of threads created to perform communications between UEC and the UEC Client Applications. | |
Deletes completed commit configurations, by age. | |
Deletes incomplete commit configurations, by age. | |
Converts a pre-3.2.0 database into the current database format. | |
Specification for whether or not events are deleted on the Universal Broker after they are retrieved and put into the UEC events database. | |
Length of time to retain a resolved host name in memory cache. | |
Time interval at which the DNS cache is polled. | |
Write options help to SYSPRINT ddname. | |
Number of times that UEC will attempt to resolve the host name of a specified Universal Broker before it ends with a connect error. | |
Number of threads created to perform internal tasks in UEC. | |
Specification for whether or not monitor events are written into the UEC temporary database. | |
Specification for whether or not to log all XML message traffic between UEC and any connected applications. | |
Number of failed login attempts allowed by a user before being disconnected by UEC. | |
Location to which messages are written. | |
Language used for messages. | |
Level of messages written. | |
Length of time that state data is retained in the UEC database. | |
z/OS UNIX directory in which the HFS or zFS data set is mounted. | |
z/OS UNIX access permission mode value with which the mounted database file system's root directory is set. | |
Deletes event records, by age. | |
Time interval at which agents are polled. | |
UEC started task procedure ddname from which a PEM-formatted private key is read. | |
Password for the PRIVATE_KEY. | |
SAF certificate key ring name. | |
SAF certificate key ring label. | |
Interval (in seconds) at which the SAP systems are polled for their status and job activity. | |
IP interface from which to accept connections. | |
Port from which to accept connections. | |
SSL/TLS cipher suite to be used for network communications. | |
SSL/TLS implementation to be used for network configuration. | |
HFS directory in which Universal Enterprise Controller creates temporary files. | |
Maximum number of lines written to the trace ddname. | |
Size of the trace table. | |
HFS or zFS data set used for UEC's databases. | |
Time interval at which connected I-Activity Monitor clients are updated. | |
Authentication method to be used when authenticating UEC user accounts. | |
Writes the program version and copyright statement. |
Command Line Syntax
The following figure illustrates the command line syntax – using the long form of configuration options – of Universal Enterprise Controller for z/OS.
uec [-ca_certs ddname] [-cert ddname [-private_key ddname [-private_key_pwd pwd] ] ] [-crl ddname] [-codepage codepage] [-convert] [-hostname_retry_count count] [-keep_monitor_events option] [-dest destination] [-lang language] [-level {trace|audit|info|warn|error}] [-mount_point directory] [-mount_point_mode mode] [-unix_db_data_set DSN] [-saf_key_ring name] [-saf_key_ring_label label] [-svcipaddr ipaddress] [-svcport port] [-ssl_cipher_list cipherlist] [-ssl_implementation {openssl|system}] [-tracefilelines lines] uec { [-help] | [-version] }
For a description of the options, see Universal Enterprise Controller Configuration Options.