Modifying Profile Configurations
Modifying Profile Configurations
To modify profile configurations — that is, to modify the configuration option values of a profile — perform the following steps.
Step 1 | Select a profile from the Profile tree. This causes the following to occur:
Step 2 | Select a configuration from the Profile Configurations tree. The Profile Configurations Options table then lists all options, and their current values, for that configuration. |
Step 3 | In the Profile Configurations Options table, click the Commit check box of an option whose value you want to modify (for example, Connect Timeout in the following figure). Note An option with a gray Commit check box (such as Display Time in the following figure) is a dependent option. It can be selected for modification only if the independent option (with a white Commit check box) immediately preceding it has been selected.
Step 4 | In the Value field, enter a modified value for the option (that is, a different value than Actual value).
Step 5 | Press the Enter key, or click the mouse anywhere outside that Value field, to validate the modified value. |
Step 6 | If the modified value is invalid, a warning message displays.
Step 7 | Select and modify other values, as desired. |
Step 8 | You now can either:
You must save a profile before you can commit it. Saving a profile validates the profile, but validating a profile does not save it.
Undoing / Redoing Table Actions
You can undo multiple actions, and redo multiple undone actions, performed in the Profile Configurations Options table.
- To undo an action, either select Undo from the I-Management Console Edit menu or press Ctrl+Z.
- To redo an undone action, either select Undo from the I-Management Console Edit menu or press Ctrl+Y.