UPPS 7.7.x Quick Reference Guide - Configuration Options for Program Execution
Each execution of Universal Connector for PeopleSoft (upps) is followed by:
- A single command.
- One or more configuration options for program execution from required and optional categories.
- One or more configuration options associated with the specified command.
upps command HOST USER [ COMMAND FILE INFORMATIONAL LOCAL MESSAGE SSL ] [ Command-Specific Options ]
HOST -host [-port] -psendpoint
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-host | -i | Host name of a PeopleSoft application server. |
-port | n/a | Port number for a PeopleSoft application server. |
-psendpoint | n/a | Web Service endpoint for the PROCESSREQUEST service. |
USER -userid -pwd
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-pwd | -w | Password for the PeopleSoft user ID. |
-userid | -u | PeopleSoft user ID with which to logon to the PeopleSoft system. |
COMMAND FILE {-file | -encryptedfile [-key]}
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-file | -f | File name of a plain text command file. |
-encryptedfile | -x | File name of an encrypted text command file. |
-key | -K | Key used to encrypt the command file. |
INFORMATIONAL {-help | -version}
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-help | -h | Displays a description of the Universal Connector for PeopleSoft command line options and their format. |
-version | -v | Writes Universal Connector for PeopleSoft version and copyright information. |
LOCAL -bif_directory -plf_directory
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-bif_directory | n/a | Broker Interface File (BIF) directory where the Universal Broker interface file, ubroker.bif, is located. |
-plf_directory | n/a | Program Lock File (PLF) directory where the program lock files are located. |
MESSAGE -lang -level -trace_file_lines -trace_table
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-lang | -L | Language in which messages are written. |
-level | -l | Level of messages to write. |
-trcaefielines | n/a | Maximum number of lines to write to the trace file. |
-trace_table | n/a | Size of a wrap-around trace table, and under what conditions the table is written to a file when the process ends. |
SSL -ssl_cipher_list [-ca_certs] [-cert] [-private_key [-private_key_pwd]] [-verify_host_name] [-verify_peer]
Long Form | Short Form | Description |
-ssl_cipher_list | n/a | SSL/TLS cipher suites acceptable for use by the SSL/TLS protocol. |
-ca_certs | n/a | Location of the PEM-formatted trusted Certificate Authority (CA) X.509 certificates file. |
-cert | n/a | File name of the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate that identifies Universal Connector for PeopleSoft. |
-private_key | n/a | Location of the PEM-formatted RSA private key that corresponds to the X.509 certificates specified by -cert. |
-private_key_pwd | n/a | Password or passphrase for the PEM-formatted RSA private key specified with -private_key. |
-verify_host_name | n/a | Specification for whether or not the PeopleSoft server's X.509 certificate host name is verified. |
-verify_peer | n/a | Specification for whether or not the authenticity of the PeopleSoft server's X.509 certificate is verified. |