Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required | Mutually Exclusive With |
chainDesc | Chain Description | If sapDisplayCommand equals Process Chains (19); Displays the list of processes contained within the specified process chain. |
| N |
chainId | Chain ID | If commandGroup is one of the following; ID of the process chain to run: - Run Process Chain
- Start Process Chain
- Wait Process Chain
- Interrupt Process Chain
- Display and
sapDisplayCommand is Process Chains (19), Process Chain (20), Process Chain Log (21), Process Chain Start Condition (22), or Process Chain Status (23)
| Y |
commandGroup | Command Group | Universal Connector command group. | Valid values:
- As String = Run, As Value = 1
- As String = Submit, As Value = 2
- As String = Modify, As Value = 3
- As String = Start, As Value = 4
- As String = Wait, As Value = 5
- As String = Abort, As Value = 6
- As String = Purge Job, As Value = 7
- As String = Raise Event, As Value = 8
- As String = Display, As Value = 9
- As String = Generate Variant Definition, As Value = 10
- As String = Generate Job Definition, As Value = 11
- As String = Create CM Profile, As Value = 12
- As String = Set CM Criteria, As Value = 13
- As String = Activate CM Profile, As Value = 14
- As String = Deactivate CM Profile, As Value = 15
- As String = Delete CM Profile, As Value = 16
- As String = Purge Variant, As Value = 17
- As String = Run Process Chain, As Value = 18
- As String = Start Process Chain, As Value = 19
- As String = Wait Process Chain, As Value = 20
- As String = Interrupt Process Chain, As Value = 21
- As String = Run InfoPackage, As Value = 22
- As String = Start InfoPackage, As Value = 23
- As String = Wait InfoPackage, As Value = 24
Default is Run (1). | N |
commandOptions | SAP Command Options | Any additional command options supported by Universal Connector. |
| N |
dataSource | Data Source | If sapDisplayCommand is InfoPackages(24); SAP InfoPackage data source. |
| N |
defFile | Definition File | For Run, Submit, and Modify commandGroups if repositoryOrFilesys is File System; Path and file name of the file. |
| Y |
definitionOrModel | Definition or Model | If commandGroup is Run(1); Specification for how the new SAP job will be created, based either on a USAP Definition File or an SAP Model Job. | Valid values: - As String = USAP Definition File, As Value = 1
- As String = SAP Model Job, As Value = 2
Default is USAP Definition File (1). | N |
definitionOrModelJobVar | Definition or Model | If commandGroup is Submit(1); Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Definition or Model to use. | Valid values: - As String = USAP Definition File, As Value = 1
- As String = SAP Model Job, As Value = 2
- As String = SAP Model Variant, As Value = 3
Default is USAP Definition File (1). | N |
dispAbapName | SAP ABAP Program Name | If definitionOrModelJobVar is SAP Model Variant; Name of an ABAP program in an SAP system to which the model variant belongs. |
| Y |
dispSapEventId | SAP Event | If sapDisplayCommand is Event History(16); ID of the Event. |
| Y |
dispSapEventParm | SAP Event Parameter | If sapDisplayCommand is Event History(16); Optional parameter value for the event. |
| N |
dispVariant | SAP Variant Name | Pre-existing SAP variant name to use as the model variant. |
| N |
environment | Environment Variables | List of environment variables needed by the program to run:
| N |
exitCodeOutput | Output File | If outputType = FILE (3); Path and file name of the output file that should be scanned for the text in exitCodeText . |
| N |
exitCodeProcessing | Exit Code Processing | Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully. | Valid values: - As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
- As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
- As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
- As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
- As String = Step Conditions, As Value = 5
Default is Success Exitcode Range (1). | N |
exitCodes | Exit Codes | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Range of exit codes. | Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. Example: 1,5, 22-30. | Y |
exitCodeText | Scan Output For | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); text for which the Controller should scan the output file. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | Y |
immediate | Start Immediately | If commandGroup is Run(1) or Start(4), or start is true; Causes the job to fail if SAP resources are not available to start the job immediately (for example, a background work process). Otherwise, the job will wait for SAP resources to become available. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
infoPackage | InfoPackage | If commandGroup is one of the following; Name of the InfoPackage: - Run InfoPackage (22)
- Start InfoPackage(23)
- Display(9) and
sapDisplayCommand equals InfoPackages (24).
| Y |
infoPackageJobname | InfoPackage Job Name | If commandGroup is one of the following; Name of the SAP batch job that processes the InfoPackage request: - Run InfoPackage (22)
- Start InfoPackage (23)
| Y |
infoSource | InfoSource | If sapDisplayCommand equals InfoPackages (24); SAP InfoSource. |
| N |
jobId | SAP Job ID | Job ID of the SAP job. | Variables are supported. | N |
jobLog | Print Job Log | If commandGroup is Wait (5) or wait is true; Specification for whether or not the job's joblog is returned. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
jobName | SAP Job Name | Job name of the SAP job. | Variables are supported. | N |
jobStatus | Status | If sapDisplayCommand equals InfoPackages(24); Current status for an SAP job. |
| N |
logId | Log ID | If commandGroup is one of the following; Log ID for process chain instance to be restarted: - Start Process Chain and
pcRestart is true. - Wait Process Chain.
- Display (9) and
sapDisplayCommand is Process Chain (20), Process Chain Log (21), or Process Chain Status (23).
| Y |
outputFailureOnly | Failure Only | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6), and waitForOutput is false; Indication for whether output should be retrieved on task failure only. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
outputReturnFile | Output File | If outputReturnType is FILE (4); Path and file name containing the output that you want automatically retrieved and attached to the task instance. |
| Y |
outputReturnNline | Number of Lines | If outputReturnType is STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Allows you to limit the retrieved data to the number of lines specified. | Integer; Default is the value of the Retrieve Output Default Maximum Lines Universal Controller system property. | N |
outputReturnSline | Starting Line | If outputReturnType is STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Allows you to instruct the Controller to retrieve data beginning at this line. | Integer; Default is 1. | N |
outputReturnText | Scan Text | If outputReturnType is STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6); Instructs the Controller to scan the data for the text specified and retrieve only that. | The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. | N |
outputReturnType | Automatic Output Retrieval | Specification for whether you want the Controller to automatically retrieve any output from the job and attach it to the task instance record. | Valid values: - As String = NONE, As Value = 1
- As String = STDOUT, As Value = 2
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 3
- As String = FILE, As Value = 4
- As String = OUTERR, As Value = 6
Default is NONE (1). | N |
outputType | Output Type | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); Type of output. | Valid values: - As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
- As String = FILE, As Value = 3
Default is STDOUT (1). | Y |
pcRestart | Restart | If commandGroup equals Start Process Chain (18); Specification for whether or not to restart failed and cancelled processes (R or X) in the specified process chain instance. | Boolean. Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
printAppLog | Print Application Log | If commandGroup is Run (1) or Wait (5), or wait is true; Specification for whether or not the job's application log, if one was generated, is returned. | Boolean. Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
printAppRc | Print Application RC | If commandGroup is Run (1) or Wait (5) or wait is true; Specification for whether or not the job's application return codes, if they were set, are returned. | Boolean. Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
purge | Delete SAP Job on Completion | If commandGroup is Wait(5) or wait is true; | Boolean. Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
repositoryOrFilesys | Script or File System | Specification for whether the USAP definition file exists in the file system of the machine where the Agent is running or in Scripts. | Valid values: - As String = Script, As Value = 1
- As String = File System, As Value = 2
Default is Script (1). | N |
requestId | Request ID | If commandGroup is Wait InfoPackage(24) or Display(9) and sapDisplayCommand is InfoPackages Status (25); Request ID of the InfoPackage that is to be monitored. |
| Y |
retryIndefinitely | Retry Indefinitely | Specification for whether or not the Controller should continue trying indefinitely to run this task. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. This value overrides any value placed in retryMaximum . | N |
retryInterval | Retry Interval] | Number of seconds between each retry. | Integer; Default is 60. | N |
retryMaximum | Maximum Retries | Maximum number of times that the Controller should retry this task after it has started and gone to a failed state. | Integer; Default is 0. | N |
retrySuppressFailure | Suppress Intermediate Failures | Specification for whether or not the following will be suppressed until all scheduled retry attempts have been made: - All Actions (Abort, Email Notification, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation) to be made against the task instance.
- Workflow conditional path processing; any Successors waiting on a failure path will not be released.
- Task Monitors will not be notified of the Failed status. Also, any Task Monitor task that has a Time Scope in the past will disqualify any matching task instance in the past with a Failed status if the task instance is scheduled for automatic retry and for which Suppress Intermediate Failures has been enabled.
- Any Workflow containing the Failed task instance will not transition to the Running/Problems status.
| Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
runtimeDir | Runtime Directory | Directory from which the application should be executed. Variables are supported. |
| N |
sapCmProfileId | SAP Criteria Manager Profile ID | If commandGroup is Set CM Profile, Activate CM Profile, or Delete CM Profile; ID of the profile. |
| Y |
sapCmProfileType | SAP Criteria Manager Profile Type | If commandGroup is Set CM Profile, Activate CM Profile, Deactivate CM Profile, or Delete CM Profile; Type of profile. For the default criteria types provided by SAP, the values are: - EVTHIS - Identifies a criteria type for event history.
- EVHIRO - Identifies a criteria type for the reorganization of raised events.
- INTERC - Identifies a criteria type for job interception.
| Y |
sapCmXmlFile | SAP Criteria Manager XML File | If commandGroup is Create CM Profile or Set CM Profile, and repositoryOrFilesys is File System; Name of the file that contains the Criteria Manager information. |
| Y |
sapCommandMask | SAP Command Mask | Name of a command or a mask used to select SAP external commands that match the mask. |
| N |
sapConnection | SAP Connection | Name of the SAP connection. | The SAP connection specifies information about the SAP server. | Y (unless {{sap ConnectionVar}} is specified) | sapConnectionVar
sapConnectionVar | SAP Connection Variable | Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the SAP Connection to use. |
| Y (unless {{sap Connection}} is specified) | sapConnection
sapCred | SAP Credentials | Login credentials that the Controller will use to access the SAP system. | The credentials are stored in the Universal Controller credentials table; see Credentials. | Y (unless sapCredVar is specified) | sapCredVar
sapCredVar | SAP Credentials Variable | Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the SAP Credentials to use. |
| Y (unless sapCred is specified) | sapCred
sapDispConfirmEvents | Confirm Returned Events | If sapDisplayCommand is Event History(16); Specification for whether or not the status of returned events should be changed in the SAP system. |
| N |
sapDispEventSelectState | Event Select State | Event status of the events which should be read. | Valid values: - As String = New, As Value = 1
- As String = Confirmed, As Value = 2
- As String = All, As Value = 3
Default is New (1). | N |
sapDisplayCommand | Display Command | Displays the specified data, which is written to standard output. | Valid values: - As String = Job Log, As Value = 1
- As String = Spool List, As Value = 2
- As String = Status, As Value = 3
- As String = Variants, As Value = 4
- As String = Variant, As Value = 5
- As String = Job Definition, As Value = 6
- As String = Select, As Value = 7
- As String = System Log, As Value = 8
- As String = Intercept Table, As Value = 9
- As String = Intercepted Jobs, As Value = 10
- As String = Reports, As Value = 11
- As String = Commands, As Value = 12
- As String = Output Devices, As Value = 13
- As String = Print Formats, As Value = 14
- As String = Selection Screen, As Value = 15
- As String = Event History, As Value = 16
- As String = Criteria Manager Profiles, As Value = 17
- As String = Criteria Manager Criteria, As Value = 18
- As String = Process Chains, As Value = 19
- As String = Process Chain, As Value = 20
- As String = Process Chain Log, As Value = 21
- As String = Process Chain Start Condition, As Value = 22
- As String = Process Chain Status, As Value = 23
- As String = InfoPackages, As Value = 24
- As String = InfoPackages Status, As Value = 25
Default Value: Log (1) | N |
sapEventId | SAP Event | If commandGroup is Raise Event (8); Name of the event. |
| Y |
sapEventParm | SAP Event Parameter | If commandGroup equals Raise Event(8); Optional parameter value for the event. |
| N |
sapFromDate | From Date | If sapDisplayCommand is Select (7) or System Log (8); Earliest date to use for job selection or syslog request. |
| N |
sapLang | SAP Language | SAP logon language used when executing the SAP task. | Valid values: - Any valid 1-character SAP language identifier.
- Any valid 2-character ISO language identifier.
- (no value). SAP will use the default language set up for the user. If there is no such default, the default is EN (English).
sapPrinterName | SAP Printer Name | If sapDisplayCommand is Print Formats (14); Name of the SAP printer. |
| Y |
sapToDate | To Date | If sapDisplayCommand is Select(7) or System Log (8); Latest date to use for job selection or syslog request. |
| N |
script | Script | If repositoryOrFilesys is Script; Name of an SAP Definition script in the Controller database. |
| Y |
sourceSystem | Source System | If sapDisplayCommand equals InfoPackages (24); SAP InfoPackage source system. |
| N |
spoollist | Print Spooled Output | If commandGroup is Wait(5) or wait is true; Specification for whether or not the spoollists of all job steps are returned. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
start | Start | Specification for whether or not the newly-defined SAP job should be started. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
stepNum | SAP Job Step Number | If sapDisplayCommand is Spool List; Step number of the SAP job step. |
| Y |
targetJobName | Target Job Name | If commandGroup equals Run or Submit and definitionOrModel is SAP Model Job (2); Name of the new SAP job being created. | If you do not include targetJobName , the Controller uses the same name as the SAP Model Job. | N |
targetServer | SAP Target Server | If commandGroup is Run (1) or Start (4), or start is true; Name of an SAP instance at which a background job should be run. | The name has the following format:
[host name]_[SAP System name]_[SAP System number]
Where host name is the name of the server computer on which the instance is running, as specified in the system profile parameter SAPLOCALHOST. For example: | N |
targetVariantName | Target Variant Name | If commandGroup is Submit and definitionOrModelJobVar is SAP Model Variant (3); One or more replacement variants for ABAP program job steps in an SAP job. |
| Y |
useAppRc | Use Application RC | If commandGroup is Run (1) or Wait(5), or wait is true; Specification for whether or not the SAP job's application return codes will be used to determine the return code for the Universal Controller task. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
wait | Wait | Specification for whether or not the Controller should wait for the SAP process chain to complete processing. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
waitForOutput | Wait For Output | If outputReturnType = STDOUT (2), STDERR (3), FILE (4), or OUTERR (6), and outputFailureOnly is false; Specification for whether or not the task should wait for the requested output before completing. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |