Agent Functions

Agent Functions


The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).

Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Agents, which are listed alphabetically on this page.

  • Delete Agent
  • List Agents Status
  • Resume Agent
  • Resume Agent Cluster
  • Resume Agent Cluster Membership
  • Set Agent Cluster Task Execution Limit
  • Set Agent Task Execution Limit
  • Suspend Agent
  • Suspend Agent Cluster
  • Suspend Agent Cluster Membership

Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.

Delete Agent


Deletes an Agent record.


uagcmd ops-delete-agent global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=ID}


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Agent name of the Agent to be deleted (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; Agent ID of the Agent to be deleted (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).


uagcmd ops-delete-agent -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A

List Agents Status


Lists the status of one or more Agents.


uagcmd ops-agent-status global parameters [agent-name=name] agent-type=type [options=v]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Optional; Name or partial name of one or more Agents. Wildcards are supported.
  • agent-type=
    Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive): windows, unix, linux, linux/unix, zos, z/os. (If not specified, status of all Agents are listed.)
  • options=
    Optional; v (Return verbose results.)


uagcmd ops-agent-status -c config.cfg agent-type=windows 

Resume Agent


Resumes the ability of the identified Agent to run tasks.


uagcmd ops-resume-agent global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=id}


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Agent name of the Agent whose ability to run tasks is to be resumed (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; Agent ID of the Agent whose ability to run tasks is to be resumed (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).


uagcmd ops-resume-agent -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A

Resume Agent Cluster


Resumes the ability of the identified Agent Cluster to run tasks.


uagcmd ops-resume-agent-cluster global parameters agent-cluster-name=name


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-cluster-name=
    Required; Agent cluster name of the Agent Cluster whose ability to run tasks is to be resumed.


uagcmd ops-resume-agent-cluster -c config.cfg agent-cluster-name=cluster A

Resume Agent Cluster Membership


Resumes the membership of the identified Agent in the identified Agent Cluster.


uagcmd ops-resume-agent-cluster-membership global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=ID} agent-cluster-name=name


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Agent name of the Agent whose membership in the Agent Cluster is to be resumed (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; Agent ID of the Agent whose membership in the Agent Cluster is to be resumed (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-cluster-name=
    Required; Agent cluster name of the Agent Cluster in whose membership the identified Agent is to be resumed.


uagcmd ops-resume-agent-cluster-membership -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A agent-cluster-name=cluster A

Set Agent Cluster Task Execution Limit


Specifies whether or not an Agent Cluster has a task execution limit and, if so, sets the task execution limit.


uagcmd ops-set-agent-cluster-task-execution-limit global parameters agent-cluster-name=name limit-type=type limit-amount=number


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-cluster-name=
    Required; Name of the Agent Cluster.
  • limit-type=
    Required; Specification for whether or not there is a limit to the number of tasks that can be run at the same time by the Agent Cluster. Allowable values (not case sensitive) are: limited, unlimited.
  • limit-amount=
    Required if limit-type=limited; Maximum number of tasks that can be run at the same time by the Agent Cluster.


uagcmd ops-set-agent-cluster-task-execution-limit -c config.cfg agent-cluster-name=cluster A limit-type=limit limit-amount=500

Set Agent Task Execution Limit


Specifies whether or not an Agent has a task execution limit and, if so, sets the task execution limit.


uagcmd ops-set-agent-task-execution-limit global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=ID} limit-type=type limit-amount=number


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Name of the Agent (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; ID of the Agent (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).
  • limit-type=
    Required; Specification for whether or not there is a limit to the number of tasks that can be run concurrently by the Agent. Allowable values (not case sensitive) are limited, unlimited.
  • limit-amount=
    Required if limit-type=limited; Maximum number of tasks that can be run at the same time by the Agent.


uagcmd ops-set-agent-task-execution-limit -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A limit-type=limit limit-amount=500

Suspend Agent


Suspends the ability of the identified Agent to run tasks.


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=ID}


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Agent name of the Agent whose ability to run tasks is to be suspended (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; Agent ID of the Agent whose ability to run tasks is to be suspended (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A

Suspend Agent Cluster


Suspends the ability of the identified Agent Cluster to run tasks.


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent-cluster global parameters agent-cluster-name=name


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-cluster-name=
    Required; Agent cluster name of the Agent Cluster whose ability to run tasks is to be suspended.


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent-cluster -c config.cfg agent-cluster-name=cluster A

Suspend Agent Cluster Membership


Suspends the membership of the identified Agent in the identified Agent Cluster.


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent-cluster-membership global parameters {agent-name=name | agent-id=ID} agent-cluster-name=name


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • agent-name=
    Required if agent-id= is not specified; Agent name of the Agent whose membership in the Agent Cluster is to be suspended (agent-name= and agent-id= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-id=
    Required if agent-name= is not specified; Agent ID of the Agent whose membership in the Agent Cluster is to be suspended (agent-id= and agent-name= are mutually exclusive).
  • agent-cluster-name=
    Required; Agent cluster name of the Agent Cluster in whose membership the identified Agent is to be suspended.


uagcmd ops-suspend-agent-cluster-membership -c config.cfg agent-name=agent A agent-cluster-name=cluster A 


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