Trigger Functions

Trigger Functions


The command line syntax for each execution of the CLI command, uagcmd, must specify a single CLI function, required / optional Global parameters, and required / optional function-specific parameters. You must use the required Global parameters to connect to OMS Servers and to log on to a Controller (User ID and Password).

Universal Controller supports the following CLI functions for Triggers, which are listed alphabetically on this page.

  • Disable a Trigger
  • Enable a Trigger
  • Launch Trigger Tasks Now
  • List Triggers Status
  • Modify Time of a Time Trigger

Syntax, parameters, and examples for each function are provided.

See Import and Export Functions for these trigger-related functions:

  • Export a Trigger
  • Import a Trigger

Disable a Trigger


Disables the specified trigger(s).


uagcmd ops-trigger-disable global parameters trigger-name=name [trigger-type=type]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • trigger-name=
    Name or partial name of one or more triggers. Wildcards are supported.
  • trigger-type=
    Optional; If you used a wildcard in trigger-name=, you can use trigger-type= to narrow down the selection to a specific type of trigger. One of the following (not case-sensitive): cron, time, manual, temporary, agent_file_monitor, task_monitor, variable_monitor, email_monitor, composite, application_monitor.


uagcmd ops-trigger-disable -c config.cfg trigger-name=Trigger A

Enable a Trigger


Enables the specified trigger(s).


uagcmd ops-trigger-enable global parameters trigger-name=name [trigger-type=type]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • trigger-name=
    Name or partial name of one or more triggers. Wildcards are supported.
  • trigger-type=
    Optional; If you used a wildcard in trigger-name=, you can use trigger-type= to narrow down the selection to a specific type of trigger. One of the following (not case-sensitive): cron, time, manual, temporary, agent_file_monitor, task_monitor, variable_monitor, email_monitor, composite, application_monitor.


uagcmd ops-trigger-enable -c config.cfg trigger-name=Trigger A

Launch Trigger Tasks Now


Marks all conditions as satisfied in the specified trigger(s) and launches its associated tasks.


uagcmd ops-trigger-now global parameters trigger-name=name [time-zone=US/Pacific] [trigger-type=type] [hold=option] [virtual-resource-priority=integer] [virtual-resources=list] [trigger-variables=variables]


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • trigger-name=
    Required; Name or partial name of one or more triggers. Wildcards are supported.
  • time-zone=
    Time zone in which the trigger is run.
  • trigger-type=
    Optional; If you used a wildcard in trigger-name=, you can use trigger-type= to narrow down the selection to a specific type of trigger. One of the following (not case-sensitive): cron, time, manual, temporary, agent_file_monitor, task_monitor, variable_monitor, email_monitor, composite, application_monitor.
  • hold=
    Optional; Specification for whether to place the task(s) in Held status when it is triggered. Valid values are (not case sensitive): yes/y/true.
  • virtual-resource-priority=
    Optional; Virtual resource priority of all task instances specified for the trigger. Valid values are any integer between 1 and 20. Defaults to the virtual resource priority defined in the task Details.
  • virtual-resources=
    Optional; Comma-separated list of <resource-name>:<amount> pairs. For example, VR1:10,VR2:20,...,VRN:N. An amount of 0 indicates the virtual resource should be dropped. Defaults to virtual resources defined in the task Details.
    The virtual resource dependencies specified in virtual-resources= are merged with the default virtual resource dependencies.
    • If a default virtual resource dependency already exists for a specified virtual resource amount, the virtual resource dependency is updated.
    • Any virtual resource specified with an amount of 0 is dropped from the default virtual resource dependencies; if the virtual resource did not exist as a default dependency, the command will fail.
    • If a default virtual resource dependency does not already exist for a specified virtual resource amount, the virtual resource dependency is added.
  • trigger-variables=
    Optional; Any variables specified in the task(s) being triggered that need a value to run properly.


All variable=value pairs must be specified within one set of braces:

uagcmd ops-trigger-now -c config.cfg trigger-name=Trigger A trigger-variables={variable1=first value variable2=second value}

List Triggers Status


Lists the status of the specified trigger(s). Possible statuses are Enabled or Disabled.


uagcmd ops-trigger-status global parameters trigger-name=name [trigger-type=type] [trigger-status=status] [options=v]


  • trigger-name=
    Name or partial name of one or more triggers. Wildcards are supported.
  • trigger-type=
    Optional; One of the following (not case-sensitive): cron, time, manual, temporary, agent_file_monitor, task_monitor, variable_monitor, email_monitor, composite, application_monitor. (If not specified, statuses for all Trigger types are listed.)
  • trigger-status=
    Optional; One of the following (not case sensitive): enabled, disabled.
  • options=
    Optional; v (Return verbose results.)


uagcmd ops-trigger-status -c config.cfg trigger-name=Trigger A status=disabled 

Modify Time of a Time Trigger


Modifies the Time field of a Time Trigger with the Time Style field set to time.


uagcmd ops-trigger-set-time global parameters {trigger-id=ID | trigger-name=name} time=time


For backward-compatibility, you can exclude uagcmd from the command line for this function and all pre- CLI functions.


  • trigger-id=
    Required if trigger-name= is not specified; sys_id of the time trigger.
  • trigger-name=
    Required if trigger-id= is not specified; Name of the time trigger.
  • time=
    Required; New trigger time in format HH:MM.


uagcmd ops-trigger-set-time -c config.cfg trigger-name=Trigger A time=15:00

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