Task Monitor Task Properties

Task Monitor Task Properties

Task Properties: Task Monitor Task


UI Field Name





Expiration Action

If timeScope is Relative or Relative / Last Run; State to transition to if Task Monitor conditions are not met within the specified window..

Valid values:

  • As String = Failed, As Value = 1

  • As String = Finished, As Value = 2

  • As String = Failed If Potential Match Found Else Finished, As Value = 3

  • As String = Finished If Potential Match Found Else Failed, As Value = 4

Default is Failed (1).



Monitoring Type

Specification for which task or tasks are being monitored.

Valid values:

  • As String = Specific, As Value = 1
  • As String = General, As Value = 2

Default is Specific (1).



Monitor Early Finish

Specifies to monitor for an instance or instances that finished early. When specifying a Time Scope, the instance Created Time must fall within the time window.

Boolean; Valid values: 

  • true
  • false

Default is false.



Monitor Late Finish

Specifies to monitor for an instance or instances that finished late. When specifying a Time Scope, the instance Created Time must fall within the time window.

Boolean; Valid values: 

  • true
  • false

Default is false.



Monitor Late Start

Specifies to monitor for an instance or instances that started late. When specifying a Time Scope, the instance Created Time must fall within the time window.

Boolean; Valid values: 

  • true
  • false

Default is false.




If timeScope is Relative or Relative / Last Run; Used for Task Monitor tasks not associated with a trigger.

Together with the Time Scope relativeTimeTo property, it allows you to specify a window of time, relative to the time the Task Monitor task launched, during which the conditions of the Task Monitor must be met. If the conditions are not met within the specified window, the Task Monitor task instance will transition to Failed (default) or Finished status determined by the expirationAction.

Required for Relative Time Scope, however, if left unspecified for Relative / Last Run Time Scope, there is no limit on how far back the monitor will look.

Format: hh:mm. Default is 00:00.

  • hh must be a positive integer.
  • mm must be a positive integer between 0 and 59 inclusive.

For example, -124:00, -12:00, -6:00, 00:00, 6:00, 12:00, or 124:00.



Time Scope To

If timeScope is Relative or Relative / Last Run; Used for Task Monitor tasks not associated with a trigger.

Together with the Time Scope relativeTimeFrom properrty, it allows you to specify a window of time, relative to the time the Task Monitor task launched, during which the conditions of the Task Monitor must be met. If the conditions are not met within the specified window, the Task Monitor task instance will transition to Failed (default) or Finished status determined by the expirationAction.

Format: hh:mm.

  • hh must be a positive integer.
  • mm must be a positive integer between 0 and 59 inclusive.

For example, -124:00, -12:00, -6:00, 00:00, 6:00, 12:00, or 124:00.



Status to Monitor

Status being monitored for. When the task being monitored goes to a status specified here, the associated trigger is satisfied and the tasks specified in the trigger launch. You can specify status only, or status and exit code. You can specify as many statuses as needed

Comma-separated list of task instance statuses.



Task to Monitor

If monType is Specific; Task to monitor.




Task Name Condition

If monType is General; Type of condition for the name of tasks being monitored for.

Valid values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 1
  • As String = Starts With, As Value = 2
  • As String = Contains, As Value = 3
  • As String = Ends With, As Value = 4
  • As String = Equals, As Value = 5
  • As String = Wildcard, As Value = 6

Default is – None – (1).



Task Name <Condition Value>

If monType is General and taskNameLookup is not – None – (1); Value for the condition specified in taskNameLookup.



Resolve Task Name Condition

If monType is General and taskNameLookup is not – None – (1);Specification for whether or not to resolve at run time any variables in the task name of the task(s) being monitored.

Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false.



Time Scope

Used for Task Monitor tasks not associated with a trigger.

The Time Scope properties are used to create a window during which the Task Monitor conditions must be met in order for the Task Monitor to be satisfied.

The Time Scope window is always relative to the time that the Task Monitor launched. For example, if you put -01:00 in the relativeTimeFrom field and 02:00 in the relativeTimeTo field, the window's begin time is one hour before the Task Monitor is launched and its end time is two hours after it is launched.

Use Relative / Last Run Time Scope if you want to match the most recent prior instance.

Valid values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = Relative, As Value = 1
  • As String = Relative / Last Run, As Value = 2

Default is – None – (0).



Task Type to Monitor

If monType is General; Task type(s) to monitor for.

Comma-separated list of task types.



Workflow Name Condition

Type of condition for the name of a workflow or workflows containing the task being monitored for.

Valid values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = Equals, As Value = 1
  • As String = Starts With, As Value = 2
  • As String = Contains, As Value = 3
  • As String = Ends With, As Value = 4
  • As String = Wildcard, As Value = 5

Default is – None – (0).



Workflow Name <Condition Value>

If wfConditionType is not – None --; Value for wfConditionType.


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