


The Controller assigns a default color for each of the possible statuses for a task instance.

A status is identified for every task instance in a Workflow Monitor and on every list that contains a Status column for task instances, such as the Activity Monitor and the Task Instances list.

You can change the default color for any task instance status.

Changing a Task Instance Status Color

Step 1

From the Reporting navigation pane, select Colors. The Colors list displays a list of all 25 task instance statuses and the hexadecimal values of their RGB colors.

Step 2

Open a record on the list for the color you want to change. Color Details for that task instance displays.

Step 3

Change the color either of two ways:

  1. Enter the hexadecimal value for a different RGB color in the Color field.
  2. Select a color from a color chart:
    1. Click the icon next to the Color field to display a Select a Color pop-up.  

b. Either click a color on the chart or click the More >> button to display a more detailed version of the Select a Color pop-up, which lets you select any RGB color.   

Step 4

Click the  button in the Color Details to update the color for that task instance status.

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