Task Web Services - Task Actions

The following Task Action examples are for all task types.





Examples for Task Actions


       <description />
       <exitCodes />
       <overrideExitCode />

Email Notification
       <description />
       <exitCodes />
       <bcc />
       <body>test body</body>
       <cc />
       <emailConnection>Opswise - Gmail Account</emailConnection>
       <emailTemplate />
       <emailTemplateVar />
       <fileName />
       <fileScanText />
       <joblogScanText />
             <groupName />
       <stderrScanText />
       <stdoutScanText />
       <subject />

Set Variable
       <description />
       <exitCodes />
       <notificationOption>Operation Failure</notificationOption>
       <variableValue />

SNMP Notification
       <description />
       <exitCodes />
       <status>Resource Requested</status>
       <snmpManager>test manager</snmpManager>

System Operation
       <description />
       <exitCodes />
       <agent />
       <agentCluster />
       <agentClusterVar />
       <agentVar />
       <execCriteria>Oldest Active Instance</execCriteria>
       <execId />
       <execName />
       <execWorkflowNameCond />
       <execWorkflowName />
       <limit />
       <notificationOption>Operation Failure 
       <operation>Run Task Instance Command</operation>
       <task>Opswise - B=${B}</task> 
       <taskVar /> 
       <trigger /> 
       <triggerVar /> 
       <vertices />
       <virtualResource /> 
       <virtualResourceVar /> 


"abortActions": [ { 
  "cancelProcess": false,
  "description": null,
  "exitCodes": null,
  "haltOnFinish": true,
  "notifyOnEarlyFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateStart": false,
  "notifyOnProjectedLate": false,
  "overrideExitCode": null,
  "status": "Waiting",
  "sysId": "ad42c3268468425db6e1580cd53f57f0"
} ],

Email Notification
"emailNotifications": [ { 
  "attachFile": false,
  "attachJobLog": false,
  "attachLocalFile": true,
  "attachStdError": false,
  "attachStdOut": true,
  "bcc": null,
  "body": "test body",
  "cc": null,
  "description": null,
  "emailConnection": "Opswise - Gmail Account",
  "emailTemplate": null,
  "emailTemplateVar": null,
  "exitCodes": null,
  "fileName": null,
  "fileNumLines": 100,
  "fileScanText": null,
  "fileStartLine": 1,
  "joblogNumLines": 100,
  "joblogScanText": null,
  "joblogStartLine": 1,
  "listReportFormat": "CSV",
  "localAttachment": "report.pdf",
  "localAttachmentsPath": "E:\temp",
  "notifyOnEarlyFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateStart": false,
  "notifyOnProjectedLate": false,
  "replyTo": "replyTo@test.com",
  "report": {
    "groupName": null,
    "title": "report1",
    "userName": "ops.admin"
  "status": "Success",
  "stderrNumLines": 100,
  "stderrScanText": null,
  "stderrStartLine": 1,
  "stdoutNumLines": 100,
  "stdoutScanText": null,
  "stdoutStartLine": 1,
  "subject": null,
  "sysId": "2b72cdaaf3a145e4bbae5a7ddd24baff",
  "to": "test@test.com"

Set Variable
"setVariableActions": [ {
  "description": null,
  "exitCodes": null,
  "notificationOption": "Operation Failure",
  "notifyOnEarlyFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateStart": false,
  "notifyOnProjectedLate": false,
  "status": "Waiting",
  "sysId": "f7824e38add745c2bf41017b07697bdf",
  "variableName": "name",
  "variableScope": "Self",
  "variableValue": null

SNMP Notification
"snmpNotifications": [ {
  "description": null,
  "exitCodes": null,
  "notifyOnEarlyFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateStart": false,
  "notifyOnProjectedLate": false,
  "severity": "Normal", 
  "snmpManager": "test manager", 
  "status": "Resource Requested",
  "sysId": "1a1ddf2fa7f7466db8b5fc7863fc4ea3" 

System Operation
"systemOperations": [ {
  "agent": null,
  "agentCluster": null,
  "agentClusterVar": null,
  "agentVar": null,
  "description": null,
  "execCommand": "Cancel",
  "execCriteria": "Oldest Active Instance",
  "execId": null,
  "execLookupOption": "Task",
  "execName": null,
  "execWorkflowNameCond": null,
  "execWorkflowName": null,
  "exitCodes": null,
  "limit": null,
  "notificationOption": "Operation Failure",
  "notifyOnEarlyFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateFinish": false,
  "notifyOnLateStart": false,
  "notifyOnProjectedLate": false,
  "operation": "Run Task Instance Command",
  "overrideTriggerDateOffset": 1,
  "overrideTriggerDateTime": true,
  "overrideTriggerTime": "3:20",
  "task": "Opswise - B=${B}",
  "taskLimitType": "Unlimited",
  "taskVar": null,
  "trigger": null,
  "triggerVar": null,
  "status": "Held",
  "sysId": "742beaf652834054b1edc37e6423700d",
  "variables": [ {
    "name": "var1",
    "value": "val1"
    "name": "var2",
    "value": "val2"
  } ],
  "variablesUnresolved": false,
  "vertex": null,
  "virtualResource": null,
  "virtualResourceVar": null
  } ]


See the Task Action Properties page for information on all task action properties.