Property | UI Field Name | Description | Specifications | Required | Mutually Exclusive With |
| Authenticate Peer | If serverType = FTPES; Indication of whether to use a CA certificate configured in the agent to authenticate the FTP server's certificate. | Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Codepage | If serverType = UDM; Supported code pages for a File Transfer task. | Valid Values: - As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
- As String = ISO 8859-1, As Value = 1
- As String = IBM Latin-1 1047, As Value = 2
- As String = ISO 8859-2, As Value = 3
- As String = ISO 8859-3, As Value = 4
- As String = ISO 8859-4, As Value = 5
- As String = ISO 8859-5, As Value = 6
- As String = ISO 8859-6, As Value = 7
- As String = ISO 8859-7, As Value = 8
- As String = ISO 8859-8, As Value = 9
- As String = ISO 8859-9, As Value = 10
- As String = ISO 8859-10, As Value = 11
- As String = ISO 8859-13, As Value = 12
- As String = ISO 8859-14, As Value = 13
- As String = ISO 8859-15, As Value = 14
- As String = cp437, As Value = 15
- As String = cp737, As Value = 16
- As String = cp775, As Value = 17
- As String = cp850, As Value = 18
- As String = cp852, As Value = 19
- As String = cp855, As Value = 20
- As String = cp857, As Value = 21
- As String = cp860, As Value = 22
- As String = cp861, As Value = 23
- As String = cp862, As Value = 24
- As String = cp863, As Value = 25
- As String = cp864, As Value = 26
- As String = cp865, As Value = 27
- As String = cp866, As Value = 28
- As String = cp869, As Value = 29
- As String = cp874, As Value = 30
- As String = cp1250, As Value = 31
- As String = cp1251, As Value = 32
- As String = cp1252, As Value = 33
- As String = cp1253, As Value = 34
- As String = cp1254, As Value = 35
- As String = cp1255, As Value = 36
- As String = cp1256, As Value = 37
- As String = cp1257, As Value = 38
- As String = cp1258, As Value = 39
- As String = IBM Portugal 037, As Value = 40
- As String = IBM German 273, As Value = 41
- As String = IBM Danish and Norwegian 277, As Value = 42
- As String = IBM Sweden and Finland 278, As Value = 43
- As String = IBM Italian 280, As Value = 44
- As String = IBM Spanish 284, As Value = 45
- As String = IBM International 500, As Value = 46
- As String = IBM Greek 875, As Value = 47
- As String = IBM Portugal 1140, As Value = 48
- As String = IBM German 1141, As Value = 49
- As String = IBM Danish 1142, As Value = 50
- As String = IBM Finish 1143, As Value = 51
- As String = IBM Italian 1144, As Value = 52
- As String = IBM Spanish 1145, As Value = 53
- As String = IBM UK 1146, As Value = 54
- As String = IBM Swiss 1148, As Value = 55
- As String = IBM Greek 4971, As Value = 56
Default is - - None - - (0). | N |
| Command | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; File Transfer command being executed. | Valid Values: - As String = GET, As Value = 1
- As String = PUT, As Value = 2
- As String = MGET, As Value = 3
- As String = MPUT, As Value = 4
- As String = DELETE, As Value = 5
- As String = MDELETE, As Value = 6
- As String = MKDIR, As Value = 7
- As String = RMDIR, As Value = 8
Default is GET (1). | N |
| Compress | If serverType = UDM; Type of data compression used in the transfer, if any. | Valid Values: - As String = YES, As Value = 1
- As String = NO, As Value = 2
- As String = ZLIB, As Value = 3
- As String = HASP, As Value = 4
Default is NO (2). | N |
| File Creation Option | If serverType = UDM, formOrScript = Form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Specification for whether the transferred file should be created (new), appended, or should replace any existing file. | Valid Values: - As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
- As String = APPEND, As Value = 1
- As String = NEW, As Value = 2
- As String = REPLACE, As Value = 3
Default is - - None - - (0). | N |
| Encrypt | If serverType = UDM; Method of encryption that the Controller will use in the transfer. | Valid Values: - As String = YES, As Value = 1
- As String = NO, As Value = 2
- As String = RC4-SHA, As Value = 3
- As String = RC4-MD5, As Value = 4
- As String = AES256-SHA, As Value = 5
- As String = AES128-SHA, As Value = 6
- As String = DES-CBC3-SHA, As Value = 7
- As String = DES-CBC-SHA, As Value = 8
- As String = NULL-SHA, As Value = 9
- As String = NULL-MD5, As Value = 10
- As String = NULL-NULL, As Value = 11
Default is NO (2). | N |
| Output File | If outputType = FILE (3); Path and file name containing the output that you want automatically retrieved and attached to the task instance. |
| Y |
| Exit Code Processing | If serverType = UDM; Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully. | Valid Values: - As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
- As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
- As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
- As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
- As String = Step Conditions, As Value = 5
Default is Success Exitcode Range (1). | N |
| Exit Codes | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Range of exit codes. | Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. For example: 1,5, 22-30. | Y |
| Scan Output For | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Text for which the Controller should scan the output file. The Controller will process this field as a regular expression. |
| Y |
| Transfer Type | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Type of data transfer. | Valid Values: - As String = Binary, As Value = 1
- As String = ASCII or Text, As Value = 2
Default is Binary (1). | N |
| Form or Script | If serverType = UDM; Form or Script for this UDM File Transfer to use. | Valid Values: - As String = Form, As Value = 1
- As String = Script, As Value = 2
Default is Form (1). | N |
| Subcommands (z/OS only) | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Any subcommands used in the JCL statement. |
| N |
| Job Card (zOS only)] | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Job card information for the JCL statement. |
| N |
| Local Filename | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Path and file name on the local server (that is, the "transfer from" file name). |
| Y |
| Primary File(s) | If serverType = UDM; Specifies the File(s) on the Primary UDM Agent. |
| Y - If
formOrScript = Form and udmOperation = Copy or Move. - If
formOrScript = Form, udmOperation = Copy Directory, and transferDirection = PUT.
| Move | If transferProtocol = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES, and command = GET, MGET, PUT, or MPUT; Modifies the behavior of GET/MGET and PUT/MPUT by deleting the primary file(s) after being transferred to the destination. GET/MGET with Move enabled will delete the files from the remote FTP server; PUT/MPUT with Move enabled will delete the files from the local FTP client.. |
| Y |
| Network Fault Tolerant | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = form; Enable if the session is network fault tolerant. | Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Output Type | If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); Type of output. | Valid Values: - As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
- As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
- As String = FILE, As Value = 3
Default is STDOUT (1). | N |
| Primary UDM Agent | If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that describes the Primary UDM Agent machine (primary transfer server). |
| - Y
If formOrScript = Form, and primaryBrokerChoice = Hostname or Agent Variable. or If formOrScript = Form, primaryBrokerChoice = Agent, and primaryBrokerChoice is not specified.
| primaryBrokerRef
| Primary UDM Agent Option | If serverType = UDM; Specification for how you will specify the Primary UDM Agent. | Valid Values: - As String = None, As Value = 0
- As String = Agent, As Value = 1
- As String = Agent Variable, As Value = 2
- As String = Agent Hostname, As Value = 3
- As String = Utility Agent, As Value =4
- As String = Agent Cluster, As Value = 5
Default is Agent (1). | N |
| Primary UDM Agent | If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that describes the Primary UDM Agent machine (primary transfer server). |
| - Y
If formOrScript = Form, primaryBrokerChoice = Agent and primaryBroker is not specified.
| primaryBroker
| Primary UDM Agent Cluster | If primaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Agent Cluster to use for the Primary UDM Agent.
| Y (unless primaryClusterRef is specified) | primaryClusterRef |
| Primary UDM Agent Cluster | If primaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Primary UDM Agent Cluster to use.
| Y (unless primaryCluster is specified) | primaryCluster |
| Primary Credentials | If serverType = UDM; Primary user ID and password (local to the host on which the server is running) under which the transfer operation is being carried out. |
| N |
| Primary Credentials Variable | If serverType = UDM; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Primary Credentials to use. |
| N |
| Primary File System | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Type of file system on the Primary server. | Valid Values: - As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
- As String = DSN, As Value = 1
- As String = HFS, As Value = 2
- As String = LIB, As Value = 3
Default is - - None - - (0). | N |
| Append Primary Open Options | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Any additional free form open command options for the Primary transfer server. |
| N |
| FTP Credentials | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Login credentials that the Agent will use to access the FTP or SFTP server machine. | If the File Transfer server and Agent are running on the same machine, enter the same credentials as those you entered in the Credentials field. | Y (unless remoteCredVar is specified)
| remoteCredVar
| FTP Credentials Variable | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the FTP Credentials to use. |
| Y (unless remoteCredentials is specified) | remoteCredentials
| Remote Filename | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Path and file name on the remote server (that is, the "transfer to" file name).
| Y |
| Secondary File(s) | If serverType = UMD; Specifies the File(s) on the Secondary UDM Agent. |
| Y - If
formOrScript = Form and udmOperation = Copy or Move. - If
formOrScript = Form, udmOperation = Copy Directory, and transferDirection = GET.
| Remote Server | If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Name or IP address of the File Transfer server. | This machine may or may not be the same as the Agent machine. You also can specify a non-standard FTP or SFTP port: - For FTP, specify the port number separated from the host name with a space: " 2222".
- For SFTP, specify the port number separated from the host name with a colon: "".
| N |
| Retry Exit Codes | Exit code range for which an auto-retry of tasks in FAILED status will occur. | Range must be in the same format as exitCodes . | N |
| Retry Indefinitely | Specification for whether or not the Controller should continue trying indefinitely to run this task. If you enable this field, it overrides any value placed in retryMaximum . | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Retry Interval (Seconds) | Number of seconds between each retry. | Integer; Default is 60. | N |
| Maximum Retries | Maximum number of times that the Controller should retry this task after it has started and gone to a FAILED state. | Integer; Default is 0. | N |
| Suppress Intermediate Failures | Specification for whether or not the following will be suppressed until all scheduled retry attempts have been made: - All Actions (Abort, Email Notification, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation) to be made against the task instance.
- Workflow conditional path processing; any Successors waiting on a failure path will not be released.
- Task Monitors will not be notified of the Failed status. Also, any Task Monitor task that has a Time Scope in the past will disqualify any matching task instance in the past with a Failed status if the task instance is scheduled for automatic retry and for which Suppress Intermediate Failures has been enabled.
- Any Workflow containing the Failed task instance will not transition to the Running/Problems status.
| Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Runtime Directory | If serverType = UDM; Directory from which the application should be executed. | Variables are supported. | N |
| Script | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Script; Name of a script to execute for this File Transfer task. |
| N |
| Secondary UDM Agent | If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that provides details about the Secondary UDM Agent machine (secondary transfer server). |
| - Y
If secondaryBrokerChoice = Hostname or Agent Variable and formOrScript = Form or
secondaryBrokerChoice = Agent, formOrScript = Form, and secondaryBrokerRef is not specified.
| secondaryBrokerRef
| Secondary UDM Agent Option | If serverType = UDM; Specification for how you will specify the Secondary UDM Agent. | Valid Values: - As String = None, As Value = 0
- As String = Agent, As Value = 1
- As String = Agent Variable, As Value = 2
- As String = Agent Hostname, As Value = 3
- As String = Agent Cluster, As Value 5
Default is Agent (1). | N |
| Secondary UDM Agent | If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that provides details about the Secondary UDM Agent machine (secondary transfer server). |
| - Y
If secondaryBrokerChoice = Agent, formOrScript = Form, and secondaryBroker is not specified.
| secondaryBroker
| Secondary UDM Agent Cluster | If secondaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Agent Cluster to use for the Secondary UDM Agent.
| Y (unless secondaryClusterRef is specified) | secondaryClusterRef |
| Secondary UDM Agent Cluster | If secondaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Secondary UDM Agent Cluster to use.
| Y (unless secondaryCluster is specified) | secondaryCluster |
| Secondary Credentials | If serverType = UDM; Secondary user ID and password (local to the host on which the server is running) under which the transfer operation is being carried out. |
| N | secondaryCredVar
| Secondary Credentials Variable | If serverType = UDM; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Secondary Credentials to use. |
| N | secondaryCred
| Secondary File System | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Type of file system on the Secondary server. | Valid Values: - As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
- As String = DSN, As Value = 1
- As String = HFS, As Value = 2
- As String = LIB, As Value = 3
Default is - - None - - (0). | N |
| Append Secondary Open Options | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Any additional free form open command options for the Secondary transfer server. |
| N |
| Transfer Protocol | Type of File Transfer server. |
Valid Values: - As String = FTP, As Value = 1
- As String = SFTP, As Value = 2
- As String = UDM, As Value = 3
- As String = FTPS, As Value = 4
- As String = FTPES, As Value = 5
Default is FTP (1).
| N |
| Show Progress | If serverType = UDM, formOrScript = form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Shows periodic file transfer progress messages in the UDM transfer output. | Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Transfer Direction | If serverType = UDM, formOrScript = form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Direction of the transfer between the Primary and Secondary UDM Agents. | Valid Values: As String = PUT, As Value = 1 As String = GET, As Value = 2
Default is PUT (1). | N |
| Transfer Mode | If serverType = FTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Mode of transfer to use. | Valid Values: - As String = Active, As Value = 1
- As String = Passive, As Value = 2
- As String = Extended Passive, As Value = 3
Default is Passive (2). | N |
| Trim Trailing Spaces | If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = form; Specification for whether or the Controller should trim trailing spaces from lines on a text transfer. | Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| UDM Operation | If serverType = UDM; UDM Operation for this UDM File Transfer to use. | Valid Values:- As String = Copy, As Value = 1
- As String = Move, As Value = 2
- As String = Delete, As Value = 3
- As String = Rename, As Value = 4
- As String = List, As Value = 5
- As String = Copy Directory, As Value = 6
- As String = Create Directory, As Value = 7
- As String = Delete Directory, As Value = 8
Default is Copy (1). | N |
| Append UDM Options | If serverType = UDM; Any additional free-form Universal Data Mover command options. |
| N |
| User Regular Expression | Specification for whether or not to enable the use of a regular expression. If serverType = FTP/SFTP/FTPS/FTPES, the use of regular expression is in localFilename . If serverType = UDM; - If
udmOperation = Copy or Move and transferDirection = PUT; the use of regular expression is in localFilename . - If
udmOperation = Copy or Move and transferDirection = GET; the use of regular expression is in remoteFilename . - If
udmOperation = Delete or List and localFilename is specified; the use of regular expression is in localFilename . - If
udmOperation = Delete or List and remoteFilename is specified; the use of regular expression is in remoteFilename .
| Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false. | N |
| Verify Host Name | If serverType = FTPS or FTPES; Indication of whether to verify the DNS name or IP address of the FTP server's certificate against the host system. | Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false. | N |