Universal Extension 1.0.0 API

Universal Extension 1.0.0 API

Universal Extension Package

UniversalExtension class

Base class for Stonebranch Universal Extension module implementations



This method must be overridden by the custom Extension class that derives from the UniversalExtension class. It is called by UniversalExtension base class in response to a JSS-LAUNCH message sent from the Controller.

This is essentially the main() function for an Extension implementation and is the starting point for work that will be performed. The fields parameter passes in a dictionary of Extension instance fields that were defined in the Extension template.



  • fields: dict
    The fields parameter passes in a dictionary of implementation-dependent fields, which correspond to the Universal Template field names in the Controller’s Template definition for the associated task.


This method can be called at any time by the Extension instance. It is used to propagate state changes back to the associated extension instance in the Controller. Essentially, any/all output fields defined in the associated Extension Template can be updated using this method.

This method results in an ESS-STATUS-UPDATE message being sent from the Worker process to the UAG Extension Manager, followed by a JSS-STATUS(JOB UPDATE) message being sent from UAG Extension Manager to the Controller (via OMS server).



  • fields: dict
    The fields parameter expects a dictionary of output fields to be sent back to the controller for the associated Extension instance. Field names are implementation dependent and correlate with the Universal Template field names in the Controller’s Template definition for the associated task.

ExtensionResult class

class ExtensionResult(**kwargs)

The constructor for the ExtensionResult class takes different forms depending on the context. See the notes below.

Extension Start

The form of the ExtensionResult constructor when instantiated in the context of Extension Start, is as follows:

ExtensionResult(rc=0, message='', output_fields=None, unv_output=None, **kwargs)


int, optional

0This parameter represents the return code of the task instance that initiated the extension_start operation.  The value returned is implementation-defined and therefore left up to the Extension developer.  The value can be used by the “return code processing” of the task instance in the Controller to determine if the Extension task instance is perceived as completing with Success or Failed
messagestr, optionalEmpty string

This parameter specifies a short status string (error message or success message) to be sent to the “Status Description” field on the task instance form.

output_fieldsdict, optionalNone

Dictionary containing output fields. The parameter is a dictionary of output fields to be sent back to the controller for the associated Extension instance.  Field names are implementation dependent and correlate with the Universal Template field names in the Controller's Template definition.

unv_outputstr, optionalNone

This parameter specifies the data that will be returned to the Controller for the command execution. It is interpreted as a UTF-8 encoded text object.

If the output parameter is True, the output_data will be persisted in the Controller as a record under table ops_exec_output, and appearing as Universal Command output type from the task instance Output tab.

Choice Command

The form of the ExtensionResult constructor when instantiated in the context of Choice Command, is as follows:

ExtensionResult(rc=0, message='', values=None, **kwargs)


int, optional


This parameter represents the return code of the ‘choice’ operation and determines whether the command is perceived as completing with success or failure by the Controller.

A value of 0 indicates success. All other values indicate an error condition and will be ignored by the Controller for form field population. However, the Controller will log the command response. The non-zero value used to represent the error condition is implementation defined and therefore left up to the extension developer.

messagestr, optionalEmpty string

This parameter allows the extension to pass a completion message back to the Controller. The message will be logged by the Controller.

valueslist, optionalEmpty List

This parameter specifies a list of string values to be returned to the Controller and used to populate the associated dynamic choice field on the Extension task form.

Dynamic Command

The form of the ExtensionResult constructor when instantiated in the context of Dynamic Command, is as follows:

ExtensionResult(rc=0, message='', output=False, output_data=None, output_name=None, **kwargs)


int, optional


This parameter represents the return code of the Dynamic Command operation and determines whether the command is perceived as completing with success or failure by the Controller.

A value of 0 indicates success. All other values indicate an error condition and the command result will not be added to the Controller's Output tab. However, the Controller will log the command response. The non-zero value used to represent the error condition is implementation defined and therefore left up to the extension developer.

messagestr, optionalEmpty string

The message parameter specifies a short status string (error message or success message) that will be logged by the Controller. 


bool, optional


This parameter is a Boolean value that specifies if the command produced output that should be persisted and displayed under the task instance Output tab in the Controller task instance associated with the dynamic command invocation.

The default value is False.

This flag allows distinguishing between a command that does not produce output and a command that produces output but the output returned was empty.


str, optional


This parameter specifies the data that will be returned to the Controller for the command execution.  It is interpreted as a UTF-8 encoded text object.

If the output attribute is True, the output_data will be persisted in the Controller as a record under table ops_exec_output, and appearing as Universal Command output type from the task instance Output tab.

The default value is None.


str, optional


This parameter is used to provide a custom name for the associated output data.  The output_name (if provided) will be used in the presentation of the output_data by the Controller.

ExtensionLogger class

class ExtensionLogger(name)

Class for providing logging functionality for Universal Extensions. Do not instantiate this class directly. UniversalExtension instantiates this class via a call to the logging.getLogger API call.

Universal Extension Decorator



Register a dynamic choice command.



  • field_name: str
    The field name.


Register a dynamic command.



  • command_name: str
    The name of the dynamic command.

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