File Transfer Task Properties

File Transfer Task Properties

Task Properties: File Transfer Task


UI Field Name




Mutually Exclusive With


Authenticate PeerIf serverType = FTPES; Indication of whether to use a CA certificate configured in the agent to authenticate the FTP server's certificate.Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false.N



If serverType = UDM; Supported code pages for a File Transfer task.

Valid Values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = ISO 8859-1, As Value = 1
  • As String = IBM Latin-1 1047, As Value = 2
  • As String = ISO 8859-2, As Value = 3
  • As String = ISO 8859-3, As Value = 4
  • As String = ISO 8859-4, As Value = 5
  • As String = ISO 8859-5, As Value = 6
  • As String = ISO 8859-6, As Value = 7
  • As String = ISO 8859-7, As Value = 8
  • As String = ISO 8859-8, As Value = 9
  • As String = ISO 8859-9, As Value = 10
  • As String = ISO 8859-10, As Value = 11
  • As String = ISO 8859-13, As Value = 12
  • As String = ISO 8859-14, As Value = 13
  • As String = ISO 8859-15, As Value = 14
  • As String = cp437, As Value = 15
  • As String = cp737, As Value = 16
  • As String = cp775, As Value = 17
  • As String = cp850, As Value = 18
  • As String = cp852, As Value = 19
  • As String = cp855, As Value = 20
  • As String = cp857, As Value = 21
  • As String = cp860, As Value = 22
  • As String = cp861, As Value = 23
  • As String = cp862, As Value = 24
  • As String = cp863, As Value = 25
  • As String = cp864, As Value = 26
  • As String = cp865, As Value = 27
  • As String = cp866, As Value = 28
  • As String = cp869, As Value = 29
  • As String = cp874, As Value = 30
  • As String = cp1250, As Value = 31
  • As String = cp1251, As Value = 32
  • As String = cp1252, As Value = 33
  • As String = cp1253, As Value = 34
  • As String = cp1254, As Value = 35
  • As String = cp1255, As Value = 36
  • As String = cp1256, As Value = 37
  • As String = cp1257, As Value = 38
  • As String = cp1258, As Value = 39
  • As String = IBM Portugal 037, As Value = 40
  • As String = IBM German 273, As Value = 41
  • As String = IBM Danish and Norwegian 277, As Value = 42
  • As String = IBM Sweden and Finland 278, As Value = 43
  • As String = IBM Italian 280, As Value = 44
  • As String = IBM Spanish 284, As Value = 45
  • As String = IBM International 500, As Value = 46
  • As String = IBM Greek 875, As Value = 47
  • As String = IBM Portugal 1140, As Value = 48
  • As String = IBM German 1141, As Value = 49
  • As String = IBM Danish 1142, As Value = 50
  • As String = IBM Finish 1143, As Value = 51
  • As String = IBM Italian 1144, As Value = 52
  • As String = IBM Spanish 1145, As Value = 53
  • As String = IBM UK 1146, As Value = 54
  • As String = IBM Swiss 1148, As Value = 55
  • As String = IBM Greek 4971, As Value = 56

Default is - - None - - (0).




If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; File Transfer command being executed.

Valid Values:

  • As String = GET, As Value = 1
  • As String = PUT, As Value = 2
  • As String = MGET, As Value = 3
  • As String = MPUT, As Value = 4
  • As String = DELETE, As Value = 5
  • As String = MDELETE, As Value = 6
  • As String = MKDIR, As Value = 7
  • As String = RMDIR, As Value = 8

Default is GET (1).




If serverType = UDM; Type of data compression used in the transfer, if any.

Valid Values:

  • As String = YES, As Value = 1
  • As String = NO, As Value = 2
  • As String = ZLIB, As Value = 3
  • As String = HASP, As Value = 4

Default is NO (2).



File Creation Option

If serverType = UDM, formOrScript = Form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Specification for whether the transferred file should be created (new), appended, or should replace any existing file.

Valid Values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = APPEND, As Value = 1
  • As String = NEW, As Value = 2
  • As String = REPLACE, As Value = 3

Default is - - None - - (0).




If serverType = UDM; Method of encryption that the Controller will use in the transfer.

Valid Values:

  • As String = YES, As Value = 1
  • As String = NO, As Value = 2
  • As String = RC4-SHA, As Value = 3
  • As String = RC4-MD5, As Value = 4
  • As String = AES256-SHA, As Value = 5
  • As String = AES128-SHA, As Value = 6
  • As String = DES-CBC3-SHA, As Value = 7
  • As String = DES-CBC-SHA, As Value = 8
  • As String = NULL-SHA, As Value = 9
  • As String = NULL-MD5, As Value = 10
  • As String = NULL-NULL, As Value = 11

Default is NO (2).



Output File

If outputType = FILE (3); Path and file name containing the output that you want automatically retrieved and attached to the task instance.



Exit Code Processing

If serverType = UDM; Specification for how the Controller should determine whether the executed command failed or completed successfully.

Valid Values:

  • As String = Success Exitcode Range, As Value = 1
  • As String = Failure Exitcode Range, As Value = 2
  • As String = Success Output Contains, As Value = 3
  • As String = Failure Output Contains, As Value = 4
  • As String = Step Conditions, As Value = 5

Default is Success Exitcode Range (1).



Exit Codes

If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Range of exit codes.

Format: Numeric. Use commas to list a series of exit codes; use hyphens to specify a range. For example: 1,5, 22-30.



Scan Output For

If exitCodeProcessing = Success Exitcode Range (1) or Failure Exitcode Range (2); Text for which the Controller should scan the output file. The Controller will process this field as a regular expression.



Transfer Type

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Type of data transfer.

Valid Values:

  • As String = Binary, As Value = 1
  • As String = ASCII or Text, As Value = 2

Default is Binary (1).



Form or Script

If serverType = UDM; Form or Script for this UDM File Transfer to use.

Valid Values:

  • As String = Form, As Value = 1
  • As String = Script, As Value = 2

Default is Form (1).



Subcommands (z/OS only)

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Any subcommands used in the JCL statement.



Job Card (zOS only)]

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Job card information for the JCL statement.



Local Filename

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Path and file name on the local server (that is, the "transfer from" file name).



Primary File(s)

If serverType = UDM; Specifies the File(s) on the Primary UDM Agent.


  • If formOrScript = Form and udmOperation = Copy or Move.
  • If formOrScript = Form, udmOperation = Copy Directory, and transferDirection = PUT.



If transferProtocol = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES, and command = GET, MGET, PUT, or MPUT; Modifies the behavior of GET/MGET and PUT/MPUT by deleting the primary file(s) after being transferred to the destination.
GET/MGET with Move enabled will delete the files from the remote FTP server; PUT/MPUT with Move enabled will delete the files from the local FTP client..



Network Fault Tolerant

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = form; Enable if the session is network fault tolerant.

Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false.



Output Type

If exitCodeProcessing = Success Output Contains (3) or Failure Output Contains (4); Type of output.

Valid Values:

  • As String = STDOUT, As Value = 1
  • As String = STDERR, As Value = 2
  • As String = FILE, As Value = 3

Default is STDOUT (1).



Primary UDM Agent

If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that describes the Primary UDM Agent machine (primary transfer server).

  • Y
    If formOrScript = Form, and primaryBrokerChoice = Hostname or Agent Variable.
    If formOrScript = Form, primaryBrokerChoice =  Agent, and primaryBrokerChoice is not specified.



Primary UDM Agent Option

If serverType = UDM; Specification for how you will specify the Primary UDM Agent.


The Agent Variable value is valid for PUT/POST.  GET will no longer support the Agent Variable (2) option.

Valid Values:

  • As String = None, As Value = 0
  • As String = Agent, As Value = 1
  • As String = Agent Variable, As Value = 2
  • As String = Agent Hostname, As Value = 3
  • As String = Utility Agent, As Value =4
  • As String = Agent Cluster, As Value = 5

Default is Agent (1).



Primary UDM Agent

If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that describes the Primary UDM Agent machine (primary transfer server).

  • Y
    If formOrScript = Form,  primaryBrokerChoice = Agent and primaryBroker is not specified.



Primary UDM Agent Cluster

If primaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Agent Cluster to use for the Primary UDM Agent.

Y  (unless primaryClusterRef is specified)primaryClusterRef


Primary UDM Agent Cluster

If primaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Primary UDM Agent Cluster to use.

Y (unless primaryCluster is specified)primaryCluster


Primary Credentials

If serverType = UDM; Primary user ID and password (local to the host on which the server is running) under which the transfer operation is being carried out.



Primary Credentials Variable

If serverType = UDM; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Primary Credentials to use.



Primary File System

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Type of file system on the Primary server.

Valid Values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = DSN, As Value = 1
  • As String = HFS, As Value = 2
  • As String = LIB, As Value = 3

Default is - - None - - (0).



Append Primary  Open Options

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Any additional free form open command options for the Primary transfer server.



FTP Credentials

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Login credentials that the Agent will use to access the FTP or SFTP server machine.

If the File Transfer server and Agent are running on the same machine, enter the same credentials as those you entered in the Credentials field.

Y (unless remoteCredVar is specified)



FTP Credentials Variable

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the FTP Credentials to use.

Y (unless remoteCredentials is specified)



Remote Filename

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Path and file name on the remote server (that is, the "transfer to" file name).



Secondary File(s)

If serverType = UMD; Specifies the File(s) on the Secondary UDM Agent.


  • If formOrScript = Form and udmOperation = Copy or Move.
  • If formOrScript = Form, udmOperation = Copy Directory, and transferDirection = GET.


Remote Server

If serverType = FTP, SFTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Name or IP address of the File Transfer server.

This machine may or may not be the same as the Agent machine. You also can specify a non-standard FTP or SFTP port:

  • For FTP, specify the port number separated from the host name with a space: "some.server.com 2222".
  • For SFTP, specify the port number separated from the host name with a colon: "some.server.com:2222".



Retry Exit Codes

Exit code range for which an auto-retry of tasks in FAILED status will occur.

Range must be in the same format as exitCodes.



Retry Indefinitely

Specification for whether or not the Controller should continue trying indefinitely to run this task. If you enable this field, it overrides any value placed in retryMaximum.

Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false.



Retry Interval (Seconds)

Number of seconds between each retry.

Integer; Default is 60.



Maximum Retries

Maximum number of times that the Controller should retry this task after it has started and gone to a FAILED state.

Integer; Default is 0.



Suppress Intermediate Failures

Specification for whether or not the following will be suppressed until all scheduled retry attempts have been made:

  • All Actions (Abort, Email Notification, Set Variable, SNMP Notification, and System Operation) to be made against the task instance.
  • Workflow conditional path processing; any Successors waiting on a failure path will not be released.
  • Task Monitors will not be notified of the Failed status. Also, any Task Monitor task that has a Time Scope in the past will disqualify any matching task instance in the past with a Failed status if the task instance is scheduled for automatic retry and for which Suppress Intermediate Failures has been enabled.
  • Any Workflow containing the Failed task instance will not transition to the Running/Problems status.

Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false.



Runtime Directory

If serverType = UDM; Directory from which the application should be executed.

Variables are supported.




If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Script; Name of a script to execute for this File Transfer task.



Secondary UDM Agent

If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that provides details about the Secondary UDM Agent machine (secondary transfer server).

  • Y
    If secondaryBrokerChoice = Hostname or Agent Variable and formOrScript = Form
    secondaryBrokerChoice = Agent, formOrScript = Form, and secondaryBrokerRef is not specified.



Secondary UDM Agent Option

If serverType = UDM; Specification for how you will specify the Secondary UDM Agent.


The Agent Variable value is valid for PUT/POST.  GET will no longer support the Agent Variable (2) option.

Valid Values:

  • As String = None, As Value = 0
  • As String = Agent, As Value = 1
  • As String = Agent Variable, As Value = 2
  • As String = Agent Hostname, As Value = 3
  • As String = Agent Cluster, As Value 5

Default is Agent (1).



Secondary UDM Agent

If serverType = UDM; Name of the Agent resource defined in the Controller that provides details about the Secondary UDM Agent machine (secondary transfer server).

  • Y
    If secondaryBrokerChoice = Agent, formOrScript = Form, and secondaryBroker is not specified.



Secondary UDM Agent Cluster

If secondaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Agent Cluster to use for the Secondary UDM Agent.

Y  (unless secondaryClusterRef is specified)secondaryClusterRef


Secondary UDM Agent Cluster

If secondaryBrokerChoice = Cluster: Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Secondary UDM Agent Cluster to use.

Y (unless secondaryCluster is specified)secondaryCluster


Secondary  Credentials

If serverType = UDM; Secondary user ID and password (local to the host on which the server is running) under which the transfer operation is being carried out.




Secondary  Credentials Variable

If serverType = UDM; Name of a variable that will be resolved at run time to the name of the Secondary Credentials to use.




Secondary File System

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Type of file system on the Secondary server.

Valid Values:

  • As String = -- None --, As Value = 0
  • As String = DSN, As Value = 1
  • As String = HFS, As Value = 2
  • As String = LIB, As Value = 3

Default is - - None - - (0).



Append Secondary Open Options

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = Form; Any additional free form open command options for the Secondary transfer server.



Transfer Protocol

Type of File Transfer server.


You cannot select a serverType if it has been excluded via the File Transfer Task Exclude Protocols Universal Controller system property.

Valid Values:

  • As String = FTP, As Value = 1
  • As String = SFTP, As Value = 2
  • As String = UDM, As Value = 3
  • As String = FTPS, As Value = 4
  • As String = FTPES, As Value = 5

Default is FTP (1).



Show Progress

If serverType = UDM, formOrScript = form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Shows periodic file transfer progress messages in the UDM transfer output.

Boolean; Valid values: true/false. Default is false.N


Transfer DirectionIf serverType = UDM, formOrScript = form, and udmOperation = Copy, Move, or Copy Directory; Direction of the transfer between the Primary and Secondary UDM Agents.

Valid Values:

  • As String = PUT, As Value = 1

  • As String = GET, As Value = 2

Default is PUT (1).



Transfer Mode

If serverType = FTP, FTPS, or FTPES; Mode of transfer to use.

Valid Values:

  • As String = Active, As Value = 1
  • As String = Passive, As Value = 2
  • As String = Extended Passive, As Value = 3

Default is Passive (2).



Trim Trailing Spaces

If serverType = UDM and formOrScript = form; Specification for whether or the Controller should trim trailing spaces from lines on a text transfer.

Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false.



UDM OperationIf serverType = UDM; UDM Operation for this UDM File Transfer to use.Valid Values:
  • As String = Copy, As Value = 1
  • As String = Move, As Value = 2
  • As String = Delete, As Value = 3
  • As String = Rename, As Value = 4
  • As String = List, As Value = 5
  • As String = Copy Directory, As Value = 6
  • As String = Create Directory, As Value = 7
  • As String = Delete Directory, As Value = 8

Default is Copy (1).



Append UDM Options

If serverType = UDM; Any additional free-form Universal Data Mover command options.



User Regular Expression

Specification for whether or not to enable the use of a regular expression.

If serverType = FTP/SFTP/FTPS/FTPES, the use of regular expression is in localFilename.

If serverType = UDM;

  • If udmOperation = Copy or Move and transferDirection = PUT;  the use of regular expression is in localFilename.
  • If udmOperation = Copy or Move and transferDirection = GET;  the use of regular expression is in remoteFilename.
  • If udmOperation = Delete or List and localFilename is specified; the use of regular expression is in localFilename.
  • If udmOperation = Delete or List and remoteFilename is specified; the use of regular expression is in remoteFilename.

Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false.



Verify Host Name If serverType = FTPS or FTPES; Indication of whether to verify the DNS name or IP address of the FTP server's certificate against the host system.Boolean; Valid Values: true/false. Default is false.N

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