Applying Maintenance to Universal Controller


For Universal Controller 7.7.x, applying maintenance refers to the increase from a currently installed 6.1.x or later release of the Controller to a 7.7.x release of the Controller (for example, increase Controller to Controller

Java 8 support is dropped starting in Universal Controller 7.7.x. See Universal Controller 7.7.x Prerequisites for supported versions.

Universal Controller Maintenance

As a precautionary measure, it is highly recommended that you back up the Universal Controller database prior to applying maintenance.


These instructions assume that you are running a High Availability Universal Controller system: a system configured with Active and Passive Controllers (cluster nodes). If you are running a single Controller, disregard the steps for the Passive Controllers.

To apply maintenance to the currently installed release of Universal Controller:

Step 1

From the Stonebranch Customer Portal, download the Universal Controller 7.7.x package (for instructions, see Downloading Universal Controller Software).

Step 2 If any JDBC drivers have been added to the Controller installation, these should be backed up prior to the application of maintenance and then copied back after the application. Instructions for adding drivers can be found here

Step 3

Unpack the Universal Controller distribution file, using the following method appropriate for your platform:
Use an appropriate archiving / unzipping product.

tar -xvf universal-controller-N.N.N.N.tar

Step 4

Stop the Tomcat container in which the Passive cluster node is deployed.
Use the services application to stop Tomcat. You also can issue the stop command on a command line:

net stop [name of Tomcat service]

Stop the daemon using the script found in the /etc/init.d directory for Tomcat.

service [name of Tomcat service] stop

Windows or UNIX
Stop the service using the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.bat or $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ scripts:

  • Windows

    cd $CATALINA_HOME\bin
  • Linux/Unix

    cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin

Step 5

Stop the Tomcat container in which the Active cluster node is deployed, using one of the methods shown in Step 4.

Step 6

For the Active cluster node deployment:

  1. Delete the existing deployment directory and war file from your webapps directory.

    The Controller installation process renamed the unpacked war file (universal-controller-N.N.N.N-build.N.war) as uc.war, so the following would be your deployment directory and war file:


If you want to rename the deployment directory and uc.war for back-up, you must do so outside of the Tomcat folder.

2. Copy the war file from the new downloaded package to your webapps directory and rename the war file uc.war.

3. Start the Tomcat container in which the Active cluster node is deployed.


We recommend that all Universal Controller users clear their browser cache and close their browser prior to re-opening and navigating back to the Universal Controller URL to ensure that the most recent client updates are loaded.

4. Log in to the Active cluster node deployment with user ops.admin or a user with equivalent authorization and verify the installation (see Verify the Installation, below).


If you have deployed any JDBC driver jar files (or in the case of DB2, a JDBC driver license jar file) to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/uc/WEB-INF/lib directory, you must recopy these files to this directory and restart Tomcat after your initial validation.

Step 7

Repeat Step 6 for the Passive cluster node deployment.

Verify the Installation

To make sure the Controller is installed, running, and communication with Universal Agent and Universal Message Service (OMS), verify the installation after you have logged on:

Step 1

From the Home dashboard, verify that the System Details widget displays the appropriate Universal Controller release.

Step 2

From the Agents navigation pane, select Agents > All Agents or Agents > <type of Agent>. You will see a list similar to the following example. Make sure the Status of the Agent is Active.

Step 3

From the System navigation pane, select System > OMS Servers. You will see a list similar to the following example. Make sure the Status of the OMS Servers are Connected.

Step 4

For more information about these components in the Universal Controller user interface, see: